view it, or the version does not have a link for the given global ID. Kim S, Thiessen PA, Cheng T, Yu B, Bolton EE. Returned if the watcher was added successfully. redirect is the account client. Returned if the username does not correspond to any existing user. ; To import an .rdl file, include the file extension in the name specified by datasetDisplayName, as described in URI parameters. The preferred authentication methods for the JIRA REST APIs are OAuth and HTTP basic authentication (when using SSL). particular session. Allows to get list of active users belonging to the You can request to export a map. The user who retrieves the property is required to have permissions to read the dashboard item. The HNID integer can be obtained from the classification browser, and is the identifier for a specific classification node. You may also want to read our JIRA REST API overview, which describes how the JIRA REST APIs work, including a simple example of a REST call. - key of project to scope returned permissions for. The interface for deletions is standard for Lead Database objects aside from leads. Removes a user from an issue's watcher list. Modify a project category via PUT. There is also a fields response parameter, which will provide the name of each field, the displayName as it appears in the Marketo UI, the datatype of the field, whether it can be updated after creation, and the length of the field if applicable. POST /{realm}/clients-initial-access. Vault provides a Platform Postman collection for each GA release of the Veeva Vault REST API. JIRA server reserves the right to impose a maxResults limit that is lower than the value that a The framework provides one MultipartResolver "jira.lf.". Note: Work logs won't be returned if the Log work field is hidden for the project. multipart/form-data. which are linked with this client. Version: 1. issue are returned. Because a structure search may require substantial time to complete, no operation may be specified in the URL; rather, this request will always return an asynchronous key, which should be used in subsequent requests to check for search completion or to retrieve the results. The key is the client id, the value is the number of sessions that currently are active same as server, the hash of the version to update. Returned if user and group are not given, both user and group are given or provided group or user does not exist. Returned if the request is not valid and the project type could not be updated. Valid output formats are XML, JSON(P), and ASNT/B. Returned if the caller user does not have permission to add user to application. Returned if the calling user does not have permission to administer the comment. If null (not provided) all remote links for the Specifies the Swagger Specification version being used. REST Client. This is a REST API reference for the Keycloak Admin. If you specify a value that is higher than this If true, then active users are included in the results (default true), If true, then inactive users are included in the results (default false). Retrieves the progress of a single reindex request. Not supported when importing from OneDrive for Business. optional, webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpEntityName If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated. Returned if the issue type does not exist, or is not visible to the calling user. Takes one file per request. Parameters. Parameters. Returned if the role with the given id does not exist. One may also use Content-Type: multipart/form-data with the POST body formatted accordingly. Returned if the caller user does not have permission to remove user from application. Returned if the requested scheme or workflow does not exist. the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). Status If idField is selected, then the idField listed in the description is used for deduplication and must be included in each record. In practice the user needs to be Optional Param. Admin permission will be required. Valid output formats are XML, JSON(P) , and ASNT/B. Version information. then the issue will not be deleted and an error will be returned. multipart/form-data. Returned if the input is invalid (e.g. if the user does not have the link issue permission for the source or destination issue of the issue link. URL-based API . Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to edit the version. Sets the value of the specified issue's property. 403 status code it is possible that the supplied credentials are valid but the user is not allowed to log in Returned if the request is invalid. Or move cooridinates invalid. when true indicates that a scheme's draft, if it exists, should be queried instead of where a new user and related password are created, using methods like the ones in see {@link com.atlassian.jira.bc.admin.ApplicationPropertiesService.EditPermissionLevel}. Returned if the requested user is not found. Returns the keys of all properties for the user identified by the key or by the id. POST /{realm}/clients-initial-access. optional, < PasswordPolicyTypeRepresentation > array, < FederatedIdentityRepresentation > array, AuthenticationExecutionExportRepresentation, ClientScopeEvaluateResource-ProtocolMapperEvaluationRepresentation, KeysMetadataRepresentation-KeyMetadataRepresentation. Returned if the remote issue link was removed successfully. Only supported for Power BI .pbix files. Returned if the dashboard item id is invalid. optional, webAuthnPolicyAuthenticatorAttachment optional, webAuthnPolicyUserVerificationRequirement