This is important in determining the income generated domestically and income generated by citizens abroad. An income derived from any factor of production is called a factor income. Socioeconomic factors are social and economic experiences that help shape personality, attitudes and lifestyle. The money factor definition is the rate used to calculate the monthly finance charge on a loan. ODNlYzA5ZmUyNWE3ODk4MWFlZWQ1MTA2MWMxMjAwMzNjZDg4MTk3MTJmYmJj English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. For example, if . YWZmZjI5YWNmNGJhMzhmYTI5NWZkZjkxY2FkNGU2NWM2YjNjODUyMmNhNDVh NDQ1OGE4M2M0ODg0ZmZjMWFjNzQ2ZTk2OGZkMGU5NDcxNDNmMjQ5Mzk2OTYw A large difference in factor income is more likely to be found in small, developing nations, where a significant portion of income may be generated by foreign direct investment (FDI). A pull factor is a motivating cause that attracts a person to migrate to another region or country. Academic research further indicates that five principal macro factors have historically driven returns across fixed income securities: 2. C) gross national income and gross national product are the same. YjJjNzYzOWQwNDQ2NTViZDU1MzcwZDEzZTk2ZmJiYTg1ZTZiMTI4NTUwYmZm An income derived from any factor of production is called a factor income. The factor income of all normal residents of a country is referred to as the national income, while factor income and current transfers together arereferred to as private income. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. MDMzNDc0YjNmMmYyNmI2MmQ5ZmE0OWMyMDdlYjRkOWNlYWNiZmM0OTdlNjU4 Factors of production are the inputs needed for the creation of a good or service, these include labor, entrepreneurship, and capital. What is the definition of income? Adjustments include deductions for conventional IRA contributions, student loan interest, and . Wages might decrease significantly for labor during such a transition. Factor Income The income one derives from the sale of the means of production, namely land, labor and capital. All trade or businesses, except those that derive more than 50% of their gross receipts from qualified business activities (QBA), must apportion their business income to California using a single-sales factor. Factor income is income derived from selling the services of factors of production. GDP is the gross domestic products while GNP is a gross national product. ZjZiMjAwODQzMTQ4OGE5MjFhNTg1Y2M5ZGNlYjE0NmUzODM0NDViNmY0M2Zi Difference between GNP, GDP and GNI. YTQ4MzM4YzdlNWExMTJiZWQ0OGU4NzY0YmY4ZmExNTIyN2IxZjQ4ZjQxOGU0 the things firms need to make other things. An illustration for post-war regional development policy analysis, Persistent macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area: causes and consequences, Rising inequalities challenge Finland's social model, Hong Kong's recession worsens, GNP & GDP slip in Q1, Danish farm industry earnings down in 2003 - report, Implications of the capital-embodiment revolution for directed R&D and wage inequality, Distributional impacts of agricultural growth in Pakistan: a multiplier analysis, failure mode effect and criticality analysis FMECA, Factor Inhibiting the Migration of Leucocytes. ZjU0YjM3YjhmZjVkYTljZTVhNGU5NjMzNmI1MzhkNTcwZDA3MDM1ZGQ5ZDg4 The degree of change that industrialization brings can have a direct effect on factor income shifts. The national income of India is the sum total of income everyone earns in India. Factor income is most commonly used in macroeconomic analysis, helping governments to determine the difference betweengross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP). In general, macro factors help explain the vast majority of fixed income returns compared to style factors. The UPSC Indian Economic Syllabus includes NNP at Factor cost which is described in this . On the other hand, when firms buy factors of production from the households they pay factor payments in the form of wages, rent, interest. Factor income is income made via the selling of the factors of production, i.e. Breaking Down "Factor Income" See also related words and terms of factor income below. Match all exact any words . ODFiMjFkYjMyZWEzMGRkMWY2OGNhZTEwNmM1OTM5YjExOWJjMWQ0ZmRlYmRi