padding: 0; Tata steel. padding: 0; display: flex; #block-views-event-search2-block .view-footer, #block-views-exp-event-search2-block-1 .view-footer { This is chiefly due to the large volumes and high concentrations of CO2 at many iron & steel facilities and the small number of large emitting sources within integrated plants. Using HYBRIT Technology. background-color: transparent; Some relevant data for H2 assumption comes the production study showing 650 Nm3 of H2 yielded 1 ton of DRI hot-metal [(Chevrier, 2018)] with hydrogen sourced either from SMR or electrolysis. (2020)., EPA. CCS retrofits are also compatible with biomass substitution. Orth, A., Anastasijevic, N., & Eichberger, H. (2007). The potential to further minimize CO2 emissions with equipment upgrades and operation optimization is limited [(Cameron et al., 2019)]. At scale, 35.2 million tons of hydrogen for BF-BOF route 1279 million tons production will be consumed. height: 35px; Each of the decarbonization technology, separately and in combination, has potential limits (see figure 12 blue bars) based on production chemical or operations. background-color: transparent; The techno-economic comparison shows that capital cost and energy cost dominate the CO2 avoidance cost (over 80%), making the cost per ton CO2 sensitive to both fuel prices and interest rates. Carbon footprint assumptions has different boundaries since they are borrowed from different literatures. Al Reyadah Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage (CCUS) Project. H2 production consumes 6% of global natural gas and 2% of global coal, emitting 830 million tons of CO2. 1 The steel sector is currently the largest industrial consumer of coal, which provides around 75% of its energy demand. A new commentary highlights the challenges of evaluating climate policies using cost-benefit analyses that ignore concerns about the unequal effects of climate change. padding-left: 3%; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 537549. } Compared to many biomass scenarios, blue H2 is substantially better in both carbon footprint and cost. Given increased urgency to transition the global economy to net-zero CO2 emission, governments and industry have increased focus on decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors, including steel making, which contributes roughly 6% of global CO2 emission and 8% of energy related emission (including power consumption emission). An international benchmarking of energy and CO2 intensities. Unsurprisingly, existing BF have operational requirements and designs that limit higher H2 substitution and full H2 operation [(Lyu et al., 2017)]. { It also has a better deep decarbonization potential, as the reduction gas is easily replaced with higher H2 mixtures or even full hydrogen [(Midrex H2, 2020)] while BF-BOF faces greater difficulty in higher H2 use due to facility retrofit barriers (see Hydrogen in BF and DRI below). BF-BOF route employs a blast furnace (BF) to reduce the iron ore to molten iron and subsequently refined to steel in a basic oxygen furnace (BOF). A comparison of electricity and hydrogen production systems with CO2 capture and storagePart B: Chain analysis of promising CCS options. #block-views-podcast-search2-block .group-right { } Suopajrvi, H., Pongrcz, E., & Fabritius, T. (2013). In this report, if the cost is represented by a single value, its the mean value of the range of the cost. Global crude steel production capacity has more than doubled over the past two decades; three-quarters of the growth took place in China and around 85% of total capacity today is located in emerging economies. While iron ore is the source of around 70% of the metallic raw material inputs to steelmaking globally, the rest is supplied in the form of recycled steel scrap. All steps matter: harvesting from woody biomass sources (LUC), biomass processing emission control (LCA), and charcoal production method. } In contrast to the minor annual improvements in the last decade, the CO2 intensity in the Net Zero Scenario falls by around 3% annually on average between 2020 and 2030. This could serve to develop international low-emission production standards for steel among buyers & sellers (akin to the Montreal Protocol), potential avoiding future challenges to the International Monetary Fund. Novel approaches, such as MOE or biocoke development, require specific dedicated research funds to deliver potential options to market in 10-20 years time. #views-exposed-form-resource-library2-page #edit-body-value-wrapper .advanced-filters label:before { Cement manufacturing has actually reduced its CO2 . Tangible and measurable target-setting in three short-term priority areas can begin today: The ensuing economic crisis in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic presents both challenges and opportunities in this regard, but these critical interim milestones are prerequisites for a sustainable transition. If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest carbon dioxide emitter in the world with up to 2.8bn tonnes . } Table 11 considers how much more decarbonization can the whole industry get if certain amount of primary steel HM production from BF-BOF is replaced from DRI-EAF. 7-9% The percentage of total human CO2 emissions contributed by the steel industry. For comparison, 73.9 million tons H2 served markets in 2018 (global refining consumed 38.2 million tons of H2; global ammonia production consumed 31.5 million tons) [(IEA H2, 2019)]. For H2 carbon footprint, LCA result is borrowed if its from water electrolysis, include the carbon footprint of electricity. However, under the right circumstances, biomass energy + CCS (BECCS) is a viable deep decarbonization pathway for steel production, and currently the only pathway with the potential to be carbon negative. . #block-views-podcast-search2-block ul.views-view-grid li:nth-child(2n+1) { For the chemistry of DRI production, hydrogen can substitute for natural gas at a volume ratio of 3:1 (3 m3 of hydrogen would replace 1 m3 of methane). Currently, regulatory hurdles and particularly financial challenges remain to develop and deploy these technologies at scale. Life cycle assessment of biomass densification systems. CO2 emissions per capita worldwide are equivalent to 4.79 tons per person (based on a world population of 7,464,022,049 in . Peter Levi Other studies have calculated that if the biomass used were to be carbon neutral, the biomass could reduce net CO2 emissions by up to 58% through the normal BF-BOF route [(Mandova et al., 2018)][ (Mathieson et al., 2011)]. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any IEA newsletter. } } We assume that biofuels such as charcoal only replace feed-coal and assume 100% replacement rate (table 9). It is estimated that at least 85% of stainless steels are recycled at the end of their life. In this framework, biomass resources may be best used to decarbonize steel instead of power sector (where more options and economic alternatives exist), requiring a policy preference for that market applications. Dickel, R. (2020). EAF steel production operates in batch mode instead of continuous like a BF-BOF plant. background-size: cover; These 3 hypothetical models weighted average match the global carbon emission from iron & steel industry. In this study, we use three hypothetic plants to represent the global steelmaking asset base (Table 2): One integrated BF-BOF plant, one EAF plant with steel scrap as feedstock, and one DRI-EAF configuration. margin-left: 0; BF-BOF operation relies almost entirely on coal products, emitting ~70% of CO2 in the integrated plant (BF iron making). A core challenge in the energy transition and deep decarbonization is the growing demand for primary energy services. CCUS (2020). With this approach, each 1 ton CO2 emission reduction requires 95 kg of H2 so the cost of zero-carbon H2 determines the associated cost increase of low-carbon steel production (HM)., Kuramochi, T. (2011). The innovative smelting reduction process with CCUS, which negates the need to use coking coal a resource that is in short supply in India accounts for a further 26%. color: #494949; The role of carbon in the iron and steel indust ry . Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2016., ETC. Painful outcomes such as loss of market share or critical manufacturing, carbon leakage, and job loss are likely with ill-planned or implemented climate policies. });, EPA. Power Quality Measurement and Analysis in Electric Arc Furnace for Turkish Electricity Transmission System. Gas-based DRI has an additional CCS-related decarbonization path using blue hydrogen, in which the CO2 capture occurs prior to use in the DRI reactor. Of the options assessed, blue hydrogen, carbon neutral biomass, and CCS appear to have the lowest cost and highest technical maturity. padding-top: 10px; The CO2 emission intensity of steel has seen a mixed picture in recent years, but needs to drop significantly to align with the Net Zero Scenario Direct CO2 intensity of crude steel production in the Net Zero Scenario, 2016-2030 Open t CO2/t IEA. Today, most facilities require continuous electricity supply, either from the local grid or from captive generation facilities. Recently announced projects include for example SALCOS (Germany), Liberty Steel DRI plant (France), Iberdrola H2 Green Steel (Iberian Peninsula), or Green Steel - H2V CAP (Chile). The Al Reyadah project in Abu Dhabi, UAE, is the sole example of CCS applied to an existing steel mill., Santos, S. (2014). Brazil is the largest producer of bio-charcoal, with 9,893,000 tons [(NationMaster, 2020)], followed by India (1,728,000), the United States (940,000) and China (122,000). The scrap collection rate is currently about 85%, with rates by end use varying from as low as 50% (for structural reinforcement steel) to as high as 97% (for industrial equipment). } Cost increase per ton steel HM with hydrogen substitution and carbon tax avoided. In: Global Warming of 1.5C. are not the same for bio-charcoal as coal or coke, and manufacturing performance standards may not be guaranteed. Worldwide, 30 billion tonnes of concrete is used each year. margin-left: 0; #block-views-exp-resource-library2-page .advanced-filters .views-widget label { Significant improvement is required on both electrolyzer and zero-carbon electricity prices to lower hot metal production cost to commercial ranges. background-color: transparent; background-color: #E2E2E2; The Al Reyadah [(CSLForum, 2020)][ (Sakaria, 2017)] plant uses SMR for syngas production and then feed it as reducing gas to a HYL DRI plant for sponge iron production. width: 100%; Commercial level successfulness for this technology is expected in 10-20 years [(Yan, 2018)]. Creating demand for near zero-emission products is especially true for steel as a globally traded product and as an industry that requires the wide deployment of innovative primary production technologies. Global Efficiency Intelligence. /* Item-specific re-theming of authors display */ } The main constraint governing this route is the availability of scrap. Direct emissions from integrated BOF plants typically amount to 1.8-3.0 tonnes CO2 per tonne of steel produced. Innovative technologies for primary steel production not currently available on the market today need to be developed at commercial scale and begin deployment before 2030. For each ton of steel produced, 2 tons of carbon is emitted. Emissions from scrap based EAF plants are mostly indirect -the CO2 emissions are not produced by the steel plant, but by the electricity generators that supply electricity to the furnaces. In a gas-based DRI plant, a reformer is first used to convert the natural gas into two main reducing gases (H2 and CO) which then enter into the reaction vessel shaft for chemical reduction of ore. (2016). } Allanore, A., Yin, L., & Sadoway, D. (2013). No uniform ideal solution exists and different geographies, infrastructure, and economies will determine the local optimum solution with viability and cost. s battery- or fuel-cell-powered vehicles for internal and external transports to limit the transportation-related emissions for HYBRIT. Energy Procedia, 37, 7139 7151. In the Faster Innovation Case nearly three-quarters of the annual emission savings in 2050 stem from currently pre-commercial technologies, relative to around 40% in the Sustainable Development Scenario. This rate will increase annually by inflation plus 2 per cent until 2022, and annually by inflation thereafter. Towards More Sustainable IronmakingAn Analysis of Energy Wood Availability in Finland and the Economics of Charcoal Production. text-align: center; NationMaster. Among heavy industries, the iron and steel sector ranks first when it comes to CO2 emissions, and second when it comes energy consumption. The project stresses the importance of low-cost hydrogen to achieve cost competitive steel production.

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