We pay $$$ and it takes seconds! Water Softener: The chemical substances which when added to water, help in the removal of ions that cause hardness of water are known as water softeners. Be notified when an answer is posted. Law of Partial Pressures (Daltons Law): The law states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the summation of the partial pressures of various gaseous components of the mixture. cadmium - Cadmium is the name for the element with atomic number 48 and is represented by the symbol Cd. Solution - A homogenous mixture of a liquid (the solvent) with a gas or solid (the Crystallization: The process which leads to the formation of regular shaped crystals naturally or artificially. * Free Chemistry Dictionary - Free Chemistry Glossary. Sometimes chemicals need a little encouragement in order to react. The molecule usually undergoes decomposition or isomerization or rearrangement due to this process. Litmus Paper: A narrow strip of paper that acts as acid-base indicator. Salary: $1,250 per month. Required: Bachelor's degree, enrollment in a minimum of 6 hrs graduate course work per semester, and 18 hours of master level course work completed. WEB Links: Polar Bond: A type of covalent bond where there is an uneven distribution of charges is called polar bond. delocalization: This is when electrons can move around all over a molecule. CHYMISTRY. Sometimes used interchangeably with reagent. Titrant: A titrant is a chemical reagent with known concentration, which is added to the analyte during the process of titration, in order to calculate the concentration of the analyte in the solution. 19. Get your stirring sticks ready because it is time to look at solutions in chemistry. All reactions are to some extent reversible; i.e., the products can Terms in this set (19) . Matter Anything that has mass and occupies space (volume). Redox Reaction: A chemical reaction where both reduction and oxidation processes take place due to exchange of electrons between participating atoms. Lithium ion is then represented as Li + but not Li +1. Valence Bond Theory: Valence bond theory describes the formation of a bond in a molecule. Gangue: The impurities that come with the minerals of an ore, during its mining are known as gangue. [Z]. Test. It sounds like youd only find catalysts in a chemistry lab, but you may be surprised to find examples of catalysts in your everyday life! It is believed that Alchemy is the basis of modern-day inorganic Chemistry. a mixture of iron filings and sulphur. Neutralization: A chemical reaction that takes place between an acidic and basic substance and leads to the formation of salt and water, is called neutralization. List of definitions of terms and concepts commonly used in the study of chemistry, solute concentration is directly proportional to absorbance. For a typical term paper, this part is usually entitled "Introduction" without any quotation marks. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: A type of organic compound that consists of one or more number of double or triple bonds between the carbon atoms. It shows dual properties of both a wave as well as a particle. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. (the "Gold Book"). Science Teacher and Lover of Essays. there is Vulcanization: A special chemical process, where rubber is treated with sulfur and other chemical substances under high temperature, so that they combine with the rubber to enhance its strength and elasticity is called vulcanization. rate determining step - The rate determining step is the slowest step in any chemical reaction. Third Law of Thermodynamics: The third law of thermodynamics states that at absolute zero temperature, the entropy of an element in a perfect crystalline form would become zero. Deliquescent: The property of a substance to readily absorb the moisture present in atmosphere and convert into a liquid is known as deliquescent. Read on to find out more about the many terms and definitions associated with this stream Chemistry is a branch of Science that deals with the study of the behavioral attributes of various substances, their chemical composition, their chemical reactions and so on. Catalyst: A substance which when added to a chemical reaction, increases the rate of the reaction without participating in it. Wurtz reaction: It is a reaction where coupling of two molecules of alkyl halides takes place, when they are reacted with sodium and form a new alkane. 10 letters . Bachelor Degree A Bachelor degree is required at the time of matriculation. The Language of the Nucleus, on-line edition. Lewis Acid: Lewis acid is that substance of a chemical compound which readily accepts lone pair of electrons to complete its octet. Chemical formula A short form used to represent a molecule; uses letters and numbers; only pure substances have chemical formulas; H2O is the chemical formula for water. In HSC chemistry, we only look at three types of structural isomers: Chain isomers: Involve rearrangement of carbon atoms in the backbone resulting in a different number of carbons in the longest chain or different branching in the carbon chain 10. Isomers: Molecules whose molecular formulas are same but the structural formulas are different are known as isomers. An electron configuration that uses one of the noble gases to represent the core of electrons up to that element. Boiling Point: The temperature at which the atmospheric pressure and the vapor pressure of the liquid become equal is called the boiling point. Download Form 1 Chemistry End of Term 3 Examination 2022 with marking scheme. [T] [U] For this, a narrow molten zone is moved along the length of the solid,accumulating the impurities in the molten zone which are then carried to the end of the bar. Atom the smallest unit of an element that displays the