The reason I consulted with the other intern was to try and get a sense of what her opinions on the case are, and to see what her decision would have been. The NASW strictly forbids relationships between social workers and their clients outside a professional context. According to Nadica & Biljana (2016) an ethical dilemma is a situation of choosing between two or more alternatives. Social workers' subjective interpretations of policy, ethics, or client behavior have life altering implications for clients. Visak. Furthermore the paper will apply agency policy and law to the case study of Jack, a 62 year old white man, in order to explore how ethical dilemmas arise within social work. Although information shared between social workers and their clients is strictly confidential, certain situations may arise that require the social worker to disclose client information to a third party. Ethical Dilemmas: The Use of Applied Scenarios in the Helping Professions (Woodside & McClam, 2009). Last accessed 5th Nov 2014. 2nd ed. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts jobs to increase by 13% between 2019 and 2029. Research has shown that long working hours, defined as longer then a 40- hour work week, can be associated with anxiety, sleep conditions and a depressive state. In other words, adhering particularly to one principal might result in the violation of the other. Last accessed 12th Dec 2014. The social workers many times go through situations where they have to face moral or ethical dilemmas, which can be due to many reasons. There's no question that COVID-19 is providing unprecedented challenges to social workers worldwide. In this example, an ethical dilemma exists in that both values, self-determination . After making the decision, monitoring, evaluating, and documenting the decision comes next. He looked to be older than 18. Here are some of the most common reasons why ethical dilemmas exist in both the individual and organizational levels. If a social worker receives a gift (particularly when it is expensive), it may constitute a breach of integrity. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The ethical standards that conflict, in this ethical dilemma, are standards 1.01 and 1.07. In contrast, the social workers, hcpc codes of practice covers a large range of codes of behaviour and conduct (Banks, 2006, p.78), therefore blurring professional boundaries, (Banks, 2006, p.16), which result in ethical dilemmas (hcpc, 2012). Rita was removed from her mother's care three years ago because Stella was abusing heroine with her boyfriend and was neglecting Rita. Professionals in the field recommend these steps: Social workers are allies for social justice, human dignity, and the celebration of human diversity and freedom of expression. The NASW Code of Ethics, however, includes a qualifying statement to this principle: Social workers may limit clients right to self-determination when, in the social workers professional judgment, clients actions or potential actions pose a serious, foreseeable, and imminent risk to themselves or others.. Ethics in Professional Life. Every ethical issue social workers encounter in their practice is important. Whilst the local authoritys payment would likely cover Jacks suggestion, this still could cause an ethical dilemma, between the public generally thinking its wrong to use public money visit a prostitute, and the local authority who needs to promote Jacks inclusion in society. Also the social worker could make sure the prostitute was making an informed choice (HCPC, 2014). Although the job of social workers is to help people make informed decisions, they are ultimately not responsible for the actions of their clients. Until the College of Social Work becomes a legal entity in the spring, how can social workers be supported to put ethics and values into practice? Values are what people hold close to their heart and are seen as valuable to them for instance, someones cultural beliefs of right and wrong (Oxford, 2014). You share information if the service user or someone they know is at risk and the other agency can support them or reduce that risk, says OBeirne. Set out more formally, it would look like this. Patients or their loved ones must make life or death decisions. In case 2.14 a social worker is faced with an ethical dilemma and does not realize the true meaning of her purpose in the situation. Available: However, a social worker may decide that accepting another clients inexpensive gift of a handcrafted clay figurine or a homemade fruitcake might be a more desirable option than refusing it and risking harm to the professional relationship. The ethical dilemma for the social worker is between confidentiality and duty to warn. We would document the home visit like we are required to, but no further investigation would take place concerning the drug using grandson living with the client. In conclusion, an ethical dilemma is a conflict of moral principles, occurring when a person is faced with a certain situation where adhering particularly to one principal might result in the violation of the other. Clients who receive assistance sometimes wish to reciprocate. This is the argument for an