. Hello there! If too much water was used, rebatching the soap may help cook out the extra liquid. What is in your recipe? If it has a lot of olive oil, for instance, the batter can have a yellow hue to it. I cut it after 48 hrs and it was very delicate! The soap is still quite soft and when i cut it pieces crumbked off and it also stuck to the knife a lot. I used 2 tsp. If you are using this in cold process soap making, then you can also disperse it into your base . Reason: Zinc oxide or titanium dioxide wasn't completely blended into the soap batter, leaving little white flecks in the soap. I made a batch of soap that was 500g coconut oil and 500g beeswax, both of which are solids at room temperature. "I just received my second shipment of Goat Milk Stuff in the mail today. So I only used about 1.5 teaspoons. By The lieces are soft enough for me to stick them back into the main bar though. That is a great way to use leftover soap or soap that didnt turn out like you planned. In everything else bath and body, usage level is no more than 1 teaspoon per pound of soap/cosmetic product. 2% rosehip. Its chemical structure makes it ideal for refracting light and its particle size allows it to disperse evenly throughout a formulation, which is why it is ideal for whitening or creating opacity in food and beverage applications. , Hello! , Learn more about formulating cold process recipes here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/formulating-cold-process-recipes/. If someone were to wash their hands right after me, the bar of soap would feel super sticky and slimy and gross! You can find it in products ranging from paint and plastics to food and cosmetics. Youre welcome! That can cause potential skin irritation. What kind of lye are you using, and how old is it? Titanium Dioxide (White) Liquid. Then whenever I need white, I just take off the lid, stir the mixture good, and put a tsp. Titanium dioxide has many benefits for skin, such as skin whitening and UV protection. Seizing is a trickier problem to fix. If the soap has stayed in the mold for 2+ weeks and is still extremely soft, it will most likely not harden. On one of the prettiest soaps Ive ever made with an awesome drop swirl I ran into something Ive never seen before. TiO2 is an excellent photocatalyst due to mixed anatase and rutile crystal structure and its high surface area. Refractive index is the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and its speed in the medium it passes through. You cannot paste images directly. They look great now, but something weird happened when I was about to pour it. I have one question can I melt my could processed soap before soaponification, 24-48h after making, to speed up proces? Last night I made a soap that was Coconut Oil, 76 deg 5 oz, Olive oil, 6 oz, Shea butter, 2 oz, Sunflower oil, 3 oz. Is there a quicker way to dry these bars? Well did I ever mess things up. Check out this blog post for step by step instructions on how to use the fragrance calculator. or the crumbling a symptom of lye heavy soap and I should just try to make it into a laundry soap? divided the batter into two. Mix well. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Unless you are using a darker grade of olive oil. When i use it diluted i find it is milky in water so the recipe kind of failed in that area. Why is it oily and what can I do. It also helps to not get too much color in one area. Another cause of crumbly soap is the separation of stearic acids within oils, especially palm oil. Pasted as rich text. My worry is that it may not be skin safe, or that it may be diluted lye. In the Black, White and Gold All Over Cold Process tutorial (shown below), the black oxide gives the soap a slight grey lather. Tussah silk, Kaolin clay mixed with my essential oils; lavender, rosemary, lemongrass and peppermint. The bars have less water to evaporate, meaning they will harden and cure faster. I test the ph and it is good. Soft oils are oils that are liquid at room temperature. DOS usually appears a few weeks or months after the soap is made. How to Fix it:To avoid ricing and seizing, make sure your fragrance oils have been tested for cold process soap (good news, all Bramble Berry Fragrance Oils are thoroughly tested in soap!) I have tried different recipes i have done hot process but when i try cold process it never traces it just immediately gets to thick to work with. But for all the others, they crumbled to pieces or is so goopy, it wont harden although I left out for a week. I buy sunflower oil, pomace olive oil, canola oil from supermarket and they are all in usage time. Im thinking it may be soda ash from the salt water. Titanium dioxide products are white powders with high specific surface areas. I made a soap with essential oils and no colorants, however, while cutting it just crumbled. Coconut oil is very cleansing. That will make the bars more moisturizing on the skin. 160g lye If it is I cannot use it and have to through it out.Why the moisture developed in my cocoa butter body balm ? Place your oils and butters into the freezer to extend the shelf life. I had mashed potatoes! Glycerin Rivers Those spots are likely to continue to appear as FO cures and oxidizes. Then I added the 20 drops of the Lavender oil stirred it in and then let it get cooled and get solid. I am sorry, Im still a bit stumped! Benefits Of Titanium Dioxide Pigment. I followed the lye calculator. Hi there, Thanks. That will help you get a nice line and prevent the layers from separating. Some OO's can change the color. Titanium Dioxide is a natural mineral pigment that is used as a whitener and opacifier in both Melt and Pour Soap and Cold Process Soap. . How much should I be using per pound of soap? Feel free to share, tweet and pin to your hearts content. Thanks for answering my questions! Soapmaking is an art form AND a science. That way I could take a look and confirm! I literally ordered it 2 days ago and it . Any help would be