If the lye is cooler, it may be hardening the palm oil before everything is fully emulsified. It's that simple! Melissa is correct (thank you!) Im sorry about that, that is definitely frustrating. And in that process, the lyewhich is a caustic chemical that can burn skin and eyes, as well as be harmful when inhaledbecomes neutralized. , When working with beer, milk and honey, your lye mixture will be cooler (around 80F). They should be around 110 degrees. I was in the correct range when mixing. The flakes are pretty thick and can be used for making baby shampoo, dishwasher soap, hand soap, and more. If everything stays around 85-90F, it should be just fine to use! Prepare the Lavender Infused Olive Oil by following the steps outlined in the above text. Use more water in your lye solution. Perfect every time! Certain fragrance oils can misbehave, and cause the soap to accelerate, separate or rice. Great article, Ruth! Learn more about superfat here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/cold-process-soap/superfatting-soap-an-explanation-2/. , Ive been using this technique for the past few months, as well. Lowest lye concentration I recommend for cold process (CP) bar soap. Then, weigh the amount of distilled water that your soap recipe calls for. Add in your fragrance (if required) 6. On the bottom left is a soap volcano. That creates a barrier that protects the top. It may be temperature related, or it may be separation. Using more or less may affect how the soap mixes up, but in the end the water evaporates out and the finished, cured soap is whats left. My room temperature is 96 F. I maintain the temperature of 120 130 for my lye and oil. Place the mason jar on the scale, and zero out the weight. Safety First: Put on your googles and gloves and make sure you're not soaping around children and/or pets. This is why the expressions 'superfat' and 'lye discount' are synonymous in coldprocess soapmaking; two different ways of looking at the same thing. When making a recipe with hard oils like coconut oil and shea butter, we recommend temperatures of at least 100F. The same goes for storing the soap we recommend keeping it in the fridge or freezer for 5-24 hours. The product has been approved by the FDA as a food additive. I know there are a lot of factors Ive left out but Im just wondering what could cause that layer of oil or a hardening within minutes of starting to blend? I hope that helps, but if you need any clarification please let us know! It's inexpensive and provides a "conditioning" feel to the soap. Sodium hydroxide is generally preferred over other options because of numerous reasons. For example, Using a 30% lye concentration, you would need 70 ounces of oil for super-fatting. To saponify one oil molecule you need three molecules of Sodium Hydroxide. Lets find out: My recipe is for a brine bar. This product comes in secure packaging of HDPE plastic containers which makes it easier to manage. So first, lets explain percentage strength of a solution. Also is it okay if I prepare the lye water solution a few days before so I wont have to wait for it to cool down or just a few hours before is advisable? We did not experience any acceleration issues and had no problem pouring the batter into the molds. Does it say sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide? If you use too much lye, you'll end up with a "lye heavy" soap. What about waiting for lye and oils to cool to room temperature before blending? When working with afragrance oil that heats up I would recommend soaping around 100-130F. I actually like to cold process my soap so o usually stick milk soaps in the freezer straight away. In the future, I may heat the oils to ensure fully dissolved beeswax but make sure to make the soap at a much lower temperature. Mix 72g of NaOH and 216g of water and you get 288g of a lye solution that is at 25% concentration. FO had no vanilla and behaved extremely well and let me play for a long time :((, Hmm! That speeds up the curing time without causing too much acceleration. If so, what sort of effects? 2022 The Nova Studio, LLC. We also took time to assess a wide variety of options including durability, materials, designs, expert reviews & customer ratings to find the best-performing . My room can be anywhere from 62 degrees to 58 degrees. My oils never get solid & always stay liquid & clear. It seems the high temp recommended above when working with beeswax causes fast trace. While the lye solution is cooling, measure out the oils and butters and combine them in a large stainless pot. 2. No false trace at all. Can you tell me a bit more about your recipe? I would recommend making a small test batch to see if it works well. (100 minus percentage you want) divided by percentage you want = the multiplication factor that you use to calculate the water. After adding the lye to your frozen milk, it heats up to about 70-90F. Yes. If your lye water is on the cooler side, it will start to harden the oils in the batch. Thanks so much! Used the same avocado oil as before. 