As tropical countries contain a higher total species number and are therefore likely to have a much higher proportion of undescribed species [5], particularly smaller taxa, this under-representation is likely to be even more marked in reality. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation Museu de Cincies Naturals de Barcelona Print ISSN: 1578-665X Publications +2 Diet overlap of immigrant narrowbarred Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson. broad scope, and wide readership a perfect fit for your research every time. See ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION journal impact factor, SJR, SNIP, CiteScore, H-index metrics. No, Is the Subject Area "Species diversity" applicable to this article? It is an CC BY Journal with a Single blind Peer Review review system The scope of the journal is focused on systematics, taxonomy, biogeography, ecology, conservation, biodiversity. In case editorial models are conditional, e.g. Only by doing so can we ensure that biodiversity research yields results that are relevant and applicable to all regions and that the information necessary for the conservation of threatened species is available to conservation practitioners. In particular, northern South America, Africa and SE Asia had a low relative number of publications. No, Is the Subject Area "Conservation science" applicable to this article? In contrast, the titles of studies on invertebrates usually specified which taxa were being studied. Another study focussed on the research output of four ecological journals (Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Oecologia, Ecology) for the years 2006 and 2007 [16], and again highlighted the tendency to ignore invertebrates, in particular insects, in high-impact journals. How Influential is Animal Biodiversity and Conservation? Invertebrate taxa were either slightly over-represented (annelids, molluscs, nematodes and other invertebrates) or under-represented (insects and arachnids). We recorded a generally a positive relationship between the number of publications and the number of threatened and number of species recorded in the IUCN database [19, 20] per country. Museu de Ciencies Naturals de Barcelona is the publisher of Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. With this change, we want to focus on our core . Maps were created using QGIS (version 2.12.1) to visualise differences in research effort across countries worldwide. To do this, we used the search engine Web of Science to systematically sample a subset of the published literature with biodiversity in the title. For example, only 70 modern insect extinctions have been documented, despite thousands being estimated to have occurred [13]. A survey of papers on vertebrates from nine high-impact journals reported a bias towards mammals and birds [14]. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation published with a Semi-annual frequency. Biodiversity and Conservation Journal home Volumes and issues Volumes and issues Volume 31 January - July 2022 July 2022, issue 8-9 June 2022, issue 7 May 2022, issue 5-6 March 2022, issue 4 March 2022, issue 3 February 2022, issue 2 January 2022, issue 1 Volume 30 January - December 2021 December 2021, issue 14 November 2021, issue 13 Vertebrate groups are shown in red and invertebrate groups are shown in blue. The proportions of described species in different groups are shown in the right-hand column for comparison. Methodology, ADD TO MY LIST A new . a CC BY Look up their open access statement and their license terms. Final instar larva of Neocordulia volxemi (Selys, 1874) (Odonata, Libelluloidea) from southeastern Brazil, Exploration behaviour and foraging strategies in Mediterranean blue tits, The effect of sex on home range in an urban population of European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus at the southern edge of its distribution, First record of Brongersma's toad Barbarophryne brongersmai (Anura, Bufonidae) in the central High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, Diet of the bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) along the northern Gulf of Mexico and southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States. Science Citation Index covers 9,000+ journals across 177 scientific disciplines. To analyse the top 25% most-cited papers separately, the average number of citations per year was calculated (total citations to date divided by the time since publication). However, clearly this is not the case in terms of ecosystem function or conservation priority. Scatterplots comparing the number of biodiversity papers against the number of threatened animal species (a) and species richness (b) listed in IUCN databases [19, 20] per country. Copyright: 2017 Titley et al. A few or all of these hypotheses may play a role in producing the biases reported in this study. Copyrights and related rights for article metadata waived via CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0) Public Domain Dedication. Roles Meanwhile, those authors whose papers were under review, please contact urgently by the journal email address. license. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Yes Generalised linear models were used to test whether the number of biodiversity studies or authors in a country was related to Gross Domestic Product (GDP)data from World Bank: World Development Indicators 2014. Many countries with low GDP had no biodiversity papers identified from this sample. