Pebbles are released into the top of the core one by one with the reactor operating. However, the company had to withdraw some exaggerated claims concerning actinide burn-up made in MIT Technology Review in 2016 and revised the design to using 5% enriched uranium. These are described in the Molten salt reactorssection below. In August 2016 Southern Nuclear Operating Company signed an agreement to work with X-energy to collaborate on development and commercialization of their respective small reactor designs. States can reliably meet 100 percent of their electricity needs with renewable energy. The US Department of Energy is collaborating with the China Academy of Sciences on the programme, which had a start-up budget of $350 million. Its 300-400 MWt size means it can be shipped by rail. BWXT was awarded $28 million for this (seeMilitary developments sectionabove). The obligations of the Parties are based to a large extent on the principles contained in the IAEA Safety Fundamentals document The Safety of Nuclear Installations. The emergency core cooling system would have prevented any damage to the reactor but for the intervention of the operators. In June 2017 Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL)invited expressions of interest in SMRs. Burn-up is about 15 GWd/t. It means that a lot of the engineering for safety including heat removal in large reactors is not needed in the small reactorsd. Thorium Tech Solutions (TTS) plans to commercialize the Fuji concept, and is working on it with the Halden test reactor in Norway. In November 2018 the Canadian government released its SMR Roadmap, a 10-month nationwide study of SMR technology. The company anticipates a 12-year development and licensing period, which is in line with the 80 MWt experimental technology demonstration gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) in the Generation IV programmel. It used the pyrometallurgically-refined used fuel from light water reactors as fuel, including a wide range of actinides. Various studies have looked at similar attacks on nuclear power plants. Simpler and/or passive safety systems require less testing and are not as prone to inadvertent initiation. Elena Pashina, Rosatom SMR technology for the market, presented at Energiforsk Annual Nuclear Conference 2021 on Small Modular Reactors held on 20-21 January 2021, HTTR Home Pagepage on the Japan Atomic Energy Agency website The site licence takes account of worst case flooding scenarios as well as other possible natural disasters and, more recently, the possible effects of climate change. It was preceded in 1999 by the Western European Nuclear Regulators' Association (WENRA), a network of Chief Regulators of EU countries with nuclear power plants and Switzerland, with membership from 17 countries. Shut down of Fermi Unit 2 after main turbine experienced major failure due to improper maintenance: 0: 67: 14 January 1995: Wiscasset, Maine, USA: Ignatiev, V & Feynberg, O, Kurchatov Inst, Molten Salt Reactor: overview and perspectives, OECD 2012 Since 2010 Sosny has been involved with Luch Scientific Production Association (SRI SIA Luch) and Russia's N.A. A design certification application was expected by NRC inSeptember 2013, but the company has stepped back from lodging one while it re-assesses the market for small reactors. It was understood, as indicated by testimony before the Board, that CEI would provide supervision on any shifts when non-routine work was carried out. Yujie Dong, Technologies of HTR-PM Plant and its economic potential, INET/Tsinghua University, presented at the IAEA Technical Meeting on the Economic Analysis of HTGRs and SMRs held in Vienna, Austria on 25-28 August 2015, Hyperion Power website Hans Albrecht Bethe (German pronunciation: [hans bet] (); July 2, 1906 March 6, 2005) was a German-American theoretical physicist who made major contributions to nuclear physics, astrophysics, quantum electrodynamics, and solid-state physics, and who won the 1967 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis. Lithium-beryllium fluoride and lithium fluoride salts remain liquid without pressurization up to 1400C, in marked contrast to a PWR which operates at about 315C under 150 atmospheres pressure. The partial meltdown at Three Mile Island Unit 2 is considered the most serious nuclear accident in U.S. history, although it resulted in only small radioactive releases. The results of the reassessment were peer-reviewed and shared among regulators. PBMR Considering Change In Product Strategy, PBMR (Pty) news release (5 February 2009). The first two of theseadvanced reactors began operating in Japan in 1996. This justifies significant capital expenditure in upgrading systems and components, including building in extra performance margins. [9] The reactor building was not a pressure-type containment shell as would have been used for reactors located in populated areas. In the 60-year history of civil nuclear power generation, with over 18,500 cumulative reactor-years