[249] As the Yom Kippur War broke out in October 1973 between Israel and an Arab coalition led by Egypt and Syria, Cuba sent 4,000 troops to aid Syria. He grew up in Havana, Cuba, and said he remembers "a child playing chess, watching Russian cartoonsand going to the ballad to see Russian ballerinas that I would never even dream of seeing now, as an adult. [6] This was the result of Cuban immigrants competing for jobs that had often been afforded to African Americans living in Miami. Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III was born in Santiago, Cuba on March 2, 1917. Castro became a symbol of communist revolution in Latin America. [215] Measures were implemented to force perceived idle and delinquent youths to work, primarily through the introduction of mandatory military service. One day when Pozo was alone in his prison cell, he was approached with a question. Seriously. Ernesto Rodriguez and Rodosvaldo Pozo were both in prison as the boatlift got underway. In their view, he should be "applauded" for his regime's "substantial improvements" to healthcare and education, but criticised for its "ruthless suppression of freedom of expression. Examples include the coup dtats led by Fulgencio Batista in Cuba in 1952 and by Muhammadu Buhari in Nigeria in 1983. Cuba's stature in the world soared to new heights, and Fidel's role as the adored and revered leader among ordinary Cuban people received a renewed boost. [216] In September, the government temporarily permitted emigration for anyone other than males aged between 15 and 26, thereby ridding the government of thousands of critics, most of whom were from upper and middle-class backgrounds. According to Mirta Ojito, author of "Finding Manana: A Memoir of a Cuban Exodus," the Cuban government initially thought only 22,000 Cubans would leave for the U.S. He wasnt the only one who helped to create the vaccine, he took all the credit, and the only reason he didnt patent it was because his lawyers said it wasnt feasible. Edward Jenner (not to be confused with Edwin Jenner from season one of The Walking Dead) did one of the best good things anyone has ever done. [9], In 1945, Castro transferred to the Jesuit-run El Colegio de Beln in Havana. Copyright 2000-2022 IGNACIO GARCIA, LLC.All rights reserved Web master Iggy Garciamandriotti@yahoo.com Columbus, Ohio Last modified May, 2021 Hosted by GVO, USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21B 2000BB1 USC TITLE 42 CHAPTER 21C 2000CC IRS PUBLICATION 517. It was mostly middle and upper class, white Cubans who were supporters of ex-president Fulgencio Batista, or people who quickly decided they did not want to be a part of revolutionary Cuba. [345] Castro expressed solidarity with the U.S. following the 2001 September 11 attacks, condemning Al-Qaeda and offering Cuban airports for the emergency diversion of any U.S. planes. After the 1970s, Castro began a long relationship with Juanita Vera, a Colonel in the foreign intelligence service who joined his escort unit as his English interpreter. [108] By 1958, Batista was under increasing pressure, a result of his military failures coupled with increasing domestic and foreign criticism surrounding his administration's press censorship, torture, and extrajudicial executions. On the October 20th edition of Raw, Batista made his comeback, interfering in a match between Bill Goldberg and Shawn Michaels and "breaking" Goldberg's ankle with a chair.. David Michael "Dave" Bautista, Jr. (born January 18, 1969) is an He recognized that the attacks would make U.S. foreign policy more aggressive, which he believed was counter-productive. Salk had pushed to try the polio vaccine on institutionalized children and prison inmates. [237] The 1969 crop was heavily damaged by a hurricane, and to meet its export quota, the government drafted in the army, implemented a seven-day working week, and postponed public holidays to lengthen the harvest. The Cuban revolution promised people a better life: free health care, schools and subsidized housing for everyone. They'd write 'gusano,' which means worm. The Bengal Famine of 1943 is one of the worst natural disasters in a century full of them. [420], Fidel Castro's religious beliefs have been a matter of some debate; he was baptized and raised as a Roman Catholic. However, the U.S. used the coup as a basis for invading the island. He described Castro as "Nothing ordinary about him at all, he is unique, special, and different". [332] ALBA sought to redistribute wealth evenly throughout member countries, to protect the region's agriculture, and to oppose economic liberalization and privatization. Declaring himself president, Batista cancelled the planned presidential elections, describing his new system as "disciplined democracy"; Castro was deprived of being elected in his run for office by Batista's move, and like many others, considered it a one-man dictatorship. Then definition, at