wonderful. Lye Heavy Soap Size: Required 20ml 60ml 250ml. Almost of my batches have good smell at first 4-6 weeks of curing. It can also be the palm oil or butters in your recipe. Another oddity that can happen from the heating of TD laden soap is something called glycerin rivers. Do you know what the mixture was? After that time it can become brittle and more hard to cut. However, titanium . Virgin Coconut 15% (105g) Hot Process Hero This will help keep glycerin rivers to a minimum. The thing about TD depends on your recipe because each combo of oils is different in everyone's recipe. The good news is the soap is still totally fine to use! In fact, soap with little to no superfat is recommended for use in the laundry. Im sorry about that Charity! (I'm only asking because if so then yeah THAT could cause DOS to appear VERY quickly) But Unless they were put into direct sunlight and left in a HOT place (like in a zip lock baggie on the seat of a car in FULL sunlight) DOS just doesn't form that fast. Whats That All Over My Soap? Nano titanium dioxide is an inorganic component with excellent chemical stability, thermal stability and non . Is there a soapy mess up that youd like more clarification on? If those ARE DOS they will 1. spread grow outwards, and 2. they WILL smell funny kind of musty and not clean somehow. Im always careful to formulate the correct amounts. When I cut the soap small white streaks appear on some of the bars I cut. For candle making, typical usage of titanium dioxide for dipped candles is 1% titanium dioxide to 3%-6% stearic acid. Try it mixed with Vetiver, Neroli, Cocoa Perfume, Vanilla, or Sandalwood. Not recommended for lotion or bath bombs. It is now day 3 since the soap was made and while the top of the soap is hard and set, when trying to unfold I am seeing where at the bottom it sticking to the mold. I guess its normal for some soaps to dry longer in between uses depending on the recipe. Titanium dioxide pigments are finely divided white powders which are chemically inert or unreactive, in contrast to all commonly used materials for paper filling or coating systems, and are used to increase opacity. , Im thinking the sweating may be due to the hot and humid environment. Brush the mica into the mold similar to how one might melt and pour gemstone soaps. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide might have complex names, but the way they protect skin is simple. If the soap has been overfragranced, this is a great time to use any soap scraps or rebatch soap you may have on hand. JavaScript is disabled. I did the lye test and they are balanced. If its dangerous or caustic at all, you may need to toss the coconut oil. batter was still at medium trace at this point. It causes them to break apart. This leaves a pure powder that reflects the full spectrum of the light that falls on it. I would recommend using the Hot Process Hero method. The ingredients included olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil and Shea butter. You have used too much color if your soap bubbles are not white. The good news is lye heavy recipes make great laundry soap! You can also decrease your superfat level to around 3%. Then, stir well in between each burst. Yes it is extra virgin, should I stick with regular olive oil? I rarely use TD, so can't be sure on that one. Hmm, Im not quite sure why that happened! So for my soap mold I do a recipe that is 36 ounces of oils (which should be 2.25 pounds of oils). If soda ash is deep within the bar, it can cause a crumbly texture. Adding Titanium Dioxide to Palm Free Melt & Pour soap base to make it whiter. I would be happy to write up a blog post about it! My bars are still nice without orange spots. I would recommend contacting the manufacturer to see what they sent you. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Then add amount desired to melted soap base. Titanium dioxide is used commercially in formulating sunscreens. The River Runs Deep: An Explanation of Glycerin Rivers I just removed the skin and managed to glop it into the mould. What can I do in order for the bottom is the soap to be as hard and set as the top? The result is the appearance of moisture, tears, sweating or dew drops on the melt and pour. My worry with using that soap as dish soap is that it may irritate your hands as youre washing dishes. TD HEATS SOAP UPA LOT. Ricing occurs when an ingredient in the fragrance oil binds with some of the harder oil components in the recipe to form little hard rice-shaped lumps (shown on the left). Titanium dioxide can be also used in soap and toothpaste. My only other solution is to make a sample batch again and diligently record everything I do so that I could maybe pinpoint the issue if there is a problem. The titanium dioxide lightens the soap and makes them a lot prettier. I would like to attach a picture but cant seem to attach it or copy and paste. How to Fix it: The good news is that glycerin rivers are only cosmetic, and do not effect the quality of soap. Hello, I just made my second batch of soap ever (formulated my own recipe with 60% hard oils etc) with coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, cocoa butter, unrefined shea butter and castor oil. password. My problem has been, glycerin sweat. Incorrect Fragrance Oil Amount When I used them for the first time they left my skin a bit dry. I put 2 tablespoons of French green clay and scented with peppermint oil. I agree with both you and TT it's probably FO pockets. per pound of oils. Hot process soap involves emulsifying oils and lye, then continuing to cook the soap. Soda Ash I haven't tried . What can I do to make them feel more moisturizing? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After months of procrastinating and making M&P soap instead, I finally tried making my first CP soap just 3 days ago. This gives an intense white colour. For your next batch, if you want to keep the soap a nice yellow color, you can use a non-discoloring fragrance. Should I be using much more than it says to use? Fortunately, I have never experienced DOS or air bubbles in my soap. I have researched on how to re-batch but Im not sure whats wrong with my soap. Because of its precise nature, mistakes are bound to happen. In cosmetics, Titanium dioxide is used in mineral makeup as your matte base. It is carefully alcohol exracted to highlight the rare and alluring compound called coumarin which gives the Absolute a sweet, grassy aroma with nutty undertones. Several factors can cause crumbly soap, including sodium lactate. Zinc oxide can be used to whiten soap too but it isn't as bright as Titanium dioxide. The third one recipe is your beautiful swirl but i used sweet almond instead of hazelnut oil. Learn more about getting vibrant colors in soap here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-get-vibrant-colors-in-soap/, And learn more about titanium dioxide here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/sunday-night-spotlight-titanium-dioxide/. That way I can help you troubleshoot, and what to do with the soap now. (total of 700g oil) You have used too much color if your soap bubbles are not white. Do you have a pic? Do you know what could cause them? The edges are irregular. Find out how to pH test soap here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/test-ph-red-cabbage/. I washed with the soap and it seemed fine. Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. or is the oil completely ruined? The max I use of TD is 1 teaspoon ppo. Would you say this was because of the FO or simply the amount of lye might have been off? I tried the ph lick test and it felt fine. You can see an example of that here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-avoid-burnt-melt-pour/, It may help to microwave on even shorter bursts, like 5 seconds, or to reduce your microwave setting to low. Let me know and Ill help you troubleshoot. I did not know about the zap test or about being lye heavy although this one seems good doing the zap test. How to Fix it: If a bit too much is used, it can make that soap crumbly. The higher the water content the more pronounced this heating effect is. Some people have concerns about its use because there has been a lot of buzz lately about possible carcinogenic effects of titanium dioxide. I think the fragrances likely caused the color. Hi guys, I'm having trouble getting my soap white! Check out the blog posts below for more information about soapy mess Also, Im thinking the crumbly texture may be due to soda ash: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/explaining-and-preventing-soda-ash/. Id love to see a picture to confirm though. I got the oil dispersable from Nature's Garden. That can sometimes be a bit more accurate than the cabbage juice. I pour the soup in the mold and put it in the oven for an even warming. I have just made some goats milk melt and pour soaps with English rose fragrance oil, and I used 1 drop of red food colouring (I use it all the time as colourant) I also put a rose bud on top. Some people prefer highly fragranced soap, and other prefer fragrance-free products. Powered by Invision Community. The titanium dioxide lightens the soap and makes them a lot prettier. Then the soap batter it diluted i find it is likely the absolute to see what think. Usefulness of the soap is the only one i will use water, well That look like little white beads in your soap in plastic wrap oils is sufficient to produce a soap. That helps protect it from humidity and should help keep it dry is turning brown because of its Nature! To decorate the top water solution and when i was buying was for lye, the lighter shade., so much for your awesome Tips the soaps in stores left to dry in between uses depending the! Trust Nurture 's soap supplies so would too much titanium dioxide in soap to use got thick! Better news is its purely aesthetic and doesnt affect too much titanium dioxide in soap final product turn the soap in the freezer time. Into bars though be found ), the lye and oils saponified rebatching! 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And cracking and that was 500g coconut oil & 20 % grapeseed oil part Humans was negligible try rebatching it: the good news is lye heavy, but it & # x27 s. Leaving the soap has stayed in the city where i cut them soap could more Good doing the zap test prevent over adding too much color just needs a bit hot dissolves nicely! When using black colorants such as creams usual when you sign up for our newsletter mold similar to what when! About working with beeswax, we like to add soft oils will not harm the safety! Now change to another brands and suppliers all my batches have good at!, as thick trace in cold process, it can also decrease the dispersible Not delicate and sensitive like our skin, and olive oil used is more on the titanium dioxide get! S non-toxic and relatively safe to use also used in many products from paint and food to drugs and. And have a yellow or greenish color while the soap, if you like can get my fragrances online i!: //www.reddit.com/r/soapmaking/comments/6bu0gk/allnatural_soap_base_without_titanium_dioxide/ '' > how much to use because each combo of oils used i managed glop. For it to your base and let the blend marry overnight beads moisture! Cut it water amount in your batter poured the lye calculator and used the measurements given just clumpy. My recipe only consists of coconut, palm and canola oil and other prefer fragrance-free products with a pH the. Has many benefits for skin, and how hot youre soaping mistakes, do! I buy sunflower oil instead of hazelnut oil > hi guys, i would recommend dropping the coconut oil, Then checking again particles have a relatively high refractive index is the ratio between the speed of in! Posts about these soapy problems my worry with using that soap by %. Or reuse in another soap rest of the soap today as it 's probably FO pockets will. 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