obligation to assist. (2014). Practitioners of social work must decide on the most ethical and professional way to engage with their clients in a nonprofessional setting. Balancing confidentiality with the duty to protect vulnerable people can represent an ethical dilemma. Second premise: Extreme poverty is bad. Ava, a first-grader in foster care, offers her caseworker a lacy handmade valentine. Glasgow: Learning Matters Ltd. Royal Borough of Greenwich. But to truly provide effective care, stepping back and analyzing the situation is important. Social workers encounter ethical dilemmas on a daily basis, from deciding whether to remove a child from his or her parents to delivering care packages that meet people's needs without blowing departmental budgets. By providing my information and clicking the Submit button, I consent to be contacted via telephone (including a cell phone, if provided), email, and text message. More individuals that are stakeholders are Jean Wall and myself, because we are the social workers involved with the case. With small class sizes and a focus on student-centered education, students are never just a number or name on a roster at Brescia University. If the gift is handmade or inexpensive, it is generally considered appropriate to accept. In general, an ethical dilemma arises when a social worker must choose between two equally valid, mutually exclusive choices of action, both of which result in some sort of harm to a person or persons.. What is an ethical dilemma example? 3. The issue gets complicated. For example, a social worker in a rural community with limited mental health care services is consulted on a client with agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder involving a fear of open and public spaces. But Cartwright knew that moving older people away from where they are settled can affect their health and well-being. Suppose a client, Daniel, gives his social worker an expensive gemstone ring for her birthday. Ethics and values should cover these key areas: 2 Understanding and applying the ethics and values of social work. Dilemmas at workplaces can sometimes be the hardest decision to make in life; however, as a professional we must take the proper steps to move further and not jeopardize our license or career. However, rejecting a gift may hurt the clients feelings, potentially damaging the relationship. For individuals who are motivated to help others and maintain integrity in a respected profession, Virginia Commonwealth Universitys Online Master of Social Work program prepares students to serve societys most vulnerable. Some common ethical dilemmas in social work are described in the Houston Chronicle and Social Work Today. Councils pay for prostitutes for the disabled. She recalls fighting a case in which an older woman was due to be moved to a cheaper, less suitable residential home. In general, an ethical dilemma arises when a social worker must choose between two equally valid, mutually exclusive choices of action, both of which result in some sort of harm to a person or persons. Firstly there has to be a difficult decision made with two or more unwelcome courses of action available (Banks, 2006, p.8). The paper can conclude that an ethical dilemma results from conflicting laws, agency policies and personal values, to address these issues a social worker will combine several different ethical theories, with this becoming a mechanical matter for some, informed by personal values for others and sometimes mixture of both. Ethical dilemmas in social work are an unavoidable part of the profession, due to the sensitive nature of the work. Second would be to calculate all the positives and negatives that can result from these actions and thirdly this theory suggests to choose the course of action that produces the most benefits and the least damage for all involved (Parrott, 2011, p.54). They occur when a specific situation calls for the worker to prioritize one ethical principle over another or if one's personal values come into conflict with the best practices outlined by our profession. For this assignment I will explicate personal values, biass, ethical quandary and the impact . The local authority also has a legal duty of care to make sure Jack is not financially exploited (The National Archives, 2014). Decisions have been put on hold or changed because a member of staff has advocated on behalf of or alongside a young person, she adds. However, research undertaken by McLaverty confirms that "many of us face an endless stream of ethical dilemmas at work". Practitioners are figuring out how to utilize programs such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Web-based blogs in ways that are consistent with the long-standing rules of their areas of . Before issues arise, social workers understand they should be prepared to address them. Banks S, (2006) British Association of Social Workers. Some common ethical dilemmas in social work are described in the Houston Chronicle and Social Work Today. Learn an ethical decision-making process. Abortion: An ethical dilemma. These managers may discuss changing to a cheaper supplier for a material used in production because of the potential to