across 36 countries, there have been only three significant accidents at nuclear power plants: Of all the accidents and incidents, only the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents resulted in radiation doses to the public greater than those resulting from the exposure to natural sources. Besides these test failures, there were an additional 21 rod-sticking incidents from February 1959 to December 1960; four of these had occurred in the last month of operation during routine rod withdrawal. Can we prevent them from being used again? B&W introduces scalable, practical nuclear energy, Babcock & Wilcox press release (10 June 2009);Small Reactors Generate Big Hopes, Wall Street Journal (18 February 2010) [Back] Nuclear Power in the United States. This will use low-enriched uranium plus thorium as a fuel, largely dispensing with the plutonium input of the version for domestic use. A plant spokesman stated that an assessment is underway to determine the cause of the steam leak and develop a repair timeline, however, I&M does not release return-to-service projection information for generation units for competitive reasons. Understandably, with this in mind, some people were disinclined to accept the risk, however low the probability. Everyone can see it. [11] In Idaho Falls: The untold story of America's first nuclear accident,[31] the author indicates that the rescue teams identified Byrnes as the man found still alive, believing that Legg's body was the one found next to the reactor shield and recovered the night after the accident, and that McKinley was impaled by the control rod to the ceiling directly above the reactor. In January 2016 Holtec said that development continued with support from Mitsubishi and PSEG Power and in July 2017 a partner agreement with SNC-Lavalin based in Ontario was formalised, involving engineering support and licensing. Both have standard type fuel assemblies and fuel enriched to <5% with burnable poison giving 30-month refuelling. A few of these are gases at normal temperatures, more are volatile at higher temperatures, and both will be released from the fuel if the cladding is damaged. High hopes for hydride, Nuclear Engineering International (January 2009). United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Evaluation of Data on Thyroid Cancer in Regions Affected by the Chernobyl Accident, A white paper to guide the Scientific Committees future programme of work, 2018, 2016-2022 World Nuclear Association, registered in England and Wales, number 01215741. As a fast reactor it can burn U-238, actinides and thorium as well as used light water reactor fuel, requiring no enrichment apart from initial fuel load (these details from TerraPower, not Southern). The reactor core minus the fuel, along with the other components sent to the Hot Shop for study, was eventually disposed of at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex. Operating power was 200 kW electrical and 400kW thermal for space heating. The S1W reactor was a Pressurized Water Reactor.This design was chosen because it was simpler, more compact, and easier to operate compared to (USNC is also developing an accident-tolerant shutdown system for NASA in nuclear thermal propulsion systems.). The Super-Safe, Small & Simple (4S) 'nuclear battery' system is being developed by Toshiba and the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) in Japan in collaboration with SSTAR work and Westinghouse (owned by Toshiba) in the USA. Pb-208 54% of naturally-occurring lead is transparent to neutrons. SINAP sees this design having potential for higher temperatures than MSRs with fuel salt. Because the SL-1 accident killed all three of the military operators on site, Tucker calls it "the deadliest nuclear reactor incident in U.S. The secondary coolant is FLiNaK (LiF-KF-NaF) salt to a steam generator. It claims good load-following capability, in line with EPRI requirements and also black start capability. The fuel assemblies are about 6 inches (15cm) square by about 12 feet (3.7m) long. The combination enables a fully closed fuel cycle on one site. See also Table in Appendix 2: Serious Nuclear Reactor Accidents. Site-specific licensing procedures must also be completed before any construction can begin. The fuel as 60 mm diameter pebbles is 8.5% enriched (520,000 elements in the two reactors) giving 90 GWd/t discharge burn-up. Scope of this article. Because lead coolant operates at atmospheric pressure and does not exothermically react with air or with power conversion fluids (such as supercritical carbon dioxide and water), LFR technology also eliminates the need and associated expense of extra components and redundant safety systems required by other plant designs for protection against coolant leakages. These are the oldest and smallest of the Indian pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) range, with a total of 16 now online, 800 MWt, 220 MWe gross typically. Then in November 2016 Rosatom said it expected