An ancient class of priestly scholars that specialized in astronomy and astrology during biblical times. June 2022 The Magi or Wise Men The magi first appear in history in the seventh century B.C. Their names were the Babylonian Melchior, the Persian Caspar, and Balthazar from Arabia. The Bible doesn't mention how many Magi there were. Facts inevitably become myths, legends and folklore. These wealthy travelers were on the opposite end of the social and economic scale as the. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, that designation was added centuries later as part of the traditions that embellished the narrative., The Bible does not reveal the names of the astrologers. The Jews regarded not Christ, but these Gentiles enquired him out. 12 Prayers for a Fresh Start Every New Month, 7 Ways to Take Your Prayers for Others to the Next Level, Great American Family Breaks Records with Debut Christmas Movie: 'Great Content Wins', What to Do if Your Child Has Walked Away from the Faith, 8 Memorable Ideas for Bonding with Family on Thanksgiving, 10 Prayers to Turn Your Heart Towards Thankfulness This Season, Dealing with Eating Disorders During the Holiday Season, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2022, a A number of Bible translations call them "astrologers" or "magi." b How many "wise men" were there? They all point to Jesus Christ, the manifestation of God's love for the human race. It is unclear whether or not they were royalty, but they were not kings. Some men come from the East. The idea of three wise men may have developed, because there were three types of gifts presented by the wise men to Jesus (Matthew 2:11). Indeed, John Wycliffe's (c. 1330-1384 C.E.) While these may seem strange, each gift holds significant meaning of the Christ . Music + Songs . Asked by: Destany Tillman MD. There were not three wise men. The appearance of the star set in motion events that threatened the life of Jesus and resulted in the murder of innocent children. They were wise men from the East ". It has generally been assumed that the wise men (or magi) were three in number because Matthew 2:11 makes mention of three gifts: ". He is the author of a new book, Mystery of the Magi: The Quest to Identify the Three Wise Men, available in bookstores now. The inns were full. They presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Below I've selected "Three Wise Men of Astrology" as timeless leaders known for remarkable insights and soulful character as they describe what the spirit or human eyes cannot tangibly see. Viewed 7k times. There is some non-Biblical evidence that Magi were a sacred caste of the Medes. 4 Myths Surrounding the Three Wise Men or Magi Myth #1: They are part of the Nativity Story. PRIVACY SETTINGS. We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." The Three Kings The Magi were both real and symbolic. September 2021 2. Despite their culture and religion in a foreign land, they accepted Jesus as their Savior. Finally, we also have the figure of Simon Magus, mentioned in Acts, who is condemned not for practising magic (hence the name) but for trying to buy the Holy Spirit from the Apostles. | Origen in c. 250 was the first to give them these names. This is evident because KingHerod, who wanted to have Jesus killed, ordered the slaughter of boys who were two years old and younger. Wise men, magi, astrologers or kings? The wise men were likely accomplished Greek astrologers, watching the stars for signs of a king's birth. translation of the Gospel reads not "wise men" but "astrologers" because in ancient times "astrology" encompassed both astrology and astronomy. This story has lived on over the centuries as a key part of the birth of Jesus. He was a black man with a heavy beard; second, Gaspar, king of India, with a gift of frankincense. That doesnt mean a star led them from Arabia to Jesus. Some people believe that God sent the so-called star of Bethlehem to guide the astrologers to Jesus. Matthew does not call them kings; that title was used later, in legends. They did not come to the manger scene and their names were not Gaspar, Melchior and Balshasar. Daniel was wiser than the wise menthey couldn't work out the dreams, but the Lord was with Daniel. This is a common misconception. Subscribe to my newsletters to stay updated with occasional blog posts, New Age nuggets and other goodies! The designation "Magi" refers to a Persian religious caste, but when this Gospel was written, the term was loosely used for astrologers, seers, and fortunetellers. Certainly, the Magi were astrologers and astronomers as we'd understand the term today. One theory that makes the most sense would be based on the stars movement itself. Maybe there were three of them, but all the Bible can tell us is that there was more than one. This is based solely on the numbers of gifts presented. The only reference to these men in the Bible is in Chapter 2 of the Gospel of Matthew, and they're not called "wise men," or "kings." There's also no mention of how many men were there. This can occur due to misinterpretations, translation errors or thanks to an embellishment done to spice up the tale. Matthew reported that they went to Jerusalem and gained an audience with King Herod. As it is, "wise men" is a translation of "magi," which is a transliteration of a Greek word magos, meaning "wise men," "astrologers," "magician," or "sorcerer." This word is a derivative of an old Persian word magupati. To this day there has been many debates as to which star signaled the birth of Jesus Christ, and had guided the wise men to him. We always see the three wise men or magi showing up in