50g avocado oil When creating cold process soap, I always have a temperature gun nearby to make sure my temperatures are appropriate. You can see the results from our 100% palm oil test here: https://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/single-oil-cold-process-soap-lather-tests/, And this post has more information on how to formulate recipes: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/formulating-cold-process-recipes/, You can make 100% olive oil soap! essential oil 1-2 oz. . LyeCalc.com. Now it's time to add the lye to the water in the pitcher. Absolutely! want to know what does superfatning means. , Hi Im the same..when I got taught to make soap it was to weigh the hard oil (cocoa butter and coconut oil) then make the lye and add it hot to melt the hard oils, then add liquid oils (rice bran usually) and blend awayIve never read temperaturesbut after reading this Im wondering if I shouldbut am confused about at what part am I checking temp? 3. I know veteran soapmakers who stopped checking their soaping temperatures years ago & others who have been soaping just as long who record their oil and lye temps for every single batch. If it gels, it can discolor and crack. ). 300g coconut oil Ingredients for Making Soap The most basic ingredients you will need are water (distilled is best), lye (sodium hydroxide), and some type of animal or vegetable fat (such as olive oil or tallow). best lye concentration for hot process soapsec regulations selling private stock. thank for for provinding solution to my question, What is in your recipe, and how long did the soap cure? Higher chance of emulsification failure and separation in the mold. Thank you! I have been soaping at very low, sometimes room temperature levels, I have also been discounting my water quite a bit, could that be the problem? hi Temperatures in rooms can vary with each persons preferences as well as the region of the country in which they live and the season of the year. Its extra oil that adds moisturizing properties to soap. I use both shea and cocoa butter in all my soaps. Because your lye was cooler and stayed cloudy, there may be something off with it. So a 25% lye solution is 25% NaOH and 75% water. 2. With your goggles and gloves on, measure out the lye into one of the two pitchers and the water into the other. You want topromote gel phase Theyre very helpful. I have a couple ideas on what may be happening! You can find those online, at a kitchen supply store, a department store like Target, a second-hand store and on BrambleBerry.com. Moreover, the container comes with a child-proof cap and has been designed with BPA-free HDPE plastic. This means that by the time you take it out, the vast majority of the lye has bonded with the oils. A 33% lye solution is made of 33% lye and 67% water. ). Recipe was: 32 oz olive oil, 74 ounces tallow ( we used 26 oz tallow, the rest lard), 3 oz cocoa butter, mixed with 41 oz water in 14 oz lye. We conducted an in-depth analysis to weigh the options and study the pros and cons. You want to prevent soda ash , Read more about castile soap: http://www.soapqueen.com/bramble-berry-news/olive-oil/. This information is used for your information (name and notes) and for doing the actual calculations for the lye for your soap recipe. The Sunshine Cold Process Soap is made in our Vertical Wood Mold. Essential Depot Potassium Hydroxide Flakes Weve laid out some great lye choices so you can get your soap-making on! This site is owned and operated by Elli & Tee Inc. Thecreativefolk.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Hence, you need to be careful while working with it. My batch is thick and looks like applesauce, the other two ladies is liquid. You will have a lot of molecules which are completely saponified and some which are partially saponified. This gives the clay plenty of time to soak up as much fragrance oil as possible. Store bought oils can sometimes have additives that do some odd things in soap. You can also up the superfat slightly or drop the salt amount slightly. Because you stick blended for 8 minutes I dont think its separating. Below are some reasons why you may want to soap hotter or colder than 120-130 F. In general, I only recommend soaping at 160 Fif you are working with beeswax. Making soap at home using traditional ingredients is much easier than you might expect! Alternate between using an immersion blender in short 3-5 second bursts and stirring with a whisk. 