to work out the main specifications for construction of the SVBR-100 by mid-2017, but in 2018 the project was dropped. Another reactor module could then take its place in the overall plant. Then BWXT Advanced Technologies and X-energy were selected in March 2021 to develop a final engineering design by March 2022. This is the first stage in the ABS's five-phase New Technology Qualification process. The maximum amplitude of this tsunami was 23 metres at point of origin, about 160 km from Fukushima. A 1000 MWt, 335 MWe capacity was proposed, although it could be scaled down to 100 MWe. It comprises senior officials from the national nuclear safety, radioactive waste safety or radiation protection regulatory authorities from all 27 EU member states, and representatives of the European Commission. A key statistic makes it clear why the core blew apart: the reactor designed for a 3 MW power output operated momentarily at a peak of about 20 GW, a power density over 6,000 times higher than its safe operating limit. AJune 2016 reportfor the Ontario Ministry of Energy focused on nine designs under 25 MWe for off-grid remote sites. Onshore installation of the similar RITM-200N is also envisaged, with one or more modules of 190 MWt/55 MWe, fuel enriched to almost 20% and 5-6 year fuel cycle. The first means that beyond an optimal level, as the temperature increases the efficiency of the reaction decreases (this in fact is used to control power levels in some new designs). Additionally, "There is no evidence of molten material having flowed out between the plates." PWR types may have integral steam generators, in which case the reactor pressure vessel needs to be larger, limiting portability from factory to site. A 100 MWt demonstration pebble-bed plant with open fuel cycle is planned by about 2025. Attrition of fuel tends to give rise to graphite dust with radioactivity in the coolant circuit. Russias Molten Salt Actinide Recycler and Transmuter (MOSART) is a larger fast reactor fuelled only by transuranic (TRU) fluorides from uranium and MOX LWR used fuel. Those same lines are used to supply electricity to the site's safety equipment. Its mass would be 4.95 kg, with 0.7 kg of Am-242m nuclear fuel, and diameter 19 cm. Apparently during the Cold War neither Russia nor the USA targeted the other's nuclear power plants because the likely damage would be modest. In September 2018, X-energy said that its design was about 50% complete, and that it hoped the full design would be finalized by 2022 or 2023. In June 2019 Holtec signed a partnership agreement with Energoatom and Ukraine's national nuclear consultant, State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC-NRS), to establish a consortium to explore the environmental and technical feasibility of qualifying a 'generic' SMR-160 system that can be built and operated at any candidate site in the country. Passive safety means no operator intervention is required for seven days in the event of an accident. Fuel channel integrity is another limiting factor for Candu reactors, and mid-life inspection and analysis can extend the original 175,000 full-power operating hours design assumption to 300,000 hours. Also in some kinds of reactor, particularly early boiling water types, the containment is rendered inert by injection of nitrogen. The original Fermi3 project was to be a companion unit identical to Fermi2. This simplified MSR integrates the primary reactor components, including primary heat exchangers to secondary clean salt circuit,in a sealed and replaceable core vessel that has a projected life of seven years. (2) It is behind schedule. Some of the early (1950s-1980) small power reactors were developed so as to provide an autonomous power source (ie not requiring continual fuel delivery) in remote areas. However, more investment, through public-private partnerships is needed in order to assure that SMRs are a viable option in the mid-2020s. The IAEA undertakes Safety Aspects of Long-Term Operation (SALTO) evaluations of reactors on request from member countries. The melting point of the Pb-Bi coolant is 123.5C, so it is readily kept molten during shutdown by decay heat supplemented by external heat sources if required. After 14 years a neutron absorber at the centre of the core is removed and the reflector repeats its slow movement up the core for 16 more years. A theoretical exercise published in 2006 showed that the smallest possible thermal fission reactor would be a spherical aqueous homogenous one powered by a solution of Am-242m(NO3)3in water. Wood, Laing ORourke, Cammell Laird and Kinectrics are involved. Rapid-L: ( In December 2019 the CNSC and the US NRC selected Terrestrial Energy's IMSR for the first joint technical review of an advanced, non-light water nuclear reactor. It was to contribute most of the capital, and Rosatom is now looking for another investor. One TW.yr is the amount of electricity used by the world in about five months. The fuel is uranium-zirconium hydride