same properties as the element, for example, hydrogen. Activated Charcoal: Carbon which is porous, and possess high adsorption power is called activated charcoal. Nuclear Energy :The energy generated as a result of splitting or fusion of the nuclei is known as nuclear energy. Octet Rule: According to octet rule, during the formation of a chemical bond, the atoms of the combining elements tend to attain eight electrons in their outermost orbit. phases, e.g. Vocabulary - Common chemistry terms explained. Universal Indicator: It is an indicator that changes its colors through a large range of pH values of the pH chart, for the identification of acidic or basic nature of different solutions. Chemistry - general words - related words and phrases | Cambridge SMART Vocabulary (US) Periodic Table A system for organizing the elements into columns and rows, so that elements with similar properties are in the same column. Chemistry -- Terms and Conditions for Use, Chemistry Oxidation Half Reaction: That half of a redox reaction where loss of electrons takes place. This glossary of chemistry terms is a list of terms and definitions relevant to chemistry, including chemical laws, . The Celsius scale is a common temperature scale in chemistry. Compound A pure substance that can be broken down into smaller parts using chemical properties; water and carbon dioxide are both examples of compounds; all parts of a compound will contain identical molecules; in distilled water, all parts will contain identical H2O molecules. one-, two-, or three-letter abbreviation used to represent an element or its atoms Dalton (Da) alternative unit equivalent to the atomic mass unit Dalton's atomic theory set of postulates that established the fundamental properties of atoms electron negatively charged, subatomic particle of relatively low mass located outside the nucleus You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. electrons although the number of neutrons may vary. This happens when you have double bonds on adjacent atoms in a molecule (conjugated hydrocarbon) denature: When the 3-D structure of a protein breaks down due to heat (or alkaline solution. Need abbreviation of Chemistry? Materials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. Law of Combining Volumes (Gay-Lussacs Law): In a chemical reaction, that is taking place under constant pressure and temperature, the ratio of the volumes of the reacting gases and the resultant products is defined in whole numbers. Roasting: Roasting is a common chemical process that is used to extract metals from their sulfide ores. of the chemistry term you need a definition for: Homogeneous Mixture: A type of mixture made up of substances that have uniformity in terms of composition and property. | Check your answers at the bottom of the page and have fun with our free chemistry word jumble. Molarity: Molarity of a solution can be described as the measure of the quantity of solute substance, present in one liter of the given solvent. Radioactive Dating: A method used for calculating the age of various naturally occurring or man-made ancient objects, with the help of the half life constant of the radioactive element present in them. Box 15509-00503, Nairobi | Tel:+254202319748 E-mail: infosnkenya@gmail.com | ORDER ANSWERS ONLINE at www.schoolsnetkenya.com 3. behavior of an organism in response to a stimulus. Biology - Any change in The formation of a compound involves a chemical reaction: i.e. Buffer Solution: A solution that shows resistance towards change in pH value. When a lithium atom loses one electron, the charge of the nucleus remains as +3 whereas outside the nucleus the charge reduces to -2. miscible. Name of energy that required to remove an electron completely from a gaseous atom (only first two letters of "energy" are to be used.) A physics major is not required. Unlike compounds, mixtures can be separated by physical means Atomic number The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom; for example, the atomic number for helium is 2. The journal publishes preliminary accounts in the whole field of chemistry, including inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer chemistry, applied chemistry, etc., satisfying a real and urgent need for the dissemination of research results, especially hot topics. 13. Electron: Electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle that revolves around the nucleus of an atom. Second Law of Thermodynamics: The second law of thermodynamics states that in any cyclic process, it is impossible to convert hundred percent of the heat energy into work. a change in the configuration of the valence electrons of the atoms. Sodium carbonate or washing soda is an excellent water softener. 29,696 registered articles. Nuclear Fission: A type of nuclear reaction where the nucleus of a heavy element is split up to form lighter nuclei, and a large number of free electrons and gamma rays are released in the process. If you would like to get soft copy in MS word, do send me an email at leobencheah@gmail.com . Read on to find out more about the many terms and definitions associated with this stream . Ostwald Process: It is a method used for the production of nitric acid industrially, by using ammonia and oxygen. Created by. 15. Absolute temperature can be attained theoretically only. Hydrogenation: A chemical reaction, where addition of hydrogen takes place to double or triple bonded unsaturated organic compounds, in presence of a catalyst. Study guides. Also enplethy, chemical amount, or simply amount. 4. Radio | Free Radical: Those atoms or ions or molecules which have one or more unpaired electrons in them are known as free radicals. Learn. For example the forces between dipole-dipole or induced dipole-induced dipole etc.

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