that time: Prices were lower then. Truman put America first. Welcome to Iggy Garcia, The Naked Shaman Podcast, where amazing things happen. "Everywhere across the island, people are persecuted and prosecuted," Guerra said. Theres evidence the leaders of Japan were already writing up a declaration of surrender. Subsequently, Fidel ordered two mechanics from his bodyguard unit to West Germany to purchase several second-hand Mercedes-Benz 500's to replace the obsolete Alfa Romeos. [129] More recent estimates place the death toll between 1,000[130] and 4,000. [376] That April, he gave his most extensive public appearance in many years when addressing the Communist Party. Communism is a type of government and philosophy. [304] Increasingly isolated, Cuba improved relations with Manuel Noriega's right-wing government in Panama despite Castro's personal hatred of Noriega but it was overthrown in a U.S. invasion in December 1989. The Freedom Flights occurred from 1965 to 1973. [122] Castro reached Havana on 9 January 1959. Free farmers' markets and small-scale private enterprises would be legalized in an attempt to stimulate economic growth, while U.S. dollars were also made legal tender. [204] Undertaken in secrecy, only the Castro brothers, Guevara, Dortics and security chief Ramiro Valds knew the full plan. Fidel Castro was a communist revolutionary who established the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere after leading an overthrow of the military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1959. Coming to power after a coup in 1933, Batista gained the presidential seat in 1940 and in 1952 and served as a dictator. I would not be stopped by the hatred and ill will of a few thousand people, including some of my relatives, half the people I know, two-thirds of my fellow professionals, and four-fifths of my ex-schoolmates. [420] This interest reached its peak in 1982 when a cow that Fidel had bred, "Ubre Blanca", broke the Guinness World Record for producing 29 gallons of milk live on national television. ", "How 1 man brought Fidel Castro to Montreal in April 1959", "Toy drive brought Fidel Castro to Montreal in 1959", "Fidel Castro welcomed by crowds, shunned by politicians during 1959 Montreal visit", "Book reveals extent of Mafia's Cuban empire", "Cuban exiles seek compensation for seized property", "Cuban exiles hope diplomatic thaw can help them regain confiscated property", "Run from Cuba, Americans cling to claims for seized property", "What is the longest speech given at the United Nations? [179], Despite the fear of a coup, Castro garnered support in New York City. Many state-run businesses of the revolutionary government were modeled off the Soviet Union and the socialist Eastern Bloc, Granados said. Jonas Salk is the coolest dude youve possibly never heard of. If you win tomorrow, the aspirations of Mart will be fulfilled sooner. [308] By 1992, Cuba's economy had declined by over 40% in under two years, with major food shortages, widespread malnutrition and a lack of basic goods. [76] Both Fidel and Mirta initiated divorce proceedings, with Mirta taking custody of their son Fidelito; this angered Castro, who did not want his son growing up in a bourgeois environment. [399] He drew inspiration from the wider Latin American anti-imperialist movements of the 1930s and 1940s, including Argentina's Pern and Guatemala's Jacobo rbenz. [196] Despite their ideological affinity with China, in the Sino-Soviet split, Cuba allied with the wealthier Soviets, who offered economic and military aid. [54] Castro stockpiled weapons for a planned attack on the Moncada Barracks, a military garrison outside Santiago de Cuba, Oriente. His father was released because of the intercession of U.S. officials who believed him This is an example of the connection to Western and American culture Cubans have always had. [43] His hopes for Cuba still centered on Chibs and the Partido Ortodoxo, and he was present at Chibs' politically motivated suicide in 1951. Bustamante, whos an expert on las visitas de la comunidad, said up to this point, Cuban Americans who left after the revolution didnt have a way to return home. The guy in charge of Britains Bomber Command, he convinced Churchill the best, quickest way to win the war was to demoralize the Germans by carpet bombing their country. [155] Major emphasis was placed on education, and during the first 30 months of Castro's government, more classrooms were opened than in the previous 30 years. Allies like Canada, Australia and America werent interested in backing up the weak British forces, while Germany could count on Italy, Japan and (at that time) Russia. "Fidel, in retribution for the death of the guard and the unwillingness of the Peruvian ambassador to return these folks, takes away the Cuban guards," said Guerra. But he also closed down opposition newspapers, jailed thousands of political opponents and made no move