}. If you turn of namespace mapping, it seems to start working. Your final code should look like: Finally, test that your function can now handle your custom event type: You can also test this functionality live by sending a custom event with CURL from the Portal or by posting to a custom topic using any service or application that can POST to an endpoint such as Postman. , { Thank you for your positive feedback! if i select file and upload the JSON file(saved in desktop) and test it gets succesful. "clearExistingDictionaryEntries": true, contains only one child entry of an element Property (no other sibling elements Property). You use request parameters to set varying parts in simulated requests. When you send this request, the body will be empty, but the ID of the created account will be in the OData-EntityId header value. Turns out Postman by default does not automatically add the 'Content-Type: application/json' header even Can we achieve that in PI? newman run Test_Collection.postman_collection.json -e Environment.postman_environment.json -g globals.postman_globals.json -d demoData.csv reporters cli,html. Also, the params and raw are coming as empty @raw={}, @params={} Mauricio Junior. "body": { ] }', -dsn.algolia.net/1/indexes/contacts/myID?attributes=email,name", -dsn.algolia.net/1/indexes/contacts/settings", '{ The endpoint is required to echo this back in the response body to prove the endpoint is valid and owned by you. ]. "language": "de", In case you can evidence the JSON output (after XML to JSON conversion) in message versions, and if the message has been delivered successfully to an endpoint of a receiver system, then if the receiver system responds it didn't get any payload, I would start from tracing an HTTP call from SAP PO to the receiver system and inspecting what data has been sent to the receiver. Yesterday I was completely at a loss. Add dependencies. It is recommended that you use an Event Grid Trigger when triggering an Azure Function with Event Grid. Data is in key/value pairs: Key/value pair consists of a key in double quotes followed by a colon, followed by a value. In a REST sender channel, parameterization for enhanced XML/JSON conversion is done in a table Custom XML/JSON Conversion Rules. The response usually returns a 200 OK response code upon success, with information about the modified resource in the response body.. Delete. How can i achive the same from PO. },
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