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation ISSN: 1578--665X Publisher: The Natural Science Museum of Barcelona. The main subject areas of published articles are Animal Science and Zoology, Nature and Landscape Conservation. Also reported was a preference in British Research Council NERC funding towards vertebrate ecologists (38%) compared with entomologists (13%). However, it has become clear that public perceptions of biodiversity do not reflect this invertebrate-dominated reality. All journals covered in this database are reviewed for sufficiently high quality each year. on authors' or reviewers' choices, multiple answers should be selected, which explains why some journals . Estimates for global species richness typically fall in the range of 3 million to 100 million species [5] although a working figure between 5 and 15 million is often suggested [6]. No, Is the Subject Area "Animal taxonomy" applicable to this article? Yes Vertebrate-biased research may also appeal to the media who are catering for a vertebrate-preferring public audience [9]. As reported in above mentioned article, biodiversity can be defined as an array of different plants and animals living in the same environment or habitat and together results in the formation of a an ecology. Funding acquisition, Instead we will only show the profile of the journals' presence in the sources analysed by MIAR: under the label 'Diffusion' the number of presences will be indicated according to the four categories of sources used. Arthropods, and especially insects, account for most known eukaryote species: of the 1.22 million described species, approximately 925,000 are insects [7,8]. Given their true species richness, vertebrates were significantly over-represented compared to invertebrates in the published literature (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, W = 24, N = 10, P<0.05) (Fig 3). SNIP score for Animal Biodiversity and Conservation is 0.6. biodiversity was formally defined at the 1992 united nations convention on biological diversity as 'the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of The equivalent numbers for birds are 0.7% and 13%. Copyright 2022 Cactus Communications. Nominal GDP in US$ is plotted against the number of biodiversity studies sampled from each country, revealing a positive relationship. The majority of studies on vertebrates (with the exception of studies on fishes) do not mention the study taxon in the title. In particular, whether papers studying biodiversity differ in how likely they are to specify the study taxon in the title compared between papers on invertebrate and vertebrate biodiversity. Confirmation Of Your Paper Being Published. Not all invertebrate taxa were underrepresented however; in fact, four out of the six invertebrate groups were somewhat over-represented in scientific research. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation is a journal indexed in SJR in Animal Science and Zoology and Nature and Landscape Conservation with an H index of 34. This Journal is the 5901 st out of 12,155 Physical Sciences journals. Supervision, This discrepancy is more pronounced in highly cited papers, and in tropical regions, with only 43% of biodiversity research in the tropics including invertebrates. These results clearly demonstrate more charismatic animal groups are over-represented in biodiversity research and have been since biodiversity first emerged as a research field. Yes In addition, certain taxa may be used as surrogates for other harder-to-study groups [28,29], which may have a similar geographic distribution or show a similar response to disturbance. No, Is the Subject Area "Vertebrates" applicable to this article? This may reflect and promote a common (if subconscious) perception of which taxa represent biodiversity. Formal analysis, The number of biodiversity studies was positively related to countries nominal GDP (Poisson regression, z = 28.62, N = 232, P<0.0001) (Fig 7). The taxonomic bias could also be the product of funding bodies, which may preferentially award research grants for vertebrate studies if these are perceived to be more important, interesting or relevant to conservation and policy priorities. retains Journal/Conference Details Animal Biodiversity and Conservation Essential Science Indicators Field Environment and Ecology Visit Website Published by Scientific Publications of the Natural History Museum of Barcelona Does not allow reviews to be publicly displayed Only allows reviewers to display the journal they reviewed for Through this web page, researchers can check the impact factor, total citation, journal quartile, and journal aim & scope. The ISSN of this journal is 1578-665X. Alternatively, it could represent the increased challenges of working with more diverse taxa, particularly in terms species identification. Yes PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION is a Web of Science indexed journal tha publishes research in the area: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION - SCIE(Q3). the biodiversity varies from type to type such as Marine biodiversity, Genetic Biodiversity, Terrestial Biodiversity among many others . In addition, we chose to investigate geographical biases, to assess whether biodiversity research is skewed towards certain regions and whether taxonomic biases are stronger in certain parts of the world. Therefore, we are likely to continue to undervalue these under-studied groups, especially in parts of the world where they are most threatened, and perhaps allocate less funding to their protection. Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work. Is the Subject Area "Biodiversity" applicable to this article? SJR for Animal Biodiversity and Conservation is Q3. Look up the Library of Congress Classification Outline, Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0) Public Domain Dedication. Academic Journals Database contains complete bibliographic citations, precise indexing, and informative abstracts for papers from a wide range of periodicals. Secondly, we investigate whether any bias differs between temperate and tropical regions. The ISSN of this journal is 1578-665X. Writing review & editing, Affiliation Within vertebrates, birds and mammals were over-represented, while other taxa were under-represented. Content appears on:, Editor: Bernd Schierwater, Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover, GERMANY, Received: February 5, 2017; Accepted: November 29, 2017; Published: December 14, 2017. Five percent was an arbitrary figure that produced a sample size of 526 publications, which was quantifiable within the time frame of this project. The latest impact factor of ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION and all the other SCI journals has been released on 30th June 2022 by Clarivate. The journal is targeted at academics, practitioners and researchers who are focused on such topics of scientific research. The scientific citation-indexing platform Web of