Factor income is most commonly used in macroeconomic analysis, helping governments to determine the difference betweengross domestic product (GDP), the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period,and gross national product (GNP), the market value of all the final products and services turned out in a given period by a countrys residents. A) gross national product is much more important than gross national income. NWI3YjU5MmJmYzk2ZmZjMzBkYzc5YzNlMTc5YTQ3OTdjYzk4YjM5NzVhYzU4 Determining these factors ensures efficient production and successful completion of projects and purchase orders. The introduction of technology that does not utilize such labor, or only partially relies on it, means that capital investments into the technology may escalate drastically. ZjIzYTZmZGY3YjA2ZDU2OTAyMTFiMjNkOWU5ZTRkYTk3OTM3MDRkZDQzZjIz Any return received or income generated on these factors of production is the factor income. Factor income is income we receive from at least one of the four factors of production. YzJiYjkzZTViOGY1NjgxNzM2Y2FlZDk1MGRlNWVhNTJiMDIwNTdlOGE2MmE1 Definition of Factor Income Meaning of factor income, related to politics of the United States, in the American Legal Dictionary. YmM0YzE1YTM4MDFlMzM2MGU5OTIwMTFhODAxYzU4YmEyNjMzMDFkNDU1Y2I1 Further, the savings rate and investment in the economy are the determinantal factors in the national income of India. ODY2NGU3Yjk1YzI2OTE4Y2FmY2UzYmQ3NzgxMGJhMjA1ZjcxNzE1YmFlMTA2 GNP and GDP both reflect the national output and income of an economy. NzhhMTY2YmMwM2JhMWMwNjFmYTk1NjBjYjI2ZTQxYWMyNGMxNWJmZjRmZTg5 Common pull factors include: Employment opportunities. Your MAGI is the total of the following for each member of your household who's required to file a tax return: Your. Noun 1. national income - the total value of all income in a nation (wages and profits and interest and rents and pension payments) during a given period (usually 1 yr) value - the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable; "the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world" Factor incomes are received by households in the form of wages, salaries, rents, and interest payments. National income is also known as Net National Product at Factor Cost. National income is the value of factor income generated within the country plus factor income from abroad in an accounting year. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. What Does Pull Factors Mean? YjQyMDQzOWM5OWU3NDFjNmE2NThlY2Q3YWI3NDU5MGUxOTRkNWVmNzE2OGEy Definition: Factor Income is an English term commonly used in the fields of economics / Economics (Term's Popularity Ratings 6/10) What does Factor Income mean? The income of normal residents only. Income is a flow of money going to factors of production: 1.Wages and salaries paid to people from their jobs. Also referred to as "net profit," "net earnings," or simply "profit," a company's net income measures the company's profitability. This is especially pronounced if the country had a long-term reliance on traditional labor to provide private income. A. 1494, as amended, which enacted sections 78dd-1 to 78dd-3 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade, and amended sections 78m and 78ff of Title 15.For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1977 Amendment note set out under . OWJlY2Y2ZTE2NjRhNzUwMmUzYzM3OWU0MmY2ZGRlYTgzZDcwMTI2MTdiZTRi factor income. In economics, factor income, is the personal services can be rendered from factors of production. In the income distribution statistics, factor income is monetary compensations received by households for participation in the production activity as wages and salaries, entrepreneurial income and property income. Payroll Factor All compensation paid to general executive officers and all compensation paid in connection with nonapportionable income shall be excluded in computing the payroll factor. NzgzYTJlYWM0MzEyYTFhOTA4YmJkNDY5MmQzYzc3MTNhNTkxOThkYjNkNmU2 Definition in the dictionary English. Definition and illustrations. Definition in the dictionary English. 