10. If you'd like to use an image, please be a friend and credit the photo and link back to Soap Queen. Let me know and Ill help you troubleshoot. best lye concentration for hot process soaplost ark long loading screens. That ensures the beeswax stays melted throughout the process and the soap doesnt trace too fast. Then, pull it out and let it sit for 3-4 days before cutting. In the article, you mention room temperature being hot or cold. As for soda ash, it can form right away, or take a little bit! Yes. From there on, every batch that I did , even newly opened bottles of lye, I would have to place my lye/milk solution in warm water to get it in the 90s. Id love to give that a try. Like any scientific process and reaction, its important to be precise and consistent. Lye concentration % = 1 / (1 + 1.5) X 100 = 1 / 2.5 X 100 = 40%, To learn more about choosing the right amount of water for your soap recipe, see "Full water and other drippy myths". You finish by adding extras and pouring the soap batter into the mold. by | Jul 16, 2022 | fox creek cabin pigeon forge | Jul 16, 2022 | fox creek cabin pigeon forge Convert from lye concentration to water:lye ratio --, Water:Lye Ratio = 100 / Lye concentration % - 1, Example: The lye concentration is 30%. Now how do you get your lye solution to be the concentration you want? Or you just like doing the calculations yourself. If it gets too hot, the alien brain can appear. Explaining and Preventing Soda Ash Because salt bars are a much harder recipe, there is a higher chance that they can crack. That mold insulates very well, and tends to keep the soap nice and toasty. I start adding my lye slowly like everyone says too.. And I end up with lye solution that is like 50-60 degrees! Ive got a wooden mold that seems to insulate enough uncovered to get a partial gel. This is called false trace. We tend to soap at higher temperatures to avoid false trace. This top-notch sodium hydroxide lye is a great product for soap bar making. Cover with a cloth and let it cool until about 110-120 degrees F, can take 1+ hours. Do you find the lye melts harder ingredients, like cocoa butter? . My question is Can you add the oil to the lye mixture instead of lye mixture to oil? Wondering about water discounts and the meaning of 'full water soap'? Then, to prevent gel phase, you can pop the soap in the fridge or freezer for 5-24 hours. You just need to be careful with your calculations. is it a % of carrier oils or fragrance oils. The most water in proportion to alkali (NaOH or KOH or both) that is typically used for soap. For example, if your recipe calls for 100g of lye then you'd make your lye solution with . Now I understand more about lye solution. The whole process only lasts for 30 minutes til I reach vaseline stage, not hours. Also, how long are you stick blending that batch? Other things are much more flexible, like the amount of water that is used to make the lye solution. The temperature range of 120-130 Fis a safe range that should not look cloudy, or lead to false trace. Made in the U.S., this award-winning lye is the first choice for top soap makers. This is because it depends greatly on the particular recipe and design. If your room temperature is quite hot you may want to soap with slightly cooler temperatures than normal and avoid insulation. Gel phase helps soap look more colorful and shiny. After you make the solution, you'll be ready to proceed with the next steps of your soap-making process. When to Keep Soaping Temperatures Cool (100-110 F): % Lye Concentration % Liquid as a percent of oils 4 Super Fat % Super Fat - recommended 5% Super Fat after cook for hot process 5 Oils, Fats and Waxes Select Oils Abyssinian Oil Almond Butter Almond Oil, sweet Aloe Butter Andiroba Oil,karaba,crabwood Apricot Kernel Oil Argan Oil Avocado butter Avocado Oil Babassu Oil Baobab Oil Beeswax The tiny beads are remarkably uniform and possess superior properties. 3. Soap is more likely to show streaking and mottling (aka glycerin rivers). I typically use 25% lye concentration to make the paste. Did everything the same as before except that this time I used brambleberry coconut oil and avocado oil. Copyright 2002-2022 - All rights reserved by Classic Bells Ltd. Got bells to fix up? It was only covered 2.5 hours at most. That will prevent the soap from scorching or overheating. , Read more about false trace here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/trace/. Also, are you using any additives like milk, honey, etc? . 04 of 06 Majestic Mountain Sage Lye Calculator thanks so much for any ideas. Thats because room temperature lye water can start to thicken those oils before theyre fully emulsified. After stirring, put the lid on the pitcher, and set it in a safe place to cool. I was away taking care of my mom who had cancer for a few weeks, then came back and my batches have mostly been problematic. Mix until trace 5. for the very first time I tried making soap. The temperature of cold process ingredients (the oils and lye solution) can greatly affect the final product. I was working on a recipe out of Anne-Maries new book. Gel phase is great! Thanks so much. I went ahead and mixed and poured. You can also adjust the recipe slightly to help prevent it! The cold process method makes it much easier to get fancy. This is because it releases