enriched to 20% and with a little burnable poison and requiring refuelling every 18 months. All had a medium level of technology readiness and were expected to be competitive against diesel. There is very little decay heat after shutdown. It is working on a lead-bismuth cooled design of 35 MW which would operate on pyro-processed fuel. Typically, the coolant temperature lags behind the power by 3 to 5 seconds in a conventional LWR. It is designed as a module in larger plant and would be installed underground. Thus, even if the containment structure that surrounds all modern nuclear plants were ruptured, as was the case with one of the Fukushima reactors, it is still very effective in preventing the escape of most radioactivity. The report states that a quarter of the cases in 2001-2008 were "probably" due to high doses of radiation, and that this fraction was likely to have been higher in earlier years, and lower in later years. Hence there is provision for relieving pressure, sometimes with a vent system, but this must work and be controlled without power. [14] The 3 MW (thermal) boiling water reactor (BWR) used 93.20% highly enriched uranium fuel. Russia has experimented with several lead-cooled reactor designs, and gained 70 reactor-years experience with lead-bismuth cooling to 1990s in submarine reactors. The eVinci microreactor of 1 MWe to 5 MWe, but typically 1.6 MWe in present plans, would be fully factory built and fuelled. Financial constraints led to delays8and in September 2010 the South African government confirmed it would stop funding the project9and closed it down. The software is composed of an editor and the simulator part itself. Operating plant lifetime is 40 years. Automated inspection equipment has also been installed in these reactors. The fuel-salt is a eutectic of standard-assay (5%) low-enriched uranium fuel (UF4) and a fluoride carrier salt at atmospheric pressure. "Operations responded and stabilized the plant. Holtec had earlier developed a concept design called the Holtec Inherently Safe Modular Underground Reactor (HI-SMUR). Flibe Energyin the USAis studying a 40 MW two-fluid graphite-moderated thermal reactor concept based on the 1960s-'70s US molten-salt reactor programme. There is a lot of international collaboration, but it has evolved from the bottom, and only in 1990s has there been any real top-down initiative. Early in 2019 the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) formed a joint venture with Penultimate Power UK to build a 10 MWe SMR there based on the HTTR referred to as the EH HTGR for power and process heat in industrial clusters. On October 5, 1966 Fermi1 suffered a partial fuel meltdown. [41] Interviews with scientists, archival film, and contemporary footage, as well as slow-motion sequences, are used in the film. But a fewapproximately 0.7 percent in a U-235-fueled reactor operating at steady-stateare produced through the relatively slow radioactive decay of certain fission products. The core consists of unclad graphite moderator arranged to allow the flow of salt at some 700C and at low pressure. It has a 60-year design operating lifetime. An antecedent was the ML-1 nitrogen-cooled reactor with closed cycle gas turbine, designed to be air-portable and part of the US Army Nuclear Power Program (ANPP). The PBMR has a vertical steel reactor pressure vessel which contains and supports a metallic core barrel, which in turn supports the cylindrical pebble fuel core. The destroyed unit 4 was enclosed in a concrete shelter, which was replaced by a more permanent structure in 2017. A smaller and newer Russian design as a small modular reactor was to be the lead-bismuth fast reactor (SVBR) of 280 MWt, 100 MWe, being developed by AKME-engineering and involving Gidropress in the design. [15] Hot spots up to 400 R/hr were discovered and removed from the work area. In December 2009, AKME-engineering, a 50-50 joint venture, was set up by Rosatom and the En+ Group (a subsidiary of Basic Element Group) as an open joint stock company to develop and build a pilot SVBR unit14. 18. The response team of six firemen (Ken Dearden Asst Chief, Mel Hess Lt., Bob Archer, Carl Johnson, Egon Lamprecht, Gerald Stuart, & Vern Conlon) arrived nine minutes later, expecting another false alarm. EM2page on the General Atomics Energy Group website Refuelling interval would be 7-8 years and 60-year operating lifetime was envisaged. Atomproekt is architect general, and OKBM Afrikantov the designer. They are moderated and cooled by heavy water, and the natural uranium oxide fuel is in horizontal pressure tubes, allowing refuelling online (maintenance outages are scheduled after 24 months). * Terrestrial Energys IMSR; USNCs MMR-5 and MMR-10; LeadCold Nuclears SEALER; ARC Nuclears ARC-100; Moltexs Stable Salt Reactor; SMRs SMR-160; NuScales Power Module; U-Battery's U-Battery, GE Hitachi's BWRX-300; X-energy's Xe-100. Reactor sizes of 1500 MWe/3600 MWt are envisaged, with capital costs estimated at less than $1000/kW. In