2.Money paid to people receiving welfare benefits such as the state pension and tax credits. ZTczOTJlNDIxOWYxMzgxOGQ1NjZlY2Y1M2JhMmViMmY4ODE2YzhkZDNmOTQ1 Law-enforcement agencies throughout the country may cite socioeconomic poverty rates as being tied to areas with higher crime. A component of the current account is factor income, which represents income (interest and dividend payments) received by investors on foreign investments in financial assets (securities). General executive officers include the chairman of the board, president, vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer, comptroller, and any other officer serving in . ZmZjYjA5MDQ0MGJmMGYyMWRkM2Q1MDJjY2U0ZWNkYmIyODdlZTM0NmVjNDli For example, wages, rent, profit, and interest. The factor income of all normal residents of a country is referred to as the national income, while factor income and current transfers together are referred to as private income.[1]. OTIwMTIxZTczMjZjYjYxNGQwYzJkNDEzMTBjNGVhYmFmMmQxZTZlMDlkNjlm ZDE3OTcwYzNmODFmYWM4ZjljYzg0ZTljOTVkNWUyOTNhZWM4MzljZjQ2MDU3 NDY4Nzg3NWM0ZjM3MDc2NDUzZGM0MzNlNWZiZTVmYWZiNjE4ZDYxOWI2Y2Zi MTZiY2IxNjBiMWNhOWIxMGQ2YzNmYjJjMjU5NjExYmUwZjNjZGU5ZDkyZDRh MTI4YzFkOTA1OGVmZjgxYjdmYjU0ZDllYWFjMzVkNjk0NjVmMzBmZTE4ODQx YWE4NTNhMzM5NGQxZDExOGViYWVhZjhjMWQ5MDY5ODZlMDIzYTZlNWRmZTUw As the households purchase goods and services from firms it is their consumption expenditure which in turn becomes income or profits for the firms. Gross domestic product is the monetary value of all finished goods and services made within a country during a specific period. MTNlMDkwYmM4NzdjZWFkYWMzMTBjZDFmMTcwYjVkYTVlMTBjYjYzMDRiOWE2 The income approach is an evaluation methodology used for real estate estimation, which is computed by dividing the capitalisation tariff or price by the net operating income of the rental payments. Factor income Definition from Encyclopedia Dictionaries & Glossaries. NzY4YjI3Mjk3NzE0NmQzNGNmZWNiOGQ2YmM3ZTFmY2I2NTc0ZWQyZDM4ODcx NGY3YmZlYWY0ZTViMDYzMTMyZjMxZDI4NjMwZjY4YTJkNjkwYzRjZjgyYmI1 It's no discriminator of people.Each women and men are . ZmZkMTNiNTFhOTQ2OWUxMTVmYTM1YzdlYTY3ZjViNTNhMzAwNTY4NGJlZDBm Example - How to use Factor Income is an example of a term used in the field of economics (Economics - Macroeconomics). Also, since different factors of production give different rate of income, their difference can also be measured. Factors of production are the inputs we use to produce things so that we can make a profit. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, referred to in subsec. It is the net amount of income of the citizens by production in a year. YWU2NDBhZjlmODgwZDQzOTIwZDNhMGM4OWJkOTBjNDRkZWI3ZjVhNWU3OGMx NjY4NzJiODM0NDRmODg1Nzk2NmZkMzVmMzM5YTc4ZWE3ZjJmOTMzZTZiMzAz Businesses report this figure on the income statement whereas individuals report theirs on the form 1040. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is a measure of (national income = national output = national expenditure) produced in a particular . OWUzZDAxZWMzYTcxNWMwYWY1MmFmN2U4YWI4OTM1NjE1MmExYmFmZmIwOTNi Hence . ZmFhZDFkMjk0YTE2NGE0Mjk3NjhlMWEzNTMyOGZlYWNiMzM4NjI0ZWRkNGRi NjMzNjgyOGU1ZDAwNTY1NDExMTI2OWJjMjRlYzkwNDJmNmJhZDk2MmNkMTBk Educational opportunities. NWJhNWNkN2Y1ZDZhYjBkMWMwNTRhMDEyZTgzZWZiMGJkNWIxMDU2MDdjMzli Agricultural factor income (15) EurLex-2. So we can say the wages and profits are the incomes of the people who are working as a labor and entrepreneur respectively. Net income is the total amount of money an individual or business earned in a given period of time, minus taxes, expenses, and interest. Why is the income factor important? Better working conditions and facilities. ZDQ5NjIwMTI3ZWYyZWZlZmY4N2VkZmFlZDBjMjI1OWQwZTg3YjM1MTEyM2Vk A/R factoring is more expensive than a traditional bank line of credit but offers higher advance rates and greater flexibility . YTJmNmM4NjY2YTQxMWY4NjU3NjVkN2M5NjczZjhiMjkxOTU4YTM2ZjYyNjVi Higher income. Factor Income is the flow of income that is derived from the factors of production - the general inputs required to produce goods and services. It ascertains the economic performance, wealth, and growth of a country. Why is 2400 used in money factor? ZmY0Mjc3OWVlN2ViMjMyZTljM2YyNWNlZGIyNTM4ZjgyYTZjM2ZhNGI5YzUz OWZmZjVhNzk3YTQxNGJiN2IxMTAzNDljODViZThmMjc1OTE2M2NhNmM2YTNh YmQwNmVmOGE3ODNmMzk1MzEyYzRjYTM1MjhkZGY4NzY5YTk3NDAyZWNkZTVm Factor income on the use of land is called rent, income generated from labor is called wages, and income generated from capital is called profit. 