As the two march on, Qhorin begins arguing with Jon.

Elsewhere in the Frostfangs, Dolorous Edd, Grenn and Samwell Tarly dig trenches. He has never mistreated her and their son will be Lord of Casterly Rock and the North. Ramsay argues the endeavor was a success: The new Lord Cerwyn paid up. La Tosca is set in Rome on 17 June 1800 following the French victory in the Battle of Marengo. Davos steps in and, rather than condescend to her, he sympathizes with the unexpected responsibility which the girl now has as head of her house: "We have to fight. Following the French withdrawal, Rome was controlled by the Kingdom of Naples, supported by the British and Austrians. Arya's attention moves to the Valyrian steel blade on Bran's lap. Hesitating at first, she drinks and finds her sight restored. Shireen reveals she learned to read at a young age her greyscale kept her inside. Defeated, he returns to his chamber to find Shae waiting for him. The inept display prompts a decree from Tywin: Jaime can no longer effectively serve on the Kingsguard and must take his place at Casterly Rock. Tywin picks up on the fact that Arya is from the North and asks her what she knows of Robb. Jaqen H'ghar explains that the Faceless Men were slaves in Valyria before establishing the Free City of Braavos and the House of Black & White. Dany looks on approvingly, until Jorah shows his face. Dany explains they are not "beasts" to her, but her children. Spotting Sansa praying, Cersei mocks her and complains that she was born a woman, unable to do anything but babysit "frightened hens." She shocks Sansa with her regret that her womanly charms will have no effect on Stannis. Jon wonders to his friends, "What does he do with his sons?" Commander Jeor Mormont sits down to hold court with Craster, offering him steel and wine in exchange for his roof. When Bronn is ushered into the room, Areo Hotah cracks him across the jaw.

Arya, in the guise of Lanna, peddles shellfish by the waterfront. Trouble is brewing in Westeros. The Paris premiere at the Opra-Comique in 1903 was performed in a French translation by Paul Ferrier with Sardou himself taking charge of the rehearsals. When one boasts he helped sew the direwolf head onto Robb's body, Arya jumps off the horse. Brienne catches him and calls for help for the Kingslayer, but he corrects her: "My name is Jaime."

Arya finds Gendry repairing Beric's armor. The envoys are surprised to learn that Prince Doran Martell has opted to stay in Sunspear, sending his younger brother Oberyn in his stead.

Prince Oberyn and his paramour, Ellaria Sand, peruse the offerings of both sexes at Littlefinger's brothel. Crossing the courtyard, Sansa sees Bran Stark and Meera Reed. In darkness, Lancel calls out, but collapses when the boy paralyzes him with a dagger to the spine. When Stannis learns of Davos' actions, he condemns his Hand. 02 (4.62) What was behind that battered looking brown door? Locke presents the Kingslayer to Lord Roose Bolton, who toys with Jaime about Cersei's safety before sending him to the maester. Arya shows Thoros of Myr some of her water dancing to explain how they escaped from Harrenhal. "

Knowing the release or death of Jon will start another war, Bran decides to send him to the Night's Watch. The Lannister line breaks in several places and the Dothraki rush in. Jon's discomfort wanes slightly as he is embraced by Tormund and Edd.

Gilly, elated by the adventure, sails to Oldtown with Samwell Tarly, who is wracked with seasickness. "I will avenge King Renly," she tells Pod, naming Stannis as the man responsible.

Jon Snow welcomes Stannis and Davos in his new chambers but turns down Stannis' offer to become Lord of Winterfell. The Hound arrives just in time and makes short work of the men. Weiss
Directed by Miguel Sapochnik

Lord Commander Jon Snow prepares to leave for Hardhome with Tormund. Astonished, Melisandre asks Jon what he saw after he died and he responds, "nothing." "It must be odd for you," he tells her, "to be the disappointing child."

As the oldest Stark at Winterfell, Bran assumes the responsibility of ruling the family seat, listening to the many requests of his bannermen as Masester Luwin advises him. Maester Luwin lets out a bereaved howl, as even Theon is disgusted by what he's done.