traditional nativity scenes. God honored the wise men by warning them in a dream to go home by another route and not to report back to King Herod. Books + Magazines Copyright 2022 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Self Empowerment Some say the three wise men or kings were called Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar Magi were spiritual, metaphysical men who were typically astrologers. Am I Bugging God When I Continue to Pray about the Same Thing? When it comes to The Three Wise Men there are many conflicting beliefs and ideas as to who they were and where they came from. Retrogrades From the 1st millennium BCE (B.C.) Remember these men were magi, astrologers employed in Babylon to serve the Babylonian court! We aren't to . The Wise Men were Priests & Astronomers - not Kings or Astrologers The Magi's story is one of the best loved tales in the Bible. The word likely refers to experts in astrology and other occult practices. Balthasar has a Persian sound. The Three Wise Men were members of an order of Persian priestly-astrologers known as Magi, that would study and interpret the stars. After years of righteous life, they accepted martyrdom in eastern countries. (accessed November 4, 2022). It would be safe to assume that the three men that presented baby Jesus with the gifts, were either the leaders of the group(s). A charlatan or con-artist. An aromatic gum resin used in perfumes and incense. Chiron He does not call them kings but "wise men" or magoi. That's a pious tradition that developed based on the three gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that the Magi brought Jesus. Elements Zodiac Signs. "We Three Kings" Who were the Magi?" Required fields are marked *. Transits M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University, The Magi were both real and symbolic. Did God have the wise men follow the star of Bethlehem? Health + Wellness It can refer to righteous, God-fearing wise men, teachers, priests, physicians, prophets, and interpreters of dreams, as well as to unrighteous false prophets, astrologers, augerers, soothsayers, and sorcerers. According to the Bible, the Wise Men were three middle eastern kings Gaspar, Melchior, . Matthew reveals nothing of these visitors' ancestry. 5 "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: 6 " 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of . There are other such theories involving various other planets and constellations. . Matthew 2:11 tells us these gifts were great treasures, given as worship, but they may have even greater significance. Matthew says only that these visitors came from "the east." The three gifts presented to Jesus Christ carry more meaning then what merely appears on the surface. 4 When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. This belief has been brought about thanks, to nativity scenes consistently depicting them being around his manger along with the shepherds and their flock. As they got this information from the stars they can thus be considered astrologers. Share ( Isaiah 47:13) While at home in the East, they saw a "star" and followed it hundreds of miles, not to Bethlehem, but to Jerusalem. When the Three Wise Men "went into the home and saw the little boy," we are informed that they were "astonished.". Your email address will not be published. Gold, frankincense, and myrhh have their primary significance in their value; which establishes their suitability for a King. Epiphany and the Three Magi - Medieval Christmas History, Meet Herod the Great: Ruthless Ruler of the Jews, 7 Religious Christmas Quotes to Inspire You, The Ultimate List of Christmas Bible Verses to Celebrate Jesus' Birth, Enjoy the Complete Christmas Story of the Birth of Jesus, Chronology of the Birth and Life of Jesus Christ. A precious metal that has carried immense value throughout the ages. Article Images Copyright , 5 Common Myths about the Three Wise Men Story. Scripture does not say how many wise men there were, but it is generally assumed there were three since they brought three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh . February 2022 The two birth narratives have many CONTRADICTIONS AND IRRECONCILABLE differences. The Bible says: Astrologers from the East came to Jerusalem, saying: Where is the one born king of the Jews? Shepherds show up first, and later, the happy couple is visited by the three wise men/kings/magi. the star they had seen when they were in the East went ahead of them until it came to a stop above where the young child was.Matthew 2:9. This group of wise men (or Magi) had read the prophecies about a child being born who would be a king, and that the star would be a sign, and they believed the prophecies. 5. But if we put all the evidence together, it seems that the Wise Men were probably Zoroastrian influenced astrologers in the court of the Kingdoms of Nabatea and Sheba who brought rich gifts of diplomatic significance to the newborn King of the Jews. Planets More specifically, they were said to be from the Orient or the East of Palestine. If indeed these men were scholars from Persia, they would have been familiar with Daniel's prophecy about the Messiah or "Anointed One." "Meet the Three Kings - Wise Men From the East." It is highly unlikely that the three wise men saw Jesus on the night of His birth. The birth of Jesus was unknown to the people of Bethlehem prior to the arrival of the Magi. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the Bible, they are not called kings, and their number is not specifiedinstead they are "wise men from the East." At many courts in the east, including ancient Babylon and Persia, learned. 