3.Profits flowing to businesses and dividends distributed to shareholders. References in Text. posted on 11th november 2015 28th august 2020 by thepd (the project definition) factor income is the incomes received by the owners of the production, or returns received on factors of production. ZWVlMTczZjM2YWQxZmQ5N2VmODg4MWIxYWMwZWY3ZDBiZmRkNzlkMWFlNjcw Personal Finance Wealth Management Budgeting/Saving Banking Credit Cards Reviews & Ratings Wikipedia Dictionaries. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. Examples of factor income include: -Wages and salaries earned by workers -Rent paid to landlords Factor income is the flow of income that is derived from the factors of production the general inputs required to produce goods and services. Y2FjMWFmOGQzNzgwNGRmZDJkOGJhOWMxMWQyODcxMWU5ZmI3YmUzNmQ1NjZi (a), is title I of Pub. Socioeconomic factors of an individual include individual or family income, social status, education, and occupational background. NjY1YzFiNmNkZmJlMGRlN2JkMWFiYmU0YWYzYWZjYzMwMTNmYTFmOWZiZmI0 A confounding variable is related to both the supposed cause and the supposed effect of the study. ZjIxNTE3ZTJmZDYxOWVjYzg2MGQzYjg4NzYxN2U2Y2U5MTdhOGM3MzFjMWQ5 Factors of production define resources used to produce or create finished goods and services, the sale and purchase of which keeps the market economy afloat. These three methods are illustrated in the following circular flow diagram (Fig. As those older forms of labor are phased out, there would be widening income inequality. NTU3ZmE4MGIzZDE3NmMwY2I4MzRmMTUxYTJjOTNjOGZmYTEyY2FmZDM0NTI2 Match all exact any words . Related to external factor income flows Net Cash Flow means the gross cash proceeds of the Company less the portion thereof used to pay or establish reserves for all Company expenses, debt payments, capital improvements, replacements, and contingencies, all as reasonably determined by the Directors. One other factor that explains the particularly high incomes of the highest-paid people is that between 1982 and 2004, the ratio of pay of chief executive officers to pay of the average worker rose from 42:1 to 301:1, and pay of other high-level . WikiMatrix. Personal Income: For instance, varying income derived from land, labor, capital and enterprise are factored in when estimating the total income generated by a country over a period of time. Agricultural factor income. For example, if a country experiences a rapid advance in technology followed by a move into industrialization, the balance of factor income will shift, at least for a time, away from labor and more toward capital. YzBlNzk3OGQxMWY2ZGU0ZGM2NTIzNzZmMTU2MDk5NjJlMDBkOGFjOGE1NDMx Sources of income. To calculate the monthly finance charge, the money factor is multiplied by the average daily balance of the loan. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMWZlMTQ4MTljYWI2NzNhZjI5Y2FjYTc3MzNiMGU1NTg1 Factor income from abroad is the income earned by a country's normal residents from the rest of the world for the factor services provided by them. There are four factors of production, they are; Land, capital, labor and enterprise. These factors can also define regions and neighborhoods. Visit Three-factor for a list of QBAs. ZWUyYzdkODE2NmIzODk5MTI4MTY5N2JiOWVmNDkxYWM1M2RmMjU3MDQyYjBk For most countries, the difference between GDP and GNP is small, since the income generated by citizens abroad and by foreigners domestically often offset each other. MWViZjVlNWFiODAzMjFjNzRmNDZmNTk4MTNjNjE0ODQwMDQxYTZlOWIwZDc2 Meanwhile, nations focusing on agriculture might experience an uptick in factor income derived from land, though crop failures or declining prices may lead to decreases. (i) Compensation of employees i.e., wages, salaries, etc. If NFIA is positive, then national income will be greater than domestic factor incomes. Understanding and Calculating Gross National Product (GNP), Gross National Product (GNP) Defined With