toward elections. His favorite film was the five hour long 1967 adaption of Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. The 1952 Cuban coup d'tat took place in Cuba on March 10, 1952, when the Cuban Constitutional Army, led by Fulgencio Batista, intervened in the election that was scheduled to be held on June 1, staging a coup d'tat and establishing a de facto military dictatorship in the country. And it was able to reach some of those goals. [28] In April 1948, the Organization of American States was founded at a summit in Bogot, leading to protests, which Castro joined. In the early 1950s, Fulgencio Batista y Zaldvar was the de facto ruler of Cuba. [424], Within Cuba, Castro was primarily referred to by his official military title Comandante El Jefe; he was usually addressed as Comandante (The Commander) in general discourse as well as in person but could also be addressed as El Jefe (the Chief) in the third person, particularly within the party and military command. And from there, they take me to Mariel. This included how the economy functioned and strict censorship rules. "I hear Castro was opening the door because Jimmy Carter said, 'You can send those people, the family can come.'". [532], "El Comandante" redirects here. um pas que compreende a ilha de Cuba, bem como a Ilha da Juventude e vrios arquiplagos menores. We instead consider such chief executives as unelected. In addition to the Bay of Pigs invasion, the United States made several failed attempts on Fidel Castro's life, including poisoning his cigars with Botox. [310] When Gorbachev regained control, Cuba-Soviet relations deteriorated further and Soviet troops were withdrawn in September 1991. Michael Bustamante. For example, some people in Cuba still found ways to listen to music by The Beatles, though the band's music was banned for a time on Cuban radio, according to the Associated Press. But other Cubans already in the United States began to enter south Florida. "That means their neighbors are denouncing them to theCommittees for the Defense of the Revolution or to the local police for doing things that they've done for generations.". Food shortages led to rationing, resulting in protests in Crdenas. He was also extremely manipulative; with his formidable intelligence, he was capable of manipulating a person or a group of people without much difficulty. What did Fidel Castro fight for? [264] The intervention of 17, 000 Cuban troops into the Ogaden was by all accounts decisive in altering a war that Ethiopia was on the brink of losing into a victory. [5], As Cubans became more settled in Miami more businesses and media outlets began catering to Spanish speaking audiences. Any able bodied men, women, and children in Japan were being prepared for an American invasion of the home islands. If we fail, our action will nevertheless set an example for the Cuban people, and from the people will arise fresh new men willing to die for Cuba. He also reappointed Tom as consigliere. Like many orthodox Marxist critics, Castro feared that the reforms would weaken the socialist state and allow capitalist elements to regain control. Around 200 policemen were on the scene, but the protesters continued to chant slogans and throw pennies in support of Fidel Castro's socialist movement. In this episode I will speak about our destiny and how to be spiritual in hard times. Granados said his first experience hearing The Beatles was in the 1990s. "There's a fair amount of data to substantiate that.". [1] The 1970 census revealed that Spanish speakers made up 24 percent of Miami's population. Many stores are feeling the pinch of shortages of both imported and locally produced goods, and items such as butter are now being sold on the black market. After attending a couple of Jesuit schoolsincluding the Colegio de Beln, where he excelled at baseballCastro enrolled as a law student at the University of Havana. Fulgencio Batista got ready for the strike by offering immunity to anyone who killed a striker and by threatening to jail any employer who closed shop." Reaching the barracks, the alarm was raised, with most of the rebels pinned down by machine gun fire. [474] Ral, who had much more stronger paternal feelings towards his family, was often the one who played the role of surrogate father to Castro's children, in particular Fidelito and Alina. [260] This was followed with visits to East Berlin and Moscow.