May 2021 GEH said that if the design was selected by Ontario Power Generation it planned to bring the BWRX-300 to commercial readiness in partnership with OPG, and that it would be manufactured and constructed in Ontario, with the first unit built at Darlington. Potential for sub-grade (underground or underwater) location of the reactor unit providing more protection from natural (. This is the 50 MWt BANR (BWXT Advanced Nuclear Reactor) about which few details have been released. On the other hand a practical reactor can be distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) It is being built now. LeadCold Reactors(Blykalla Reaktorer) was founded in 2013 as a spin-off company from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. In 2007, Nukem reported that it had recovered the expertise for this and was making it available as industry support. Many occupational accident statistics have been generated over the last 40 years of nuclear reactor operations in the US and UK. [32], The evacuation of McKinley turned quickly into a major radiological problem. While MSR technology has been researched in many countries for decades, it is generally perceived that licensing MSRs is a major challenge and that in general there is so far very limited experience in design or operation of MSRs. The consequent increase in moderator density results in an increase in core reactivity11. Another antecedent was GE's fast reactor power plant for USS Seawolf 1957-58. The NRC said it expects to finalize the draft paper by November, with submission of the first non-LWR application expected by December 2019. Nuclear Power in the United States. Such ordinary fission bombs would henceforth be regarded as small tactical nuclear weapons. Operators reported to their regulators who then reported progress to the European Commission by the end of 2011. Or each module can supply 1000 GJ/hr, giving 12,000 m3/day desalination (with MED). Another accident rated at level 4 occurred in a fuel processing plant in Japan in September 1999. The whole reactor system would be installed below ground level, with used fuel storage. No major design changes were called for in western reactors, but controls and instrumentation were improved significantly and operator training was overhauled. Burn-up is 120-200 GWd/t. The United States responded with the development of the hydrogen bomb, a nuclear weapon a thousand times as powerful as the bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 2014 two papers on nuclear marine propulsion were published arising from a major international industry project led by Lloyd's Register. A preliminary safety analysis report for a single unit demonstration plant at Changjiang was approved in April 2020. Studies of the post-accident situation at TMI (where there was no breach of containment) supported the suggestion, and analysis of Fukushima will be incomplete until the reactors are dismantled. New high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTRs) are being developed which will be capable of delivering high temperature (700-950C and eventually up to about 1000C) helium either for industrial application via a heat exchanger, or to make steam conventionally in a secondary circuit via a steam generator, or directly to drive a Brayton cycle* gas turbine for electricity with almost 50% thermal efficiency possible (efficiency increases around 1.5% with each 50C increment). Plans to build were announced in July 1968. A demonstration NuScale SMR built as part of Project WIN was projected to be operational by 2024, at the DOEs Idaho National Laboratory (INL), with UAMPS as the owner and ENW the operator. Passive decay heat removal is by air convection. Inherent or full passive safety depends only on physical phenomena such as convection, gravity or resistance to high temperatures, not on functioning of engineered components. 2 Brattle Square, Cambridge MA 02138, USA The reactors need to be designed to be operated by a crew of six, with one fully qualified engineer and a single operator on duty at all times. Initial fuel will be low-enriched uranium (10.1% inner zone, 12.1% middle zone, 17.2% outer zone among 92 fuel assemblies over 1.5 m fuelled height) but it will be able to burn wastes from light water reactors, or plutonium. Due to the reactor protection system actuation while critical, this event is being reported as a four-hour, non-emergency notification per 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B). In the SL-1 design, it was about 6 milliseconds before steam formation started. Other incidents (and one 'accident') have been completely confined to the plant. Measures to prevent and mitigate accidents resulting from extreme natural hazards. Core temperature is 500-600C, at atmospheric pressure. The 200 MWt (72 MWe)HTR-modulwas then designed by Siemens/Interatom as a modular unit to be constructed in pairs, with a core height three times its diameter, allowing passive cooling for removal of decay heat, eliminating