Example, Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Formula and How to Use It, 4 Factors of Production Explained With Examples, Gross National Income (GNI) Definition, With Real-World Example. Eric is a duly licensed Independent Insurance Broker licensed in Life, Health, Property, and Casualty insurance. NWZmYmU0OTQyNjZkNmUxNmYxNWQxYzRkNjI3YjhhNjFkNzJmZTU3NWJjNDZh Factor Income The income received by factors of production for rendering factor services in the production process is known as Factor Income. This helps the government understand the magnitude of income of the country's citizens and the citizens living abroad. This definition explains that the national income includes two main components: Factor incomes only. While factor income is a bi-directional payment, transfer income is a unidirectional payment. Y2I3OTVlZTIyNWM5OTMxZDIyODc4YzFiNDEzZGZmOTc4ZmFmMDkwYWY1ODNk -----END REPORT-----. NDllYzg5OGJkZjk2NTU0MWZlMTU2ZTVhMzNjZjRlNmQ0YzQyZjk0NGQ3NTIx How is income distributed in a market economy? Social and economic factors that impact the ability to get needed health care solutions. As against, Transfer income is an unearned income, it is only received but not earned by the recipient. Concept of National Income: National income is the aggregate of factor incomes earned in an economy by the normal residents during a financial year. Factor income is the flow of income that is derived from the factors of productionthe general inputs required to produce goods and services. The CPS uses a restricted income definition: pretax money receipts excluding capital gains. factor income. ZjhjY2E1Njc4NmNiMGMwZjFjY2UwZjFmZjQ1ZDQ0NjVmYWM4NzMyOTRjMTI2 Finally, dividends represent factor income from capital. In the net factor income or income account, income payments are outflows, and income receipts are inflows. NNPFC = National Income = FID (Factor income earned in domestic territory) + NFIA. factor income translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'factor analysis',clotting factor',coagulation factor',common factor', examples, definition, conjugation The main difference is that GNP (Gross National Product) takes into account net income receipts from abroad. factor income (redirected from Factor Incomes) Factor Income The income one derives from the sale of the means of production, namely land, labor and capital. Factor income isn't super relevant for microeconomics, but it does have macroeconomic uses. The income is earned in the form of rent, wages, interest, salaries, dividends and retained earnings. NjFlZGNhOGNhOTcwZDNhOTBjYzk1MjAwMjliZjZmNWU0NjQ0MjdmNDE5YjZm Factor income is income received from thefactors of production: the resources used to produce goods or services. ZTMyODdiMTIxOWQ2NzBmOTlhNDU4NzZlOGRkODk5YTMxYzFiM2RmOTQ5MmZk [Operating Surplus = Gross Value Added at Factor CostCompensation of EmployeesDepreciation] (iii) Mixed Income of Self- employed. It can be difficult to separate the true effect of the independent variable from the effect . Summing up all the factor incomes within a country for a period resulted in Domestic Income or NDPFC. If you still have questions or prefer to get help directly from an agent, please submit a request. ZDJiZDhjN2FjMmQ4MDBmNDg2OGE0ZjEwZTc1MzY2M2M1OTQyOWM0NDg5OGJh Through factor income, the government of a nation can distinguish gross domestic product from gross national product. Factor income A component of the current account is factor income, which represents income (interest and dividend payments) received by investors on foreign investments in financial assets (securities). ODQ2ZWVmNmNjNGM5MjNjMDQ1OTI0Mjg2Yjc5OTAyMzRjZjU1MzViYzA4Y2Vj National Income (NI): Is also known as National Income at factor cost which means total income earned by resources for their contribution of land, labour, capital and organisational ability. In macroeconomics, we use this term to determine the difference between gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP) . NFFI is generally not substantial in most nations since. However, income derived from a public assistance . The Net National Product at Factor Cost (NNP at Factor Cost) is the net money value of all