save money. Every decision we make affects other people. As healers and helpers, social work professionals strive to improve relationships among people to support the well-being of clients, families and communities. Jacks right to liberty and security would be affected, Article 5; it would also affect his right to the prohibition of discrimination, Article 14 and the right to private and family life, Article 8 (GOV.UK 2014). No plagiarism, guaranteed! Social workers learn ethical decision-making to uphold professional values, such as integrity and social justice, as well as professional principles, such as helping people in need. Welcome to Care about Rights. Its tempting to try to do everything, but we have a service-specific agreement with local authorities. The common ones are; acceptance of gifts, dual relationships, confidentiality involving minors, differences in personal values, compliance with the law, right to self-determination, etc. Who has the right to make the decision? Are you ready for the Children and Young Persons Act 2008? The participants in this option are, myself, my field instructor, the client, the clients grandson, the Wilmington Police Department, and the Department of Social Services. What alternative actions could be taken? Also, reporting this issue to police would go against the ethical principle of dignity and worth of the person. A reason opposed to this option is the legalities involved with North Carolina law. Supporting Jack would limit for his financial risk, reduced the risk committing an offence, and reduce many of the health risks involved with visiting a prostitute. Employers should not only take a stance on how overtime hours are paid but whether or not working these hours is beneficial to either the employee or employer. In this case, doing nothing would not adhere to following that standard. It raises an ethical dilemma. By this process, . An ethical dilemma is when a person is faced with a choice between two equally conflicting moral principles, and it is not clear cut which choice will be the right one. An ethical dilemma occurred on November, 20th of 2014. Often we are confronted with situations where we wonder what we should do. The reason this was an ethical dilemma was because two standards in the NASW Code of Ethics were in conflict, specifically 1.01, and part a of 1.07. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Identify the main ethical issues causing the dilemma. Taking the following precautions may help social workers cope with difficult ethical decisions, according to Social Work Today. This is called the categorical imperative that indicates we should only conform to an action, when it can be applied to the rest of the world, for instance, if one person lies the rest of the world can lie, this would produce mistrust throughout society. (5.1.7 f) It would be important for the social worker to discuss with both parties that the assessment will be conducted by the same person. Social workers encounter ethical dilemmas every day during their work. Since losing Rita, Stella has been to rehab . Its then possible to reflect and change further professional judgements (Banks, 2006, p.159). Standard 1.07 part a states that social workers should respect clients rights to privacy (Code, 2008). Sometimes social workers professional codes of practice might come into conflict with law and agency policy, this is not an ethical dilemma because there is only one course of action to take, for example they should follow the law. If Jack refused, new ethical dilemmas would arise, similar to the ones discussed above (The National Archives, 2014). Available: July/Aug 2007. But, ultimately, social workers are accountable to their employers, and must balance their ethics and values with external constraints. Ethical dilemma: Revealing underage/adolescents confidential information to their parents or relevant authorities while therapeutic process is underway constitutes an ethical dilemma to modern therapists. Additionally, possession of marijuana is against the law in North Carolina. Last accessed 12th Dec 2014. Once you have made a decision then the social worker is left responsible for choosing an imperfect answer and the inevitable unwelcome out comes (Banks, 2006, p.9). This becomes a legal and ethical dilemma as the ethics committee must examine the patients rights, the states laws related to assisted suicide, the patients mental capacity, their best interest and stay within the legal realm of their facilitys operations. 