Science was used to sample research papers from the period 19952015, following a strict and repeatable search protocol. Responsibilities to wildlife in field research and conservation projects have always been complicated because ethical duties to animals, populations, and ecosystems can pull wildlife scientists and managers in different directions (Minteer and Collins 2005a, 2005b, 2008).In recent years, this situation has been made even more complex by the impacts of global change (especially . This could hamper an overarching understanding of the state of the natural environment. All about Animal Biodiversity and Conservation at Researcher.Life. Peet Van der Merwe, Melville Saayman, Jauntelle Els and Andrea Saayman https . Data curation, here. No, Is the Subject Area "Taxonomy" applicable to this article? This could be achieved through more targeted funding for these invertebrate groups (and under-represented countries). Moreover, systematic quantification of the number of papers studying biodiversity shows a marked increase over the last two decades (Fig 1). PLoS ONE 12(12): Taxonomic bias is not necessarily bad. For each paper, details on taxonomic group, title phrasing, number of citations, study location, and author locations were recorded. Language: English; ISSN: 2141-243X; DOI: 10.5897/IJBC; Start Year: 2009; . ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATIONis a Web of Science indexed journal tha publishes research in the area: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION - SCIE(Q3). This could reflect a general perception that vertebrates alone are sufficient to represent biodiversity. Subjects covered include population biology, epidemiology, evolutionary ecology, population genetics, biodiversity, biogeography, palaeobiology and conservation economics. General perceptions of biodiversity may also be influenced by journal editors publishing a disproportionate number of articles on vertebrates (consciously or subconsciously), because such articles may be more likely to gain traction within a scientific community that is already vertebrate-biased (especially if journals are under pressure to maintain a high impact factor driven by citations). Impact factor of ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION As with the distribution of biodiversity research, the distribution of authors was heavily biased towards developed countries, particularly Western Europe (Fig 10). However, the number of published studies is heavily weighted towards certain taxa, perhaps influencing conservation awareness of and funding for less-popular groups. By this classification, studies in polar regions are also classified as temperate. JWB is a university-based journal devoted to the publication of high-quality papers on all aspects of biological diversity. Few studies have systematically quantified these biases, although information on this topic is important for informing future research and conservation priorities. Furthermore, while papers on vertebrate taxa typically did not specify the taxonomic group in the title, the converse was true for invertebrate papers. As an open-access journal, JWB (ISSN:2588-3526) founded by Dr. Morteza Naderi at Arak University (IRAN) which is indexed in Scopus and Web of Sciences (ESCI), covers a wide range of topics, from various fields of biodiversity research, life sciences, earth sciences, molecular biology and genetics, wildlife ecology, and biology to different aspects of biodiversity conservation. Visualization, Updated 11 May 2020. What does DOAJ define as Open Accesss? By dividing the number of threatened species (data from IUCN [19]) by the number of biodiversity papers for each country, we also visualised countries that could be considered priorities for research (high numbers of threatened species relative to biodiversity research effort). You are much more than your last research project. Another challenge is to ease the practical issues of identification and research on these taxa [33]. The bias towards vertebrates is greater in tropical regions than temperate regions. Based on 2020, SJR is 0.391. This Journal is the 4470 th out of 9,726 Life Sciences journals. The distribution of biodiversity research and its authors countries of origin resemble the distribution of GDP, rather than that of actual biodiversity or numbers of threatened species. Certain counties had a higher number of threatened species relative to the biodiversity research effort (given by dividing the number of IUCN listed threatened species [19] by the number of research publications on biodiversity (Fig 8). Services. Compose Your Research Paper As Per The Guidelines Of The Journal. Conserv. SCI is described as the world's leading journal. Note that large areas of Africa lacked any studies at all in our sample. Writing review & editing, Affiliation The fact that insects and arachnids were the least well represented groups in this study does not mean they are the least represented of all taxa, since there will be other poorly studied invertebrate groups included within the other invertebrates category, or within these groups at a finer taxonomic scale. The use of modern media may ease access to specimens digitally, and help to put researchers and taxonomic experts in touch. Visit the journal's website to submit your research paper. Given that funding and time are limited, biodiversity research should be focussed on certain taxa for scientifically justified reasons, rather than because of an underlying subjectivity in what we consider to be important. Learn more about their copyright policy. Biodiversity research is also biased geographically: studies are more frequently carried out in developed countries with larger economies, and for a given level of species or threatened species, tropical countries were understudied relative to temperate countries. 1 global ecology and conservation nld 76% similarity 2 biodiversity and conservation nld 73% similarity 3 animal conservation usa 71% similarity 4 biological conservation nld 71% similarity 5 european journal of wildlife research deu 70% similarity 6 journal for nature conservation deu 69% similarity 7 european journal of ecology usa 68%

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