goods and services produced by normal citizens of a country. Factor of income is also important in macroeconomic analysis. MzgzYTZjNWIwZGQ4MmY5ZWY3MzUzMWY1YzM4NmFiZmJhNjNmMmM4YTNlZWVm In other words, governments want to know how much income is generated domestically and how much income is generated by citizens abroad. factors, income. This rate is expressed as a decimal, and is typically between 0.001 and 0.1. Net income from property and entrepreneurship Consumer income is the money that a consumer earns from either work or investment, such as dividends distributed by companies to its shareholders and the gain realized on the sale of . Factor Income is the flow of income that is derived from the factors of production, i.e., the general inputs required to produce goods and services. His background in tax accounting has served as a solid base supporting his current book of business. Definition: Every factor of production is paid its equilibrium value of the marginal product. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. NDY0MWNkMGRmOTRjNjVjN2U3ODBkNzkyMDc4OTA5ZTNhMmZlZDc0MTMwOWE1 Why Are the Factors of Production Important to Economic Growth? N2U0Zjc0MTI5MmM0NjNhMDI3MTI3MDhjNjJiZjg2ZmZiOWVhMzY4YWY3YTI0 The proportional distribution of factor income across the factors of production is also important in country-level analysis. MmRkMmM0ZTI4MDE0ZmU5M2UwMWE2NWMyYTY0ZWRhOGE2MDk1ODMxYmE5NmE2 Industrialization and increased productivity generally cause rapid shifts in factor income distribution. NTIyOTI5YzlmNTg2ZDQwYTIxNjdmNTgzNzY0YjYwMzY5Nzc0YWYyZGY3MjM1 Daniel Liberto is a journalist with over 10 years of experience working with publications such as the Financial Times, The Independent, and Investors Chronicle. MTgyZWM0NDZjMzZkOTlmZGM4OTQxNWZkMTJkMmJiYTg5OWRjY2NmOWUzY2Ri There are four factors of production, they are; Land, capital, labor and enterprise. MTE0OTgwYTdjMWM1ZTcxMGY0NDU1OGQ0ZGM2M2JiZWJkOGQ3MmFhZWJhMGNj MDUwNDIwYTllZjhhZTNiYjM3NGRkMWZmMmFmMjMwZmJjZTJlN2VhOWU0OTBi, To be sure, Australia is not the only country experiencing a substantial redistribution of, In the above equation, [YH.sub.h] represents the total income obtained by resident stream h, QLRSAGG and QLUSAGG respectively represent the aggregate supply of rural labor factor and that of urban labor factor; QKSAGG represents the aggregate supply of capital factor; [shif.sub.hlr] and [shif.sub.hlu] respectively represent the rural labor, The decrease in consumption leads to a smaller "consumption fund" that finances interest and original, The possible impact of this scenario is analysed in the last experiment by applying a shock of 60 percent decline in, Second, we explore the three major components--the trade balance, net, The sharp rise in unemployment due to the recession increased, Non-oil growth exceeded that of the oil sector for the first time since 2002, while its share of GDP improved slightly to 47.6%, though remained well under the 62.2% registered in 2002.Investment income from abroad, or net, Statistics Denmark, the Danish state statistics agency, has reportedly said that according to the gross national, This creates a "market size" effect of R&D: productivity-improving resources are allocated toward factor markets with large, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, THE DECLINING LABOUR SHARE IN AUSTRALIA: DEFINITION, MEASUREMENT, AND INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS, Rural-urban migrants' citizenization: public services cost measurement and economic impact analysis, Including the monetary part in macro accounting: A 'modern' approach to the macroeconomic accounting, Rothbard's time market and the demand for present goods, How useful is a regional SAM in evaluating regional projects in Sri Lanka? Factor income is an earned income, i.e. Factor income is used to analyze macroeconomic situations and to find out the difference between Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Income which is also the difference between the total value of the goods and services produced in a country and the net income of the citizens of the country.

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