3 There is no speech nor are there words; their voice is not heard. The Greek word magi indicates these men were astrologers and interpreters of omensfollowing a star and dreaming dreams. Monthly Horoscopes In Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar has dealings with four types of "wise men". It is possible we would not have the gift giving at Christmas today without the story of their gifts for the young Jesus. As real men, the three kings confirmed ancient prophecies about Jesus being the Messiah, and as symbols, they showed that he came to save all people, rich and poor, learned or unschooled, from anywhere in the world. Christians have been trying to nail down their identity for millennia. They individually originated from different nations, with Caspar being said to have come from the Indo-Parthian Kingdom. The purpose of their journey was to honor the new King. The Three Wisemen were ancient astrologers who followed the patterns of the stars. Matthew 2:1 states that the Magi were "from the east." They were men "respected for their knowledge of religion, astronomy, and the spiritual significance of astronomical phenomena." King Herod was specifically interested in obtaining their astronomical observations related to "the star". The Bible never says three wise men nor were wise men present at Christ's birth. They are astrologers men who study the position of stars, claiming that by doing so they are able to tell the meaning of events in people's lives. Sometimes referred to as The Three Magi or The Three Wise Kings. When we seek God with sincere determination, we will find him. Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living, The Inner Sky: How to Make Wiser Choices for a More Fulfilling Life, Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Volume 1. We aren't to trust the wise men. b See the New American Standard Bible, The New American Bible, The New English Bible, and the New International Version Study Bible. " In the Arab Childhood Gospel, we read: "The Magi came to Jerusalem . There are other such theories involving various other planets and constellations. The bible is actually rather silent over the matter of who they were, or how many of them were there. They were most likely the Kings personal advisors. The Three Wise Men were members of an order of Persian priestly-astrologers known as Magi, that would study and interpret the stars. Many traditions believe that they visited the Christ Child 12 days after Christmas. The shepherds find their place, and the three Wise Men and their camels join them. The three Kings recognized Jesus Christ as the Messiah while he was still a child, and traveled thousands of miles to worship him. Can rightly be considered among the first Christians, It is forthesereasons that they are truly known as wise men. The legend that there were three, and that we know their names, is just a legend. The Magi not only take their place next to Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus . Were the three kings astrologers? The Magi -- usually known as the "Three Wise Men" or "Three Kings" -- are easily the most famous of the visitors who appear at Jesus's birth in the Gospel accounts of the Christmas story. Home + Decorating August 2021 Wherever the Bible talks about wise men, it is always negative towards them. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Contrary to popular Christmas tradition, the Bible does not use the terms three wise men or three kings to describe the travelers who went to see Jesus after his birth. A graduate of Oxford and Bob Jones University, he has written sixteen books on different aspects of religion. Poetry All of the latter are frequently condemned by God in His Word. In giving Jesus the Myrrh. October 2022 Their responsibilities included reading the stars, and a host of wisdom-seeking work. | Love Some astrologers were reckoned as being better than others. Astrology was a well-known science in the East and astrologers were the ones to study the stars in heaven. Chaldean Numerology Scripture does not say how many wise men there were, but it is generally assumed three, since they brought three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. As early as A.D. 200, Tertullian was laying out arguments that the Magi, while astrologers by trade, were considered kings . By presenting Jesus with frankincense. Throughout history the details of events have changed over time. He is said to have given the gift of myrrh. Wise people acknowledge their need for a Savior and seek to find him. Evolutionary Astrology The three wise men were astrologers, sages, and priests. Matthew 2:1-2After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? When we get to know Jesus Christ, we are changed forever and cannot go back to our old life. Moses was wiser then the wise menthey couldn't keep up with him. The Greek word mgoi (translated magi or wise men) is plural, so we're sure there were at least two. It is unclear how the Magi, who were initially referred to simply as Magos (a caste of priests and, yes, wise men), became king. Most Bible versions render the word Magi as the English term "wise men." When he heard of a rival king of the Jews, Herod investigated where the promised Christ was to be born. . Did They Follow the Star of Bethlehem? They apparently followed a star to the Roman province of Judea and was of the understanding in their studies that a great king was to be born according to those stars. They also knew about the Old Testament prophecy that a new king would be born of the family of David. Few details are given about these men in the Bible, and most of our ideas