George Guydosh So no list then, should we really be surprised that 97% of climate change scientists agree with funded institutions without whom they would not earn a living ? This page has the dumbest followers. (National Weather Service/CC BY 4.0). Climatology is not a real science. Why? Green energy to save the planet (and many peoples lives from resource wars) means no more oil or gas sales. So called global warming I would like a so called expert to tell me, WHY they found wooley mammoth and rhino on the new road build A14 in the UK. Amphib Ian, Some scientist proved that are some climate changes on Mars and Venus too I hope nobody could claims that that changes are man-made too, right! We can put sulfuric ash into the atmosphere or push the warm surface water down to the floor of the ocean but nope the solution people want to go with is taxes and credits.. Climate exchange exists. In other words, climate change is now about the cost not the science. Climate always change . Its another commercial trap to get more money out of us, sell new technologies, generate jobs etc. Why does the former quicken the pulse, and the latter induce widespread indifference? This could cause one out of every seven people in Bangladesh to be displaced from their homes. You dont have to be a skeptic to try this logic on yourself. Individuals do not have to make changes in the cars they drive, the products they buy, or the homes they live in if they ignore the influence their carbon footprint has on the world. The energy companies are already investing and researching energy alternatives, but thats not enough for the alarmists. I think global warming is faker than my friends lol. They dont think its an hoax, they think man made climate change is a hoax and the claim that the planets ever changing climate can be manipulated is a hoax. What democratic leader might tell their voters they should change dramatically their lifestyle in order to stop the warning? Climate change is widely acknowledged to have a profound effect on the biosphere and cryosphere with many and diverse impacts on global resources. 1. There are, I suspect, a few different things going on. "Its main objective was to prepare based on the best available scientific information periodic assessments regarding all aspects of climate change, with a view . White evangelicals in particular are among the least likely to accept. I used to believe what the media, politicians and UN says about climate change, but after their assertions after assertions proved to be false, I dont believe it any more. The point is about giving older people full recognition in a world still designed for the young. First, acting on climate change represents a trade-off between short-term and long-term benefits, which is the hardest trade-off for people to make. Climate change is a natural phenomenon, the hoax is claiming that it is anthropogenic. Governments can no longer ignore such issues. This piece of information from Admiral Locklear deserves the attention of the American people, because the Admiral is putting global climate change and its effects ahead of the safety of the American people from other military powers/threats. Shoot, even Exxon and API agree that climate change is a problem. The present change, across the past several decades, is faster than what you would expect from natural (and internal dynamics) causes. In the last hour Fossil fuels remain dominant. Ignoring climate change in the short term has benefits both to individuals and to organizations. Therefore, you deny oil is a problem and you dont want alternative energies. Anyhow, i believe its slightly stronger argument than the speach of a person who believes that water has memory. In the US, for example, heat-related deaths are four times higher than cold-related ones. (Not even starting with the mass extinction of specieas and other ecological effects) So either we manage to do something now or the costs will be 1000 higher in 100 years. I think the one who wants to impose his man-made theory should presents some evidences. This week's poll from the Pew Research Center on the People & the Press made that abundantly clear: Only 57 percent of Americans now believe the Earth is warming, down from 77 percent in 2006. You people have any idea whats it like to get PhD in sciences? So they changed their shtick to a doomsday scenario, and if we dont act now by investing countless dollars into green energy companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy (Solyndra)it will be too late. 1C RISE (2005): BARELY NOTICEABLE xactly those scientific studies do nt exist.The rest are political manipulation and business fabrications. These are just fairy tales backed by billions and trillions of money from certain interests to push for changes they want and control of the population. By 2075, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans. To a certain point, its all the sameI feel sadness and frustration, disappointment and incredulity at the sheer amount of stupidity people are able to accomplish. Droughts or heavy rains that lead to floods are disastrous to people with no buffers or savings. It will return like it always has. At the time, I thought it was a pretty lame shot. We have a lot of evidence. They are already 15% filled with plastic. If you step into the street and see a bus bearing down on you, you jump back. Speaking to the victims of Hurricane Sandy and the 2011 Texan drought and wildfires, I could not find anyone who could recall a recent conversation with their neighbours about climate change. Ivan hello again, check the politics part of the link below The climate changes, always has changed, and always will change. You can just put under stress the theories. But anthropogenic climate change is pure hype. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,,,,,,,, by Anup Shah. Yeah, right. Here are some real scientists, will you be ignorant, arrogant & lazy too ? Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Climate change is a perfect crime everyone contributes to but for which no one has a motive. But it is a false enlightenment to accept only those ideas that align with ones worldview and reject those that dont.. Of course that It is well like human been to integrate the activities in the nature, we use a tree, we must plant 2-3 trees, and so one. Climate change deniers also argue that climate change is good for us. In particular, energy policy and energy prices should be considered, as well as other regulations, including building regulations and transport. Every time theres snow, some denier confuses climate with weather and thinks it debunks climate change somehow. The complexity of the relationship between inequality and climate change is also linked to the scope of analysis we choose to adopt. The emissions gap can be measured at multiple levels. While two-thirds of Americans believe that the government should do more on climate change, according to Pew Research Center, there's still a partisan divide on the issue, which has led to the misconception that all Republicans are climate-change deniers.. This Time It's Personal. Because there is a scientific literacy deficit which is being exploited for political gain. One crucial mistake involves mistaking the weather for the climate. It seems that we see climate change as a threat and are therefore able to harness that innate reaction to an external enemy only once it is poured it into the mould of our familiar stories, with their heroes and villains. So Christians aren't worried if the climate changes. Argriculture is the biggest and of agriculture, cow sh*t is the biggest factor. .some very extreme and clearly more motivated by other motivations. What needs to happen is, we keep going as we are and develope new power systems along side what is there now rather than just cutting emissions without a viable solution. 1. A s world leaders meet today at the United Nations in New York, they will face intense pressure to act. Individuals? Once everyone believes the problem, the alarmist gets to charge whatever price they want for the promise of green alternatives. Theyll learn believe anything based on whats convenient to them, rather than what the evidence shows. Because human been produces CO2 ?!?! According to the last Woolley Mammoth global warming is cyclical therefore any and all propaganda that states global warming is man-made is in fact a cruel hoax. George Guydosh Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Thats not true, of course. It has . Since then, there has been a confusion of data/analysis/predictions. By appropriately reducing global emissions, climate change can be slowed down and then stopped altogether. Deniers suggest climate change is just part of the natural cycle. RecentUN Climate Change Conferences have led to a general acceptance of such measures without any real obligations. What is next change? This raises a larger question about our own psychology: why do most people understand that climate change is a major threat yet, when asked to name the greatest dangers to civilisation, still seem unable to bring it to mind? Why is it that Iwho has chosen a career that allows me to fight this issue and changed a fair few lightbulbs in my timefind myself worrying at least as much about paying the bills or pleasing my latest clients as I do fretting over the future my children will inherit? The military coup was fomented by Jos de Magalhes Pinto, Adhemar de Barros, and Carlos . We act when things are brought closer to home and when they are made relevant to our daily lives. Maybe if we tell people the brain is an app, theyll start using it. In 25 years of negotiations, no measure to control fossil fuel production has ever been discussed. Because their school failed, and sadly they have no idea. Global warming is the overall phenomenon, which can be felt locally as climate change. Stanley Meyer. So do the 310,000 protestors who jammed 30 blocks of Manhattan, and the tens of thousands more in London on Sunday shouting with heartfelt conviction that climate change is real, happening now and entirely actionable. lol . Because some feel their ideology doesnt have the answer, and leftist ideology has, so they oppose the science as they oppose the leftist policy. Show me the evidence. The risk is happening. In the past there has been periods of HIGHER Temperatures and Mini Ice Ages. In the US there is a big tradition of manipulating the public opinion with huge campaigns financed by political groups and or companies. If the climate scientists claim 97% of scientist believe in climate change where is the list of scientists ? They found the ratio remained constant over the last 30 years but the level of solar energy coming in increased during the same years climate-science is claiming warmed because of carbon). So setting aside just 1 percent to deal with climate change would make little overall difference and would save the world a huge amount of money. Because climate change is a hyper symplification of the issue. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one. GLOBAL AVERAGE 2,5C RISE EXPECTED BY 2038 AT A 3% p.a. 5C RISE (2067): GLOBALLY CATASTROPHIC EFFECTS Spot on! 0.9 Celsius per century is global warming..give us a break! The military dictatorship in Brazil (Portuguese: ditadura militar) was established on 1 April 1964, after a coup d'tat by the Brazilian Armed Forces, with support from the United States government, against President Joo Goulart.The Brazilian dictatorship lasted for 21 years, until 15 March 1985. Easy. Refigees hare a hoax and we have to deal with them, You forgot the word not between is and a. Humans dont even cover .1% of earth and people believe these clowns? Continue Reading David So thats a no, you have no evidence but expect people to believe you. With US elections looming, and with new research underlining how we are underestimating the costs of this crisis, I got to mulling this over again. Ivan Burrows yah, great, but to disprove it you need data and statistical analyses to prove that the model is less valid than another model. It is even totally unimportant whether the climate change is manmade or not. Daniel Pluskota Ok but lets stay in the context of statistical analysis, you have to test the hypothesis that your model is not significant, right? Although it is correct that climate has been changing for billions of years, and the temperature has been rising and falling, the global temperature is rising at an exponentially greater rate than it ever has before, and there is plenty of evidence showing that this is because of greenhouse gasses becoming trapped in the atmosphere by the ozone. Because information is very partial. Wake up to the nonsense of climate change. Daniele Sicoli to prove its right u have to show evidence =D its called validation. I see the opposite. Switching to renewable energy and electric vehicles, for example, reduces air pollution, which improves people's overall health. No more global warming? FYI: scientists corrected the name of the phenomenon because climate change was a more accurate description than global warming. As for humans, yes we contribute to it with with extra CO2 from our industries and speeding it up, but even if we quit that, we wont stop it. No viable reason for removing glyphosate ! They can make all the noise they want, but those 190+ nations are not going to change what they are doing. Really? What you did means nothing. What is man-made is Chemtrail weather manipulation. Because there is no evidence, only models and theories which turn out to be wrong. Because the governments hurried to impose some taxes based on climate changes! I dont deny climate change. Point is how much of it is really caused by human activity. People overeat in the present, despite the problems that obesity can cause in the future. You are not going to convince any of those multi-national companies nor any of those 195 governments to stop doing what they are already doing. Japan. Fake news or inconvenient truth? This place reaches -50F but Antarctica it reaches -60 C and -70F and thats pretty cold and if the glaciers are melting and the world is actually getting hotter im sure temperatures wouldnt get above 150 in some places and as humans we adapt. That's not because climate change isn't happening or because humans aren't responsible for itthe excuses for non-action given by many people. Vulnerable people die of the cold because of poor housing and not being able to afford to heat their homes. So if we are to really mobilise action on climate change it is vital that we recognise that it exists in two forms: the scientific facts and the far more potent social facts of constructed narratives or deliberate silence. Between 1990 and 2016, Chile's emissions increased by 115%, which shows the country has a poor history of tackling climate change. Deniers also point out that plants need atmospheric carbon dioxide to grow so having more of it acts like a fertiliser. Anyone with a brain can read and research and thus knows that human activity has sped up the natural progression of climate change. they have crossed the limits. People are often highly motivated to avoid threats. Or that climate scientists are fixing the data to show the climate is changing (a global conspiracy that would take thousands of scientists in more than a 100 countries to pull off). Only pompous fools think they can change the natural processes of the earth. Since such measures are often presented in public as the irrefutable implications of climate changebeing a consequence of man-made emissions, then the veracity of climate science is denied. Climate change is a fact but the activities of mankind to control it is definetely is more and more a booming business than a non-profit solution :-( . You can also initiate a serious discussion about values among your peers and within your organization. If there was a simple way to cause some cooling at the north poll, alarmists would oppose it, that solution is too easy. A million years in Earth terms is a blink of the eye in the grand scheme of things and we are still coming out of the Ice age. They didnt get it, so it doesnt exist. Have them state their probability. This is deeply misleading. A solid plan to support vulnerable countries to develop with sufficient stable energy and resilience must be a parallel . If you have a question you . Read the original article. A hoax is the ideea that climate changes are man-made, so the governments can impose extra taxes! Is that enough proof for you? It can be here or there, in the present or the future, certain and uncertain. People who know how a cars engine works, knows that once sped, if you want to stopmostly its not only enough to let the car slow down, but you must break. In Idaho, we had one of the worst years of winter while the tropics are getting even hotter and we are having more and more powerful storms that have become even more frequent than in the past. A UCLA psychologist Per Espen Stoknes found that as the depth and accuracy of climate science increased, the level of concern in rich Western democracies fell. So yes, Al Gores theory of global warming (nowadays called climate change) is a hoax based on data collected in the past 100-150 years and ignoring the data before that and other factors that influence Earths climate (for example that tiny little thing called Sun).

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