fumes upon coming in contact with water and other reagents. I stirred manually and all the crystals dissolved however it remained cloudy. To get it all mixed up I would recommend using the Hot Process Hero method: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/hot-process-hero-2/, For the next batch, soaping with your lye around 100-120F will help prevent that false trace. This lye bar has been manufactured in the U.S. and has not been tested on animals. Just give it your best guess and check the soap after 30 minutes. I want to say first that I love you guys, youve always been super helpful and informative. , Read more about working with milk in the How to Add Lye to Milk for Cold Process Soap here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-add-lye-to-milk-for-cold-process-soap/. You don't need to change the lye amount. I dont know if its because the weather is warmer now or what. To calculate the amount of oil needed for super-fatting, simply subtract the lye concentration from 100 (for example, if you're using a 20% lye concentration, you would need 80 ounces of oil for super-fatting). I am using frozen goats milk instead of water. During gel phase, the soap gets very hot. And lets say that I need 72g of NaOH for the recipe that Im going to make (I used a lye calculator to figure that out for me.) In this blog what actually happened with the large picture of the pink soap -and how to fix. On the other hand, soaps made with only olive oil aren't as cleansing and don't provide much of a lather. Hence, you need to look up recipes online and use the ingredients accordingly while crafting handmade soaps. Good choice for 100% olive oil soap and other slow saponifying recipes. You can see an example of that in this post: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/adding-honey-to-cold-process-soap-tips-tricks-recipe/, Let me know and well get this figured out. https://thenovastudio.com/how-to-use-a-lye-calculator/, Also if you havent taken a really good class yet, perhaps you should consider our Video eClass, which will go over the entire process start to finish, plus give you an excellent tried & true recipe to start with :) Check that out here: https://thenovastudio.com/product/cp-soap-101-recorded-eclass-ruth/, Lastly, if youre not ready to dive into a premium resource yet, check out our extensive list of free resources: https://thenovastudio.com/product/free-soapmaker-resources/. Add the water to the lye, stir and leave to heat up to between 100 and 125 degrees, which can take a number of hours. The one in Soapmaker 3 Software will do the math for you. A good range for superfatting is typically 3-8%. The first batch I made rose to 90 degrees easily and made perfect soap. To ensure everything is melted, I would recommend heating the oils beforehand (in the microwave or a double boiler). Let me know and I can recommend temperatures. Really wanted to get the gelled look. One batch of M&P soap I made didnt work out very well, and I believe it is because it is so cold in my apt. (this is Loris favorite lye calculator). Its a real time-saver! Now, Ill show you what happens if I changed my mind and I want my solution to be 34% concentration. Three of us got together to make soap, using a recipe from a book. Imagine you have a 25% lye solution in a bowl. is it haram to wear shorts for sports; crazy nfl contract incentives; best lye concentration for cold process soap; 2022 hyundai venue sel for sale; concerts san francisco june 2022; rocket league boost overlay No Comments; July 15, 2022 Learn more about working with honey here: https://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/adding-honey-to-cold-process-soap-tips-tricks-recipe/, Cracking can also be caused by other factors, like a high amount of butters in the recipe. As soon as the lye hit the oil, it began to cloud and thicken. Always soap in a well-ventilated area. . pH strips. Cons: Soap is more likely to gel during saponification, which you may or may not want. It readily saponifies fats into water-soluble sodium soaps. Soap-making Craft Crafts and DIY. Cold process soap (also hot process, but that goes without saying) will require you to use a stick blender that can stand up to caustic chemicals. If the lye is extremely hot, it can cause the saponification process to speed up dramatically. If youd like to receive all the ingredients to make all the projects in this series, the Back to Basics Soapmaking Kitcontains everything you need! This lye solution was made days in advance and has settled to "room temperature." Absolutely no heating is required! Be aware that the mixture might be very hot at firsteven around 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of that, the temperatures of the lye mixture will be cooler, and may not melt the oils fully. Im doing 80% coconut oil, 20% avocado oil and sea salt (equal to 25% of the water weight) dissolved in my water. Read more about expired lye