26 (2), 409419. Michael Preston-Shoot, dean of the faculty of health and social sciences at the University of Bedfordshire, argued that councils emphasis on government targets over social work practice. For instance this course of action could result in a public moral outcry. Our website uses cookies, which are small text files that are widely used in order to make websites work more effectively. Social workers encounter ethical dilemmas on a daily basis, from deciding whether to remove a child from his or her parents to delivering care packages that meet peoples needs without blowing departmental budgets. This action would limit the risk above and solve most of the ethical dilemmas. Over all the risk assessment would support Jack, but as mentioned above, the social worker is left with an imperfect answer and the inevitable undesirable effects. This theory is linked to duty. The NASW Code of Ethics (2008) states that, Social workers seek to enhance clients capacity and opportunity to change and to address their own needs. How do these dilemmas clash with your spiritual values? Ryders Painism and His Criticism of Utilitarianism. What Is Trauma-Informed Practice in Social Work? After leaving the clients home, I was unsure how to proceed with what just happened. The nature of the ethical dilemma may depend on the cultural, political conditions of the country in which social work is carried out. Social workers in England. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. To understand how ethical dilemmas arise in social work practice, this essay will apply agency policy and law to a case study. 90-95. Why does ethical dilemma occur in the world of social work? I knocked on the door, and after a few seconds I could smell marijuana wayfaring in the air coming out of an open window beside the door. Some of which are the studies conducted by Daley and Doughty (2006), Perkins and company (1998), and Reamer (2003) that all concluded that the main issue regarding the ethical dilemma in social work is the conservative and confidential observance of the ethical boundaries in social work practice. No plagiarism, guaranteed! In contrast even though its not illegal to visit a prostitute there are many laws, professional codes of ethics and personal values against actions involving Jack with prostitution. 105. Some key points include: While resources are available to help social workers facing ethical dilemmas, education is the best way to prepare for these common situations. Finally the conclusion gives a brief summary and critique of the findings. Ethical dilemmas in social work can involve inappropriate behaviors in the workplace such as violence or inappropriate language, or can involve other aspects such as contacting a client via social media or breaching confidentiality of a client. It's more complicated if you're a manager: maintaining a functional work environment is your responsibility (even if it's not formalized), and you have to find constructive ways to address performance issues, work-related problems, and employees' behavior. The National Archives. In other words, adhering particularly to one principal might result in the violation of the other. However, there will be further monitoring of the situation due to the client still being on the Home Delivered Meals program, and having to do reassessments every six months. Using Ethics Consultation: What, Why, When, Who, and How, The New Social Worker, To Report or Not To Report: That Is the Ethical Dilemma, Social Work Today, Tis the Season: Managing Client Gifts, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Social Workers. Why Cultural Competence in Social Work Is a Vital Skill, GoodTherapy, When Do Minors in Therapy Have a Right to Confidentiality?, National Association of Social Workers, Free Ethics Consultations for NASW Members, National Association of Social Workers, Read the Code of Ethics, The New Social Worker, Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma, The New Social Worker, Client Relationships and Ethical Boundaries for Social Workers in Child Welfare, The New Social Worker, Ethics Alive! In the end, my field instructor and I were not able to do anything about the smoking of marijuana in the clients home. Available: Another reason in favor of this option is that its not in our jurisdiction to do, or say anything, about the apparent drug use because there was no evidence of elder abuse, and we could see no actual drugs. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Standard 1.07 is also in conflict with North Carolina possession laws. Accepting the ring, however, would cross the line into an inappropriate relationship because its expense could imply a bribe, and its nature has intimate, romantic connotations. Last accessed 11th Dec 2014. Determining how to respond to a client's social media friend request. (2008). (2014). window.__mirage2 = {petok:"ckgnXTMKKal0.pobhAf02x6tC5h65s4.8ot85_g32VA-1800-0"}; With that said, the field offers rewarding opportunities for those interested in working to improve the lives of those in need. The client was found to still be eligible for Home Delivered Meals, and in six months, my field instructor will conduct another reassessment. Second, that since there was no sign of abuse or neglect we could not make a report. Sokol, B. Tailored to meet the needs of working professionals, the program upholds ethical practice in a changing world as a guiding principle. Option number two, of reporting it, entails making a report of the drug use to the police department, or Adult Protective Services. This essay sample on Ethical Dilemmas In Social Work Essays provides all necessary basic info on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. In the field, ethics refers to the professions code for proper conduct. Doing this entails going over the reasons in favor of and opposed to each possible course of action. 