about them actually come from tradition or speculation. Spas + Resorts 24:17) The new translations have this correctly rendered, stating astrologers rather than wise men. But as the Magi were the names of the astrologers and those who examined the livers of animals to predict the future was often associated with Babylon, at least this . He doesn't even tell us that there were three of them. However, people in northern Arabia typically only rode Arabian horses. Some believe that the Wise Men did not arrive until Jesus was two years old and was living in a house in Nazareth, rather than when he was born. Signs of the End Times and Knowing When the End Is Near. In art, he is often depicted as the oldest of the three, and often with white hair and a long white beard. Some believe it to have been Jupiter or Mars, or perhaps an alignment of the planets. There were not three, rather there were just "some" wise men. The term Magi itself had several meanings: The names of the three wise men mentioned in the bible never had their names reviled in the New Testament. December 2021 Others a shooting star that crossed the heavens or one that cut across the moon while it was either a full moon or a new moon. August 2022 April 2022 In fact, they were probably astrologers of the stars (that is, priests . If you read the second chapter of Luke, then you will find it was the shepherds who went to the manger and found Mary and Joseph and the infant Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes. We assume that there were three wise men because of the three gifts that were given: gold, incense, and myrrh ( Matthew 2:11 ). The Magi were not kings. They asked him the whereabouts of the King of the Jews because they had seen his star. When they found the Holy Family, they gave gifts to Jesus: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Herod wanted to know what their interpretations were regarding the remarkable heavenly drama that had occurred in 3 and 2 B.C.E. Balthasar, often depicted as the King of Arabia or Ethiopia, is represented as a black man in ancient art, with a black beard and wearing a purple cloak. An aromatic plant resin used as an anointing oil during embalming. Who Was the Ethiopian Eunuch in the Bible? What are the names of the three wise men? Among the best in the world, as viewed by people in the 1 st century, were the professional Chaldeans and the Magi of the east. 2 Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. Perhaps they were astronomers. Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the expanse proclaims His handiwork. "If he wishes he will make it rain in the morning and evening; and if he wishes he will not make it fall," Abraham says . The Wise Men were chosen of God and represented the three races of mankind. He based that age range on information he had received from the astrologers.Matthew 2:16. One thing that we do know for certain, was that three gifts were presented. In this article we will be looking at the more plausible explanations as to who the three wise men were. Either of which would not be remarkable enough on their own to stand out. Who were the astrologers in the Bible? There is no way to know how many. According to the Bible, the Wise Men were three middle eastern kings Gaspar, Melchior, and Baltasar who felt compelled by God and a new star in the sky to go to Jerusalem and bring gifts to the son of God who was to be born. The wise men were not astrologers because they watched the stars. Esoteric As only a miracle could produce a star that traveled north, they would have followed it until it settled over Bethlehem. By the 7th century, and even now, the most educated accept as fact that there were three wise men. what "wise man" means. According to legend, the wise men were baptized by the Apostle Thomas and joined him in preaching the gospel. As well as the star that they followed or when they arrived in Bethlehem. The KingJames Version refers to these visitors as wise men, but it does not say that there were three of them. The Eastern church has traditions of 12 wise men, but there's no more biblical evidence of this number, either. Someone that held occult knowledge and power over astrology, divination, fortune-telling, spiritual meditation and dream interpretation. Of course men from Persia could have brought these gifts, but they signify a giving of the best commodities from their own country to a neighboring King. a A number of Bible translations call them "astrologers" or "magi." b How many "wise men" were there? We know that the Bible is inerrant, but do we know that throughout time traditions have been added to the true Biblical story?You may be shocked to hear this, but there are multiple myths surrounding this brief story written in Matthew 2. 3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. The Bible is a book about Jesus. However, we dont know the quantity of those gifts, or even if Jesus was only given one of each. Did They Follow the Star of Bethlehem? (Daniel 9:24-27, NIV). Healing Let's see what the scripture says about the stars. Note, Many times those who are nearest to . Creativity It is commonly accepted among the western branches of Christianity, that there were only three men. Over the centuries, legend has assigned them names: Gaspar, or Casper; Melchior, and Balthasar. How did Herod react? To understand the Star of Bethlehem, we need to think like the three wise men. Magi are consulted in the Book of Daniel, and by Pharoah in the time of Joseph. Zavada, Jack. An example of this would be the lost city of Pompeii, a city long though to be nothing more then a legendtold to depict the furry of the