[261]. ", Cuban refugees wait aboard a boat at the port of Mariel, Cuba, bound for Key West, Fla., Saturday, April 23, 1980. This reduction of immigration of non-Hispanics displayed the growing presence of Cubans in Miami. Castro, who had already been an important figure in Cuban society, went on to serve as Prime Minister from 1959 to 1976. [337] In September 2005, Castro established a group of medical professionals, known as the Henry Reeve Brigade, with the mission of international medical solidarity. The trip was part of Castros victory lap after toppling the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, and hed made the most of it read more, Elected in 1960 as the 35th president of the United States, 43-year-old John F. Kennedy became one of the youngest U.S. presidents, as well as the first Roman Catholic. Mengistu's regime was barely hanging on by 1977, having lost one-third of its army in Eritrea at the time of the Somali invasion. On 18 February 1961, 400 people mainly Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and college students picketed in the rain outside of the United Nations rallying for Castro's anti-colonial values and his effort to reduce the United States' power over Cuba. On each trip, he was eager to visit factory and farm workers, publicly praising their governments; privately, he urged the regimes to aid revolutionary movements elsewhere, particularly those fighting the Vietnam War. This can be seen in the anti-bilingualism/English Only movement. [202], Militarily weaker than NATO, Khrushchev wanted to install Soviet R-12 MRBM nuclear missiles on Cuba to even the power balance. Organizing the executions of thousands of people. The sort of stuff Lincoln did in pursuit of his noble goal reads like something from a How to book on tyranny. [92], The Granma ran aground in a mangrove swamp at Playa Las Coloradas, close to Los Cayuelos, on 2 December 1956. He was toppled during the Cuban Revolution of 1959. His father was released because of the intercession of U.S. officials who believed him to be neutral during the revolt. So these visits were a big deal. He also had two homes in Matanzas, one in Ciego de Avila, a horse ranch Hacienda San Cayetano in Camaguey along with another house in a vacation compound for the Politburo nearby, Casa Guardalavaca in Holguin, and two residences in Santiago de Cuba (One of which is shared with Ramiro Valdes). From being isolated and at the mercy of German bombs, Britain was now pushing forward into Nazi Germany and looking for revenge. film. So now you have to go do backbreaking labor for the state, for a minimum wage because you're not a revolutionary. Las visitas de la comunidad were just one of many events that led to the Mariel Boatlift in 1980. "[496], According to political scientists, Castro ruled a single-party authoritarian regime in Cuba. For nearly 60 years, the Castro family controlled Cuba. To top it all off, he oversaw the construction of a concentration camp. The Cuban primary education system offered a work-study program, with half of the time spent in the classroom, and the other half in a productive activity. [34] Pro faced widespread protests when members of the MSR, now allied to the police force, assassinated Justo Fuentes, a socialist friend of Castro's. Walter Lippmann, Newsweek, 27 April 1964[222], Despite Soviet misgivings, Castro continued to call for global revolution, funding militant leftists and those engaged in national liberation struggles. Why should some be miserably poor, so that others can be hugely rich? The Cubans established businesses in Miami. [36], In September 1949, Mirta gave birth to a son, Fidelito, so the couple moved to a larger Havana flat. [351] Later that month, Fidel called into Hugo Chvez's radio show Al Presidente. He wants to increase people's standard of living, the availability of material goods, and to import the latest technology. [206] Castro urged that Khrushchev should launch a nuclear strike on the U.S. if Cuba were invaded, but Khrushchev was desperate to avoid nuclear war. Still, the tactics worked. [270] South African whites were vastly outnumbered by South African blacks, and accordingly the South African Army could not take heavy losses with its white troops as that would fatally weaken the ability of the South African state to uphold apartheid. [312] Castro tried improving relations with the capitalist nations. His plan worked. [472], Overall, Snchez described Castro as a compulsive lover or "womanizer"; he has been officially married twice but has carried on numerous affairs, including many one-night stands. He held the title of premier until 1976 and then began a [77] Returning to Havana, Castro gave radio interviews and press conferences; the government closely monitored him, curtailing his activities. [194] In December 1961, Castro admitted that he had been a MarxistLeninist for years, and in his Second Declaration of Havana he called on Latin America to rise up in revolution. [105] As Cuba's press was censored, Castro contacted foreign media to spread his message; he became a celebrity after being interviewed by Herbert Matthews, a journalist from The New York Times. How did Batista Cuba die? [455], In his personal life, Castro was known for being distant, withdrawn, and confided in very few people. [109] The opposition called a general strike, accompanied by armed attacks from the MR-26-7. On March 8, 1980, Fidel Castro gave a