6 Understanding the legal and statutory context. The paper will begin by explaining the term ethical dilemma and how such dilemmas arise in social Work practice through; what conditions and components are needed for an ethical dilemma to develop, and by explaining how ethical dilemmas occur within agency policy, law, professional ethics and personal values. Last accessed 16th Dec 2014. My field instructor stated that the house was very cluttered and smelled of smoke. Ethics and values in social work. These steps are: State the background and context of the dilemma. Learning Portal . Finally, a code of ethics is an explicit statement of the values, principles and rules of a profession, which acts as a guide for its members and their practice (Code, 2008). The second course of action, reporting it, entails making a report of the drug use to the police department, or to Adult Protective Services. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Sometimes these situations include minors who may or may not be entitled to certain rights of confidentiality, depending on federal, state and agency laws. Another reason in favor of this option is because it would follow with my own personal value about being against drug use. The social worker would be applying virtues ethics (Banks, 2009, pp.38-49), because this ethical theory is more concerned with character not actions. (Barsky, 2010, p. 6). Available: With this case, I consulted with Jean Wall, who is my field instructor, and then I consulted with another intern at the New Hanover County Senior Resource Center. He says partnership working and effective communication help professionals manage ethical dilemmas. Available: Available: Ethical dilemmas come in various forms and for several reasons. Last accessed 12th Dec 2014. In contrast Braye and Preston Shoot (1997) suggest the law is vague, leaving the social workers to decide what course of action to take, producing ethical dilemmas (Banks, 2006, p.8). Barsky, A. E. (2010). The considerations for social workers are based on existing professional standards and codes. At work, you mostly need to keep emotions (and sometimes opinions) to yourself and be matter-of-fact about issues that happen. I have experienced many ethical dilemmas in my lifetime, so I know that there is no such thing as an ethical dilemma that only affects one person. Today we'll explore some more common situations faced by social workers in practice. The reform board proposes breaking down ethics and values into seven elements, starting with the social workers own personal values. She has been working with 9-year-old Rita, her foster mother, Flo, and biological mother, Stella, for three years. Merriam-Websters collegiate dictionary. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Available: Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. However, these connections can sometimes prove difficult to avoid. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. (2014). After the assessment, my field instructor and I debriefed on how the second home visit went. Under BASW the social worker would be compromising values and ethical principles, through failing to uphold and promote human dignity and well-being, respecting the right to self-determination, promoting the right to participation and treating each person as a whole. Instead of focusing on the child's fundamental cause for needing her help, she focused on ways to change his sexuality. Each division and school offers challenging curriculum and vast opportunities to learn both in and out of the classroom. 10, No. Identifying all possible courses of action and the participants involved in each, along with possible benefits and risks for each, is important for making the best decision when it comes to ethical dilemmas. The act of triage is always heart-wrenching, whether performed by doctors in the ICU or social workers on the street, but it is, at heart, an ethical choice: protecting and providing for the weakest and most in need. Health and Care Professions Council. Being targeted online can destroy feelings of self-worth . Resolving Ethical Dilemmas. In the context of social work, an ethical dilemma is a situation in which two or more professionally identified values are in conflict. First, the social worker may cause the client harm. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Next, I consulted with my field instructor about the home visit in general, then asked what should be done with the issue. This makes social work ethical dilemma case studies relevant topic for research. Therefore, an ethical dilemma, by definition, is a circumstance which occurs only when two or more social work values are in conflict, i.e., the conflict between the right to self-determination and the right to confidentiality in the case of a suicidal client. List possible solutions to the dilemma. Clinical supervision sessions, common ethical dilemmas as long as there are within the clients feelings, damaging! Rather somethings that requires knowledge, and biological mother, Stella has been bent broken! Was not there standard 1.07 is also known as moral dilemma.It is also known moral! 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