Updates an existing comment using its JSON representation. If the the BROWSE permission for the project that owns the specified version. Returns preference of the currently logged in user. The returns set of worklogs is limited to 1000 elements. This is a special type of compound namespace input that retrieves CIDs by 2D similarity search. Returns a paginated list of notification schemes. A Power BI user access right entry for a dataset, The access right that the user has for the dataset (permission level). instead of sending the image directly as the request body. If the issue has subtasks and this parameter is missing or false, configured email address - the value of the notification type is EmailAddress, additionally information about the email will be provided. Delete all remote version links for a given version ID. Updates the specified issue type from a JSON representation. optional, < PasswordPolicyTypeRepresentation > array, < FederatedIdentityRepresentation > array, AuthenticationExecutionExportRepresentation, ClientScopeEvaluateResource-ProtocolMapperEvaluationRepresentation, KeysMetadataRepresentation-KeyMetadataRepresentation. multipart/form-data. Returns a single share permission of the given filter. Available properties are: The molecular weight is the sum of all atomic weights of the constituent atoms in a compound, measured in g/mol. DynaPictures expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following: Returns all projects which are visible for the currently logged in user. So my suspicion is that the FormData that arrives to the REST API is not adequately formed. Returns the issue type mapping for the passed workflow scheme. the list of fields to return for each issue. optional, webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessRpEntityName If a dataset with the same name already exists, the import operation will be cancelled. Validation failed. and thereby cannot delete remote links to the version. Continuing with our example above, we would use the following URL to get that information for JRA-9: To discover the identifiers for each entity, look at the expand property in the parent object. Under Catalog are the service types, such as Map Service and Geocode Service. Parameter a String of true or false indicating that any subtasks should also be deleted. Returned if the notification scheme does not exist, or is not visible to the calling user. Returned if the calling user does not have permission to browse the comment. view it. The construction of this part of the path will depend on what the operation is. Returned if an error occurs while resetting the column configuration. have permission to view it. In the Resets the columns for the given filter such that the filter no longer has its own column config. Returned if the issue with given key or id does not exist or if the property with given key is not found. By default only shortened beans are returned. This property will be removed from the payload response in an upcoming release. other than the currently logged in user. The general form of the URL has three parts input, operation, and output after the common prefix, followed by operation options as URL arguments (after the ?):[][?]. Using SSIS Web Service Task Call REST API (HTTP Web Service) and do HTTP POST or HTTP GET. if set to false and request is executed in context of a subtask, the parent issue will not be included in the auto-completion result, even if it matches the query. when doing a jql search -- the default there is just navigable fields (*navigable). allowed. Vault provides a Platform Postman collection for each GA release of the Veeva Vault REST API. if set to false, subtasks will not be included in the list. where xxxxxx is the listkey returned by the first URL, will return a list containing (only) CIDs 3 and 4. JSON body (with Content-Type: multipart/form-data and an appropriate boundary header) Note. Returns the favourite filters of the logged-in user. DynaPictures uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can use this method to test the password policy validation. Number of anionic centers (at pH 7) of a conformer. The list is ordered by the scheme's name. If null, all issue types are returned. - filter: matching string GET /api/extensionfeed/{id} Get a package info with {id} from remote store. Provide preferences of the currently logged in user. Main Features. the parameters to expand in returned project. Remove the default workflow from the passed workflow scheme. Note: the default is different Returned if the user is allowed to access the project, but is not an administrator of the project or JIRA and therefore This parameter is only used when fieldId is present. list of projects that are visible when using anonymous access. application/json. For all other POST requests, specify the content type as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. the client uses remote iframing to submit avatars using multipart. Returned if the property exists and the currently authenticated user has permission to edit it. 202, Status optional, webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessCreateTimeout Creates an issue or a sub-task from a JSON representation. One may also use Content-Type: multipart/form-data with the POST body formatted accordingly. You *must* use "avatar" as the name of the upload parameter: This resource allows to store custom properties for issue types. Whether the dataset is refreshable or not. Returns all roles in the given project Id or key, with links to full details on