Roman Pantheons. The Bible says: After they had heard the king, they went their way, and look! The Eastern interpretations could go towards explaining why they are sometimes referred to as the three wise kings. Father Dwight Longenecker is a priest of the Diocese of Charleston, SC. Kings were in the habit of gathering the best and brightest into an advisory body of wise men, stargazers, and dreamers. Matthew' s account of the magi does not actually say there were three wise men, nor does it describe them as kings. The Three Kings recognized Jesus Christ as the Messiah while he was still a child, and traveled thousands of miles to worship him. The Magi were acknowledging that he was here to die for us, suffer for us and that he was a sacrifice for us. Mystery of the Magi: The Quest to Identify the Three Wise Men, Why Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Were Given to Baby Jesus, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. You can read about some of them here. The Bible doesn't specify that there were only three wise men; there were likely a group of them, and yes, they were astrologers. ( Matthew 2:1) Instead, the Gospel writer Matthew used the Greek word ma'goi to describe those who visited Jesus. Some assumed that because three gifts were given that there were three wise men. We often hear about three wise men. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Eastern tradition sets the number of Magi at 12, but Western tradition sets their number at three, probably based on the three gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:11) presented to the infant., Although in Christmas tradition the visitors are often depicted that way, nowhere does the Bible call them kings. Some early church traditions say there were twelve. In Daniel 2, the wise men were unable to tell King Nebuchadnezzar his dream, before attempting to interpret it. Acknowledgement Father Dwight Longenecker. The original magi were highly valued by the Babylonian kings for centuries. Did They Follow the Star of Bethlehem? Everyone knows the legend of the three wise men's visit to Bethlehem as retold every Christmas. Three Arabian princes followed a star to find baby Jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. November 2021 The only clue to the number of wise men lies in their gifts. This would have stood out most to these biblical astrologers, and would have be seen as the sign that herald the birth of the Messiah. According to the Bible, the so-called wise men were "from eastern parts," and it was there that they had learned about Jesus' birth. This we are sure of, 1. Ludolph of Saxony (died 1378) thus wrote: The three pagan kings were called Magi not because they were magicians but because of the great science of . A city that was proven to be real. But the magi were also familiar with other forms of divination. It is a common misconception that the wise men were present at the birth of Jesus Christ. Travel At the time of Christs birth camels were used as pack animals, but wealthy travelers used the more comfortable and swift horse. The Three Wise Men were Persian. Editors note: If youre wondering a bit more about the origin and purpose of the wise men, here is some further clarification: They came from the east, which based on the nature of their gifts, and Old Testament prophecy, means they most likely came from the ancient Arabian kingdom of Sheba. The 3 wise Astrologers men were first named as such in a document found in Alexandria around 500 AD that, when translated into Latin from Greek, is titled "Excerpta Latina Barbari". They came from Persia and are believed to be " Zoroastrians. TERMS OF USE After the Three Kings met Jesus, they did not go back the way they came. Abraham is discussed as an astrologer. PRIVACY POLICY Who Were the Three Wise Men? May 2022 Solar Return 3. they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and . They were also acknowledging him as the son of God and his own Godhood. When these three came together in 7 B.C., some scholars postulate that this could have been what the magi saw. Classical Astrology Astro*Carto*Graphy But if youd like a bit more clarification of the myths surrounding these mystery men, here are some insights from author Dwight Longenecker: We have no idea how many there were. They had royal connectionsthroughand were trusted by King Herod. Myrhh was used as a perfume, anointing oil, medicinal tonic, and as a key ingredient in the mixture of spices used to prepare bodies for burial (John 19:39-40). The Three Kings were among the wisest men of their time. Who Were the Three Wise Men? 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Translations of the three kings astrologers you see movies from this time period, the of. Weeks, months or possibly even years later first written instance of their gifts for the of By Empress were the three wise men astrologers, Who represents all of humanity, stargazers, and night to night reveals. A traveling caravan could have been nothing but a cluster of stars with the bright at. Article we will find him. there were not kings 7 B.C., some scholars postulate that could! ( A.D. ) when Muslims invaded, the king of the king of India, with a gift of.. They performed specifically, they would have been what the scripture says about the Old prophecy! Unclear whether or not they were not Gaspar, king of India, with being! And beliefs place the origin of the or thanks to an embellishment done to up. Hiding from usbut wants to have given the gift of myrrh than wise As the star would also need to be from the East. that held occult and. 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