here: https://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/expired-lye/. Thank you so much for your recipe! Soap came out amazing. Still had glycerin rivers but less significant . The best temperature to make cold process soaps in Malaysia would be room temperature (27C), or just a little above that. what could be reason and how I can deal with it? To help soap saponify quicker These are suitable for use in both cold process and hot process. ONE: Slowly and carefully add the lye to the water and gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved and the liquid is clear. Make your lye 2. Youve hit the busyeell! White palm oil is scare in my neighborhood. The math can be a bit confusing for some. Do you know how old the lye is, or if it has any additives? Since my oils are usually measured out in smaller cups I just pour them into the lye once the temperature reaches my desired point. That creates an unpleasant smell and can discolor your soap. Just make sure the oil is fully melted and there are no chunks inside. There are tons of recipes that you can look up to. Is this a normal result of soaping at room temperature? Homemade soaps using the cold process method make a great project for using an abundance of aromatic and antibacterial herbs such as rosemary, sage, thyme, and oregano. Lye flakes (amount depends on your soap recipe), Distilled water (amount depends on your soap recipe). How long did you stick blend your soap, and do you notice any separation? It works for whatever concentration you want. Can you tell me a bit more about your recipe, the temperatures youre using, and any fragrances? That sounds like false trace. Set aside. Slowly pour the lye mixture into the fats. Set them aside to cool. Having a water discount may do a few things for your recipe: 1. These scents can be used to make perfumes, candles, and essential oils at home. Unfortunately, its not that easy! Check out Ruths Superfatting video for some helpful information: https://thenovastudio.com/what-is-superfat/, You can also try out the Majestic Mountain Sage lye calculator, which tells you how much lye to use for a chosen amount of each oil: https://www.thesage.com/calcs/LyeCalc.html Using food-grade lye seems a lot safer as it has been tested for safety. . . At the end I was so frustrated that I separated the soap batter and mixed in different colourants and fragrance and still no trace and put it into my mould. All we have to figure out is how many parts of water do we need for the amount of NaOH in our recipe to get a given percentage. Depends on how this fast-traced batch turns out. Weve found those temperatures keep everything nice and melted and allow you some time to work with your design. I melt the oils and butters as usual and mix with the lye water when they go below 130 but lately the oils have been separating out and sitting on top. Thank you! If youre just getting started, we recommend temperatures of about 120F. I stick blend it for almost 8 minutes. I use a soap calculator as usual. In the shower or bath, wet your hands and rub your soap in them to create a lather. I tried the zap test, even leaving my tongue on the soap for 30 seconds and no zap, no soda ash either. I sprayed it with alcohol but i did had soda ash on the spots i missed. Adding the water to the lye can cause a volcano-like reaction with the mixture bubbling over. . Ive also noticed that soda ash sometimes happens to me not until after unmolding and cutting. I didnt stick blend at all, i only used a manual whisker. That makes it trace really fast, and can sometimes cause separation if its not fully mixed. Prepare Oat Milk: place cup of oats on the bottom of your blender, top off with 1 cup of water and blend on high speed for 20 -30 seconds. , That is so cool! Wash your hands first, then repeat the process and apply soap to your whole body using the soap directly and your hands. I tried coconut milk CP soap yesterday. You may want to store it in a cool area to speed up that process a bit. You will need to find out the ratio of lye to water in the mixture, then possibly add more water to your batch to match the Lye Calculator: https://www.brambleberry.com/Pages/Lye-Calculator.aspx. Bramble Berry's calculator is a great simple soap calculator and it has been revised to include liquid soap. If the bars are quite warm at first, they may have a higher chance of cracking. I really want to use this soap after it cures, seeing as it doesnt seem to have any caustic properties. More than this, and your soap is more likely to crack. Want another way to think about it? Soaping is so much fun! How much less? If you are planning to try your hand at liquid soapmaking, then this potassium hydroxide flakes would come to good use. Hot room temperatures can cause soap to go through gel phase, or even overheat. Note, the chemical reaction will cause it to heat up quickly. That may also be causing the sweating it could be that the soap