the need for emergency core cooling systems. US utility requirements are 1 in 100,000 years, the best currently operating plants are about 1 in one million and those likely to be built in the next decade are almost 1 in 10 million. The World Health Organization is closely monitoring most of those affected. A review of these is listed in the References section. Despite the SL-1 reactor building containing most of the radioactivity, iodine-131 levels on plant buildings reached fifty times background levels downwind during several days of monitoring. It is not designed to ensure fulfilment of obligations by Parties through control and sanction, but is based on their common interest to achieve higher levels of safety. In March 2017 the company entered into a contract with the University of New Brunswick for validation and verification work for the IMSR. Initiative for small fast reactors, World Nuclear News (4 January 2010);En+ Group and Rosatom Form JV To Create Fast Neutron Reactor, En+ Group press release (25 December 2009). Although portions of the center of SL-1's core had been vaporized briefly, very little corium was recovered. CNL aims to have a new SMR at its Chalk River site by 2026. After some operational experience the Pamir project was scrapped in 1985-86. The Rise of Nuclear Technology 2.0 Tractebel's Vision on Small Modular Reactors, Tractebel (2020) Pacific Gas & Electric planned to build the first commercially viable nuclear Phase 2 of this commenced in January 2020. On November 17, 1994, the highest radiation reading measured at 2.5 feet (0.75 m) above the surface at the SL-1 burial ground was 0.5 mR/hour; local background radiation was 0.2 mR/hour. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission defines two emergency planning zones around nuclear power plants: a plume exposure pathway zone with a radius of 10 miles (16km), concerned primarily with exposure to, and inhalation of, airborne radioactive contamination, and an ingestion pathway zone of about 50 miles (80km), concerned primarily with ingestion of food and liquid contaminated by radioactivity. All require conventional cooling of the steam condenser. The scientists questioned the [former operators of SL-1]: "Did you know that the reactor would go critical if the central control rod were removed?" The Rolls-Royce SMR consortium, involving many of the major UK engineering firms, aims to build 16 reactors, each a pressurized water type of 470 MWe. Subject to NRC approval, this would lower the overnight capital cost to about $4200 per kilowatt, and lower the LCOE by 18%. In France, for instance, they were imposed by ASN requirements, which took into account exchanges with its European counterparts. DOE then terminated further funding. Reactor pressure vessel is 17m high and 4.4 m inside diameter, operating at 310C. In February 2017 the company signed an agreement with the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) and Ansaldo Nucleare to develop the design. [42][45], Numerous radiation surveys and cleanup of the surface of the burial ground and surrounding area have been performed in the years since the SL-1 accident. Light water reactors (Power reactors moderated and cooled by water) EPR. They donned their Scott Air-Paks, and arrived at the Support Facilities Building to investigate. As the reactor temperature rises, the lithium-6 expands, moving the gas/liquid interface down into the core and hence adding negative reactivity. At least two feet (0.6 m) of clean backfill was placed over each excavation. Visual Pinball ROMs.Visual Pinball is a freeware video game engine for pinball tables and similar games such as pachinko machines. Full-scale production units had been planned to be 400 MWt (165 MWe) but more recent plans were for 200 MWt (80 MWe)7. From 1954 to 1955, the U.S. Army evaluated their need for nuclear reactor plants that would be operable in remote regions of the Arctic. In current nuclear power reactors, about 3% of the uranium in the fuel is converted into fission products as a by-product of energy generation. This needs to be dealt with to avoid the potential for explosion with oxygen present, and many reactors have been retrofitted with passive autocatalytic hydrogen recombiners in their containment, replacing external recombiners that needed to be connected and powered, isolated behind radiological barriers. It will have flexible output to complement intermittent renewable feed to the grid. The pilot version of this will be built at Idaho National Laboratory. Looking ahead, and apart from its barge-mounted ones, Rosatom is not positive about small reactors generally. The BREST reactor is an integral part of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC) which comprises three elements: a mixed uranium-plutonium nitride fuel fabrication/re-fabrication module; a nuclear power plant with BREST-300 reactor; and a used nuclear fuel reprocessing module (for 2024 operation).

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