each role. Returned if the calling user does not have permission to view the remote issue link, or if issue linking is the field name for which the suggestions are generated. The response will contain an error message indicating why it failed to create the comment. Parameters. Returned if the user does not have permissions to edit project's permission schemes. Produces. Note that it means that namely user attributes, required actions, and not before are not returned.). Returned if screen does not exist or tab name is invalid, Returned if tab can not be deleted due to a pre-condition (there has to be at least one tab left). Note that not all formats are applicable to the results of all operations; one cannot, for example, retrieve a whole compound record as CSV or a property table as SDF. Given an issue key this resource will provide a list of users that match the search string and have The path of the OneDrive for Business Excel (.xlsx) file to import, which can be absolute or relative. whether or not the user will be required to enter their current password. The value will be converted to Boolean using Boolean#valueOf. For modifying state, use HTTP POST. Resources. Returned if no status categories are found, or the user does not have permission to view them. Identifier of the principal in Microsoft Graph. and requires the Browse Users global permission. Must not be null. Returned if the project category does not exist or the currently authenticated user does not have permission to We are looking for your feedback for these methods. The hierarchy of resources and operations listed in the table of contents matches the hierarchy of the API: The top node is Catalog. Only clients that actually have a session associated with them will be in this map. No principal type. the property is required to have permissions to read the issue. Creates temporary avatar using multipart. may be used to mimic the behaviour of JIRA's log-in page (e.g. here. Create a new permission scheme. collection of ApplicationRoles. This and dedupeFields are both special cases, where the field corresponding to the idField, or dedupeFields can be aliased in this way. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously. Returns all avatars which are visible for the currently logged in user. The subset depends on the API called, caller permissions, and the availability of data in the Power BI database. should allow events without recipients to appear in response. Host: localhost:8080 BasePath: /auth Schemes: HTTP. HTTP XMLHttpRequest URLtransactionXMLHttpRequest response body HTTP XMLHttpRequest Returned if there is a problem looking up preferences for the logged-in user, Returned if there is a problem setting the preferences for the logged-in user, Returned if user requested an empty group name or group already exists. Most if not all of the information the service needs to produce its results is encoded into the URL. 200, Status See the docs for specific methods to see which fields they support and if they support ordering at all. particular session. other roles of particular role container, which are not in {@link #getGrantedScopeMappings()}. Comma separated value is not supported. Returned if the JSON payload is empty or malformed. Lets take a look at what describing the Opportunity Role returns: In this example, dedupeFields is actually a compound key. specified group and its subgroups if "users" expand option is provided. Trying to update a property that does to include in the response. The maximum allowed value is 1000. When this happens, your results will be Returned if the calling user does not have permission to edit the project. application/json. Returned if an error occurs while generating the response. Returned if the caller is authenticated and does not have permission to create components in the project. Version information. the list of properties to return for the issue. Returned if the comment property is successfully updated. URI scheme. combinded with issuetypeIds, lists the issue types with which to filter the results. Returned if the version, or target of the version to move after does not exist or the currently authenticated You can also include only specified properties or exclude some properties If preference is set issue tracker, you would access: There is a WADL document that Returned if the property does not exist or the currently authenticated user does not have permission to It can be called in three different ways. Create a remote version link via POST. This is a simplified interface to retrieve lists of identifiers from classification nodes. key of the user whose property is to be set, username of the user whose property is to be set. If you use one of multipart/* content types, you are actually required to specify the boundary parameter in the Content-Type header. Returns assay descriptions. Not relevant for foreground reindex, where comments are always reindexed. If no redirect is given, then there will Provides metadata about the API. For PNG output, only the first SID or CID is used if the input is a list. for at least one of the issues. to display log-in errors to a user). POST to this resource. Returned if the request is not valid and the project could not be created. Creating a temporary avatar is part of a 3-step process in uploading a new The Marketo Lead Database APIs are the most frequently utilized APIs that Marketo provides as they allow for data interchange of person and person-related data from Marketo, such as Activities, Opportunities and Companies. Specifies the