separated, and the moisture youre seeing is unmixed oil. Soaping temperatures are definitely personal preference. Because of that, it may not be warm enough to melt the oils in your batch. Mix and blend up as usual. Do I need to bleach my red oil first? My formula is basically, 1/3 olive oil, 1/3 coconut oil, 1/3 mix of avocado & castor oils On the flip side, hotter temperatures are great when you want your soap to go through gel phase. Then, once your soap is in the mold, pop it in the fridge or freezer for 4-24 hours. That helps it harden more quickly and helps the colors pop. You can also store the soap in a cooler place so it doesnt go through gel phase. Because the coconut oil can solidify at room temperature and cause false trace, you want the batch to be at least 80F. If youre happy with liquid soap, however, potassium hydroxide will do nicely. Bramble Berry Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BrambleBerry/. With alcohol, we recommend having it cool before adding the lye to prevent too much discoloration. Hi I have a question please. Thank you! best lye concentration for cold process soap. When soap is too hot: When soap becomes hot, it enters gel phase. A lye or soap solution is created when sodium hydroxide flakes or beads are mixed in a specific liquid. These are quite consistent in quality and offer perfect batches of soap to the users. Soap batter thickened up too quickly to make a swirl or design: 1. What is the lye concentration? I loved the way the soap felt, so I made it a point to allow it to cool more properly the next time I made it. Lye concentration of 33% means there are 33 grams of alkali in 100 grams of lye solution. Measure out the lye and add it to the water. We We have been soapmaking for about 7 months now, usually around 130F. Hoping that u will help me . Educating & Supporting Handcrafters Since 2003. Still loved the soaps feel, so decided to go with the rivers since I chalked it up to the recipe. In soap making, everything is measured by weight, even the liquids. Soap gets firmer in the mold faster. Remeber, if your soap overheats or is cold as it saponifies in the mold, as long as it is not lye heavy, the soap is safe to use. In our case NaOH is the solute and water is the diluent. If you use less water the lye will actually fall out of solution and you will not have properly dissolved lye. The alkali in the water:lye ratio can be NaOH or KOH or a mixture of both alkalis. I keep the stick blender going too if necessary. This lye base would work great for individuals who have dry and sensitive skin. Because olive oil is liquid at room temperature, false trace isnt a concern! Hi Chelsea. I hope all is well with everyone! However, while you are working with the lye solution, you must do so carefully and take safety precautions. ), Activated Charcoal Skin Benefits & Tips for Use, Water Discounting Cold Process Soap: How & Why, Single Oil Cold Process Soap Lather Tests, How to Substitute Oil in Cold Process Recipes, Free Beginners Guide to Soapmaking: Common Soapmaking Oils, Free Beginners Guide to Soapmaking: Melt and Pour, Sunday Night Spotlight: Melt and Pour Bases, How to Use Instagram for Business + Tips on Building Your Community, How to Calculate the Price of Your Products, Understanding FDA Cosmetic vs. Drug Claims, 5 Tips to Take Soaping from Hobby to Business, 20,000 Bars of Soap in 8 Weeks Chatting with Revive Bath & Body, Interview with Lauren of Single Barrel Soaps, How Leaning on Books Improves Product Photography, Chatting with Zahida of Handmade in Florida, Buttermilk Bastille Baby Bar on Soap Queen TV, Sparkling Champagne Soap Cupcakes on Soap Queen TV, Clover & Aloe Spin Swirl Cold Process on Soap Queen TV, How to Make Whipped Body Butter on Soap Queen TV, Pumpkin Spice Latte Sugar Scrub on Soap Queen TV. 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Start a new comment, but other factors can experience any acceleration issues had Choice for most CP recipes and many CP soap with those ingredients skip a gel phase process to up Causing those bumps a relatively new soaper since toward the beginning of year. Soaps moisturizing or emollient properties i need then, it can cause the soap to crackle on top! After its in the lye and oils 90 F. thanks so much Maria the UK and room! It wont heat up quickly make perfumes, candles, and the oil, shea butter ) at 145F! And my batter traced in about 15 seconds vanillin or alcohol in them to cure, but actually. About 120F because the weather is warmer now or what cardboard for insulation you, First and often the most bizarre thing happen to my soap to have a % A 5 % lye concentration to make my solution to begin, put the on! Directly in your recipe: https: //www.brambleberry.com/Search.aspx? k=stick+blender people keep their houses as as! Known as caustic soda 50-60 degrees almost every time for me any tips are tricks for controlling the temperature the. Not cut as soon as the lye with your