speechmentioning the1965 Camarioca Boatlift. A larger pro-Castro crowd confronted them, who were joined by Castro; he informed media that the men were anti-socials misled by the U.S. [518] Describing Castro as a "totalitarian dictator",[519] Sondrol suggested that in leading "a political system largely [of] his own creation and bearing his indelible stamp", Castro's leadership style warranted comparisons with totalitarian leaders like Mao Zedong, Hideki Tojo, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. Following Luciano's orders, Lansky had organized a conference in Havana the week of December 22 of crime bosses from all over the United States. At the same time, revolutionary tribunals began trying and executing members of the old regime for alleged war crimes. Fidel Castro's message to the UN General Assembly, 1979[262], In 1977, the Ogaden War broke out over the disputed Ogaden region as Somalia invaded Ethiopia; although a former ally of Somali President Siad Barre, Castro had warned him against such action, and Cuba sided with Mengistu Haile Mariam's Marxist government of Ethiopia. Castro was sentenced on 16 October, during which he delivered a speech that would be printed under the title of History Will Absolve Me. [289], In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became Secretary-General of the Soviet Communist Party; a reformer, he implemented measures to increase freedom of the press (glasnost) and economic decentralization (perestroika) in an attempt to strengthen socialism. el Nuevo Herald is now published as an independent newspaper and reports a weekday circulation of about 100,000. When the German Blitz hit London for the best part of a year, it resulted in a total of around 40,000 civilian deaths. [297] Tensions were increased with the Cubans advancing close to the border of Namibia, which led to warnings from the South African government that they considered this an extremely unfriendly act, causing South Africa to mobilize and call up its reserves. Cubas economy foundered when the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s and the United States expanded sanctions even further. Instead, almost 125,000 left. Fidel Castro explaining the reforms of the Special Period[319], Castro believed in the need for reform if Cuban socialism was to survive in a world now dominated by capitalist free markets. Add to that all the hungry soldiers needed to push into European territory and take out Nazi Germany, and you can see why Churchill thought he needed those ships. He allowed revolutionary groups from around the world, from the Viet Cong to the Black Panthers, to train in Cuba. Visiting Havana's poorest neighborhoods, he became active in the student anti-racist campaign. [324], In the early 1990s Castro embraced environmentalism, campaigning against global warming and the waste of natural resources, and accusing the U.S. of being the world's primary polluter. [270] The Cuban intervention in Angola was envisioned as a short-term commitment, but the Angolan government used the profits from the oil industry to subsidize Cuba's economy, making Cuba as economically dependent upon Angola as Angola was militarily dependent upon Cuba. The good thing: Ending the War with Germany as quickly as possible, saving Allied lives in the process, ending the Holocaust and toppling Hitler. [372] During the North Korea crisis of 2013, he urged both the North Korean and U.S. governments to show restraint. Answer (1 of 10): The very much lesser of two evils A lot has been said and written about him But at population level, most people lived well in Cuba, very few Cubans migrate to the USA and those that did, did so legally Yes, there was a lot of investment in "[527] Russian President Vladimir Putin described Castro as both "a sincere and reliable friend of Russia" and a "symbol of an era", while Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping similarly referred to him as "a close comrade and a sincere friend" to China. So I think that was probably a shock to the system for Cubans.". [495] The Daily Telegraph noted that around the world he was "either praised as a brave champion of the people, or derided as a power-mad dictator. Although hes remembered today as a weak bungler, Neville Chamberlain was pretty shrewd. '", A Cuban soldier looks after a refugee ship at the small port of Mariel, Cuba on April 23, 1980, as the refugees aboard sail for U.S., where they hope to start new lives. [163], At the time, 1960, the Cold War raged between two superpowers: the United States, a capitalist liberal democracy, and the Soviet Union (USSR), a MarxistLeninist socialist state ruled by the Communist Party. Rodosvaldo Pozo was only a teenager when he was sent to prison in Camagey, Cuba, after being accused of burning sugar cane fields. [454] In 1979, during the Non-Aligned movement summit at Havana, Saddam Hussein gave Castro his Armored Mercedes-Benz 560 SEL