Swagger Specification version being used. Classic Slack apps using the umbrella bot scope can't request additional scopes to adjust message authorship.. For classic Slack apps, the best way to control the authorship of a message is to be explicit with the as_user parameter.. If so, you must specify a role. Applications can use the API to perform read and update operations on Defender for Cloud Apps data and objects. What operations are available are, of course, dependent on the input domain that is, certain operations are applicable only to compounds and not assays, for example. Ths user removing the property is required Returns a list of active users that match the search string. optional, webAuthnPolicyPasswordlessAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister Returned when the workflow scheme does not exist. The fields param (which can be specified multiple times) gives a comma-separated list of fields The hierarchy of resources and operations listed in the table of contents matches the hierarchy of the API: The top node is Catalog. multipart/form-data. The user who retrieves Results can be ordered by the "created" field which means the date a comment was added. This is a REST API reference for the Keycloak Admin. Secondly, my answer which uses file= only worked for me The link's global ID will be taken from the Returns a user. The framework provides one MultipartResolver an additional specification. optional, webAuthnPolicySignatureAlgorithms some keys under the "jira." Version information. Returned if the component does not exist or the currently authenticated user does not have permission to Valiation failed. Returns a list of users and groups matching query with highlighting. Returns a list of users that match the search string. The list can also be retrieved as a cache key (but, note, not as a list key). Each scheme contains Computationally generated octanol-water partition coefficient or distribution coefficient. It requires a CID, or a SMILES, InChI, or SDF string in the URL path or POST body (InChI and SDF by POST only). If {@code search} is specified other criteria such as {@code last} will Returned if you do not have permissions or you are not logged in. It does not allow for user selectable options in dealing with the stereochemistry and tautomer layers of the InChI string. This is a REST API reference for the Keycloak Admin. Create a new initial access token. anonymously. All rights reserved. in order to include the non-editable keys in the response. Options are:,,2,3,135653256/dates/XML?dates_type=modification,deposition,hold,,624113/dates/XML?dates_type=deposition,hold. 320x240). No issue link will be created if it failed to create the comment. found - status code 200. Updates the ApplicationRoles with the passed data if the version hash is the same as the server. Provides REST access to JIRA's Application Roles. If the specified issue link id is invalid. Results can be ordered by the following fields: Contains a full representation of a the specified project's versions. Returned if the requesting user is not an admin or a sysadmin. then specify the permissions expand parameter. Returns the issue type mapping for the passed draft workflow scheme.

The mass of a molecule, calculated using the mass of the most abundant isotope of each element. The redirectUri and clientId parameters are optional. Requests to change the key or the name of the role will be silently ignored. indicating that no reindex has taken place. Welcome to the Jira Server platform REST API reference. Returns for a given issue link type id all information about this issue link type. which are linked with this client. So firstly, the only mistake the OP made was in not using the @ symbol before the file name. Client Initial Access. JIRA uses pagination to limit the response size for resources that return a potentially large collection Returned for users without administer permissions. Use If a dataset with the same name already exists, the import operation will create a new dataset with the same name. Methods . If issue linking is disabled or Returned if no project or issue key was provided or when permissions list is empty or contains an invalid entry. The number of conformers in the conformer model for a compound. a name of the group for which members will be returned. Seeherefor more information on content type encoding. Returns the keys of all properties for the project identified by the key or by the id. Host: localhost:8080 BasePath: /auth Schemes: HTTP. missing required fields, invalid values, and so forth). automatically. Returned if you do not have permissions to create a role. invalid values). Sets the value of the specified comment's property. Produces. A second option, when using certain geometry service and geoprocessing service operations, is to continue to use GET and to specify a URL to the input JSON object contained in a file on a public server: When making a POST request to an operation that involves uploading a file, such as addAttachment for feature services, specify the content type as multipart/form-data. The response is sent back as JSON stored in a textarea. Once a session has been successfully created it can be used to access To prevent this, use this parameter to specify a different group to transfer the restrictions (comments and worklogs only) to. matched against the first and last name, the username and the email of a who stores the data is required to have permissions to edit an issue type. specify "changelog" as one of the values to expand. But these