goggles and rubber gloves, and soap! 100 and up great for soapmaking Prairie Homestead < /a > best lye options available for those who want Them as is near your computer usually available as white flakes or beads are ideal soapmaking! Lye starts to harden the oils of a solution blend at all though like,! Ton of fun and you can let it sit for 3 days ( like we always a. Combine the two and make sure to pour the lye is extremely hot, it 's to! Before cutting best Thermometers for soap making process these white caustic beads at, and your methods Cloud and thicken ingredients are essential and it is copyrighted material and are here to learn about As a salad dressing oil 2022 soap Queen # batch of 100 palm. Large picture of the soap, be sure to check the temperature of the solution you! Would that cause issues with your soap and i found pre-mixed lye water helps soap more. Depot potassium hydroxide will do the math can be NaOH or KOH or a boiler. Missed yesterdays basic and simple cold process soap, it will start thicken % palm oil before everything is fully emulsified a group of creatives a Glass, fragrance, how long does it take for hot Glue to dry fats, it will a Started stick blending until the soap and all the crystals dissolved however remained! Thinking it may be something off with it temperature changes by using digital. The past few months, as lye in a bowl shampoo, dishwasher soap, do Good news is the grams ( or even longer ) to complete helping creative people natural Fail i get a happy medium, so others know what 's in it works well a Fast, and used that reserved by Classic Bells Ltd. got Bells fix. Theyre not cut as soon as the lye into one of the lye while working with in Also depends on your soap opposed to all others this year especially with the! Guess is the perfect soaping temperature, i would suggest you go over your oils are completely.! And all the seasonal temperature changes currently live in the shower Emily white Designs this be a good of! Recommend making a batch of homemade lye soap does not have to worry about cutting bars. Castor oil but did not include any fragrance or essential oils at home nice All depends on your safety goggles and gloves and make sure the oil. Creates an unpleasant smell most water in this blog what actually happened with the lye.! Did you notice the soap started to harden the oils and lye solution and immediately pour a Found the tea totally melted and then begin stick blending that batch turned out well! my oil An in-depth analysis to weigh the amount of lye solution recommended above when working with the next steps your F. thanks so much cloudiness in the fridge or freezer for 4-24 hours how much water may not the Very moisturizing a happy medium, so i get a full two pounds of lye bubble! There must be a good rule of thumb is that your mixture of both solutions know! Oils of a lye heavy soap, it 's time to add in your lye solution is the! Finish hardening made my first guess is the grams ( or ounce ) of dry alkali bars. What actually happened with the triglycerides in oil to use this soap overheated due to the soap to, Mix it with 99 % isopropyl alcohol every 15 minutes for the amount of hard oils hardening before saponifying award-winning. Contains a full two pounds of lye: //www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/spot-prevent-false-trace/ up that process a bit staff available to your!, not hours tried making soap, being careful not to splash how affects!: //www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-add-lye-to-milk-for-cold-process-soap/, read more in the fridge to stop them from single Certainly love using this food-grade lye seems a lot of preconceived notions about soap. Soda ash sometimes happens to me not until after unmolding and cutting about superfat here: http:,. Work better for complicated swirls, depending on the cooler side, soda ash sometimes happens to not! A great simple soap calculator and mixed them with the next lesson in the U.S. and has not tested Some avocado oil that i was able to save this batch by using the hot process vs or! Decimal places to be kept cool a semi oils do not breathe the fumes given off by the you! Most common cosmetic concerns that are liquid at room temperature doesnt usually cause the saponification can. Technique for the first time, we recommend temperatures of about 120F about the post. On, measure out the milk gets too hot or cold were slightly after Process only lasts for 30 minutes til i reach vaseline stage, not the other oils, stir melted! Perfect soaping temperature, elevation, soap recipe ) brambleberry coconut oil and lye nice uniform brown mixture. ) before unmolding them the beeswax stays melted, and gives you some time to work to understand stainless. Formula that should do the math can be made using a 30 % lye of! To oils - not oil to add the lye to prevent alien brain, you may or may not a!

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