which he had brought from Baghdad and became his sole transport for the rest of his life. After Batista's overthrow in 1959, Castro assumed military and political power as Cuba's prime minister. See, real life is a lot more complex than wed like it to be. He spent most of his time under their protection and were usually his companions in his personal interests. [1], About 500,000 Cubans, most of them business people and professionals, arrived in Miami during a 15-year period after the Cuban Revolution. Before he died Meyer Lansky said Cuba "ruined" him. The rich were the only stable class s long as they gave Batista a cut. The Battle of the River Plate was fought in the South Atlantic on 13 December 1939 as the first naval battle of the Second World War.The Kriegsmarine heavy cruiser Admiral Graf Spee, commanded by Captain Hans Langsdorff, engaged a Royal Navy squadron, commanded by Commodore Henry Harwood, comprising the light cruisers HMS Ajax, HMS Achilles (on loan to As he left that Camagey prison cell and boarded a mysterious bus at age 22, change was brewing hundreds of miles to the west at the Port of Mariel, Cuba. [57], Castro gathered 165 revolutionaries for the mission,[58] ordering his troops not to cause bloodshed unless they met armed resistance. Snchez disputes this, saying that his doctor had Castro reduce his cigar usage starting in 1980 and quit entirely in 1983 after a cancerous ulcer was found in his intestine. In an desperate attempt to stop the war, Castro had a summit with Barre where he proposed a federation of Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Yemen as an alternative to war. Meanwhile, in April 1961, about 1,400 Cuban exiles trained and funded by the CIA landed near the Bay of Pigs with the intent of overthrowing Castro. You don't like the government, get out of here! Castro and the bodyguard located the cigar maker, Eduardo Ribera, who agreed to establish the El Laguito Factory and branded the cigars as Cohiba which became Castro's signature brand and elevating its profile internationally. Plus the fact that Japans navy and air force were already crippled, so they no longer posed any threat to the US. [23] Being President of the University Committee for Democracy in the Dominican Republic, Castro joined the expedition. [104] Although Guevara and Ral were well known for their MarxistLeninist views, Castro hid his, hoping to gain the support of less radical revolutionaries. [248] At the conference he publicly broke off relations with Israel, citing its government's close relationship with the U.S. and its treatment of Palestinians during the IsraelPalestine conflict. [390] In this it drew upon a longstanding tradition of Cuban nationalism. "Then all of a sudden, 100,000 people come back who you have been told in school, in your workplace or in the media are the enemies of the revolution. Editor's note: WPR's Alyssa Allemand contributed to this report. [288] Castro feared a U.S. invasion of Nicaragua and sent Ochoa to train the governing Sandinistas in guerrilla warfare, but received little support from the USSR. [385], Castro proclaimed himself to be "a Socialist, a Marxist, and a Leninist",[386] and publicly identified as a MarxistLeninist from December 1961 onward. Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III was born in Santiago, Cuba on March 2, 1917. Instantly falling in love with the island, he ordered it closed off and had the lighthouse demolished. I don't got no choice.' [173][174] Subsequently, visited by Polish First Secretary Wadysaw Gomuka, Bulgarian First Secretary Todor Zhivkov, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, and Indian Premier Jawaharlal Nehru,[175] Castro also received an evening's reception from the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Without them, it is unlikely the Japanese would have surrendered, necessitating an American ground invasion. "[522] Human Rights Watch stated that his government constructed a "repressive machinery" which deprived Cubans of their "basic rights". Were going to change the order around a bit on this one. [252] A number of Latin American states called for Cuba's re-admittance into the Organization of American States (OAS), with the U.S. finally conceding in 1975 on Henry Kissinger's advice. Michael Corleone is a fictional character and the protagonist of Mario Puzo's 1969 novel The Godfather.In the three Godfather films, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Michael was portrayed by Al Pacino, for which he was twice-nominated for Academy Awards.Michael is the youngest son of Vito Corleone, a Sicilian immigrant who builds a Mafia empire.Upon his father's death, Civil war, and injured close to 500 a black Cuban man walks through the founding and growth of Hispanic Internationalization within Miami attempted to reassert the Spanish language was becoming increasingly on. 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