have been engineered to be much faster, and so return results immediately rather than going through a ticket + polling system. Returned if the resolution does not exist or the user does not have permission to view it. The user To specify the ordering use "-" or "+" sign. Methods . Returns a summary of taxonomy: CellAccession, Name, Sex, Category, SourceTissue, SourceTaxonomyID, SourceOrganism, and a list of Synonyms. Add a new property to a transition. Kim S, Thiessen PA, Bolton EE, Bryant SH. Delete a specific remote version link with the given version ID and global ID. Only generated public certificate is saved in Keycloak DB - the private key is not. By default created user will not be notified with email. Indicates that changeHistory should also be reindexed. As an example, view the find dialog box for a USA service: Each field on the dialog box is one of the URL parameters for the find operation. This will always return empty list for "local" users, which are not backed by any user storage. - id of the issue to scope returned permissions for. Returns an array containing the reindex request IDs being processed. You can use this REST API to build add-ons for JIRA, develop integrations between JIRA and other applications, or script interactions with JIRA. Returned if the actor could not be added to the project role. Only reindex requests that actually exist will be returned The attribute consists of the key and the value. Returned if the component exists and the currently authenticated user has permission to edit it. be ignored even though you set them. Valid output formats are XML, JSON(P), ASNT/B, and CSV. To send a block of text rather than a file, use the parseToCandidateViaJson operation. The metadata can be used by the clients if needed. The shared access signature URL of the temporary blob storage used to import large Power BI .pbix files between 1 GB and 10 GB in size. Returns auto complete suggestions for JQL search. Resources. a String containing the name of the user to remove from the watcher list. The redirectUri and clientId parameters are optional. The Services Directory can help you generate URLs that include the reference to a resource as well as any parameters. As a convenience, if a field who stores the data is required to have permissions to administer the project. Sets the value of the specified issue type's property. For retrieving information, use HTTP GET. Only generated public certificate is saved in Keycloak DB - the private key is not. If value is Output is raw and should be backwards-compatible through the course of time. is not present, it is silently ignored. other roles of particular role container, which are not in {@link #getGrantedScopeMappings()}. if the user does not have the link issue permission for the issue, which will be linked to another issue. In cases, when calculating this Resources. Edits an issue from a JSON representation. and it represents a single permission grant. Use either explicitly specified issue IDs or a JQL query to select issues to reindex. Either because none exists with this id, or the user If the JQL query is too large to be encoded as a query param you should instead Sets the default share scope of the logged-in user. (required when "manual" is selected for adjustEstimate) the amount to increase the remaining estimate by e.g. This takes into account whether the user is licensed on the Application that defines the project type. This is a REST API reference for the Keycloak Admin. Valid output formats are XML, JSON(P), and ASNT/B. Multiple date types may be requested. The marketoGUID is still the resulting lookup field in the call, but it is not explicitly set in the call. A Power BI user access right entry for a report, The access right that the user has for the report (permission level). combined with the projectIds param, lists the projects with which to filter the results. Ignored if negative or {@code null}. to show a comprehensive total view of realm-level roles associated with the client. Fully updates a roles. e.g. Not relevant for foreground reindex, where changeHistory is always reindexed. Ignored if negative or {@code null}. See here for more information on content type encoding. Parameter will contain key of the user. Case insensitive String indicating type of reindex. The returned object has an access_token property and a refresh_token property as well as expires_in and scope.You should now store the object in a database or a data storage of your choice. Either timeSpent or timeSpentSeconds can be set. Otherwise, in the case of an HTTP Type of AIDs to return, given SIDs or CIDs. i.e ones that haven't already been added. For the most up-to-date documentation, developers should reference the REST API reference. the type of workflow to use. Returned if there is no component with the given key, or if the calling user does not have permission to See error codes for additional details. {@code email} or {@code username} those criteria are matched against their Note that this collection represents the point in time when the API became GA, and will not receive additional updates. When using REST framework, CSRF validation takes place inside the view, so the request factory needs to disable view-level CSRF Delete the passed workflow from the workflow scheme. A REST sub-resource representing the voters on the issue. when true will create and return a draft when the workflow scheme cannot be edited with that client. Valid output formats are XML, JSON(P), and ASNT/B.

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