Command Master Chief former Navy Seal Steve Viola learned in his deepest and darkest times that there two ways of doing things: the right way and again. Vendor: National Mustangs. He has changed his name to Paul Miser on Facebook. Whats The First Obstacle On The O-Course? Russell lists more than 400 fakes--mostly Vietnam War impersonators revealed in recent years.An archive compiled by a national prisoner-of-war.Navy SEAL Hell Week Is Nothing Compared to Last Phase on "The Rock".fake navy seals wall of shame.MENLO PARK, Calif. (KGO) -- A former Lake Tahoe bartender has used his phony. Low Wall He goes by Ballen, Debbie. If you dont want to fork over the $10 per month to sign up, but still want to find out if someone was a SEAL, Shipley also offers a one-time fee for SEAL verification. Copyright 2023 The modification was mostly done by 3rd Phase MCPO H. The stump jump was actually taller but was cut down because a 1st Phase instructor got a nasty shin wound while testing it out. Cargo Net 7. I used to work with him and his stories always seemed strange and the military terminology just didnt jive. But what do you say if he comes back with a class that might potentially match up? He was a SEAL too,' ' Arrowood recalled in an interview. The Phonies can look at it too. BTW, Don Shipley just verified a guy from the class right before you. There were no covert missions in Central America. Occasionally, you will get a fake that claims he was stationed on the USS Ronald Reagan or USS Enterprise. He played college football at the University of Nevada. One-time CIA operative. Dean C. Ashman said it all began innocently around 1995, and his motives were purely altruistic. He got fired from our place of work and I found out after he was fired that he said he served for 15 years when he interviewed and was an ex navy seal. Hey Im just a gal in the UK who is blown away with this website. ``He uses this claim for gain at our place of employment,' wrote a co-worker. Quickly became friends with Paul, but became very skeptical because he was very vague with his service and had no deployment photos. I refused to kill women and children, so they booted me out of the SEALS, I was sent behind enemy lines to terminate a rogue special forces soldier bent on vigilante justice. Everything below was thoroughly researched and checked for accuracy. He used the same bullshit that I just read. No true operator would diss the other services in public. Immediately walking in to the grinder, you make a right and will see the bell right in front of the first phase office. (Source), 2. Additionally, many phony SEALs will spell awards and citations incorrectly. Its pretty simple. I have nothing but contempt for the piece of crap Ive just been reading about. The site received one complaint about a man who spins his yarns at an Oceanfront nightspot in Virginia Beach. 6. Burma Bridge The man said he was disabled after his helo got shot down over Panama, and Shipley made a point of toasting him in front of a class. With that said, if you want 100% proof, get in touch with Don Shipley. I cant believe this joker pretending to be a seal and luring people into thinking your a hero. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. The USN stopped flying combat missions in 1973 although, an aircraft carrier remained on station until 1975. However, Stolen Valour points out he previously claimed to have retired from the USMC in 1985, before any conflicts involving North America ever took place in Afghanistan. . Like red, gold, June 28, 2005: 19 Americans died including 11, 363 shares England's Lionesses put Love Island's preening prima donnas to, Consider carefully the added cost of advice, Use past performance only to determine consistency and risk, It's futile to predict the economy and interest rates, You have plenty of time to identify and recognize exceptional companies, Good management is very important - buy good businesses, Be flexible and humble, and learn from mistakes, Before you make a purchase, you should be able to explain why you are buying. Recipient of meritorious decorations, which he displayed on a wall in his apartment. Related Article BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now? 16. After contacting the UDT/SEAL archives and checking the UDT/SEAL database we found that there is NO record of Paul Puccilloeverbeing or training to become a Navy SEAL. Related Article Navy SEAL Ranks And Pay: How Much Do SEALS Make Anyway? ', ``That was the most profound thing I've ever heard,' Schantag said. Many rescue swimmers and AWs were potential recruits due to the nature of our training. ``Skip' Moeller, 54, who drove the Chevrolet Cavalier with the Ohio plates, had been telling his war stories long enough, the old vet said. Neither do i. His wife is Amy ******** and is aware. 14. feeling like a fool.. Hey Amanda, Phone: 619-537-1133 The Commercial Drivers License DELTA Ghost. Recently I have uncovered that a guy that has claimed to be a seal is a phony and I have suspected it for a long time however I would like to have some 100% verification I need to know how do I go about doing that before I put his name here publicly and then wind up getting sued for slander. Ive actually spoken to him about writing for the site. I wanted to bitch slap him before we would close up and clean up and he would brag about meeting her on Thursday and Fridays and couldnt wait to meet up with her, Being happily married for 5 years and about to have my second child that would make me sick to my stomach knowing how much I love my wife and family and would like to know what he was feeding this women to fool her like he did to everyone else. Henry sent me a DD214 in the name of Henry Sylvester Breiner who was born in NJ according to his SS#. ``Ever since then, I've had a burning hatred for the people who would steal their honor.'. A couple years ago he met a retired Air Force colonel and Medal of Honor winner . He told a girlfriend ``he had been involved in covert operations and knew how to make bombs.'. I was in the aspiring seal group on Facebook. Sooner or later it will catch up with him. Truly amazing how much time and effort these guys put into these fake profiles. 6. 17. Some pretenders to glory spin wondrous yarns. Continued on to quote scenes from the Charlie Sheen/ Michael Bien movie Navy Seals. Does anyone know where he lives in Arlington I know a few people who would like to speak with him. Arrowood's classroom was two doors from Ashman's. 12/30/22 00:08:15. We guess when you are making up crap it justcomes out like a rambling fool! I am slow at getting around to this story about the douche bag piece of shit named Paul. 2000 Trident Way any way you can verify if JAMES KRAUSE, age approx. Works friday nights for sure. After seeing his shoddy work and lackluster motivation, my husband questioned him about his service. Im about to report his name to my brotherhood to find out if hes been there with his B.S. One way to prove whether or not someone was a Navy SEAL is to do a FOIA request. cj. Doc Rios would be a famous example of this. Additionally, theres no way the phonies are going to pull a fast one on Don Shipley. He was a Mess cook in the Navy, too many Steven Segal movies I guess. On top of that, there are no publicly available records of BUD/S classes by year, or rosters for that matter. His resume featured letters from Gov. No longer lives with his soon to be ex wife either. Again, great article. I say no more!! No Bell at Little Creek Quitters had to place their helmets on the ground in front of the A Frame at morning muster. The rock of shame is a large rock (boulder, really) that has the names of specific members of the Navy SEALs. He likes []. SEALs are not stationed on ships. But I know it kept some kids in school. Unavailable. 12/02/22 00:15:08. Ashman had not. And just what was the truth? slander). There's always something to worry about - do you know what it is? And what would he say to an imposter if he came face to face with one? Paul has made himself out to look like a fool and will always be known as someone that has never accomplished much of anything other thana fabricated story. Students just starting out in first phase wear white t-shirts. Former SEAL. If the story sounds a little too unbelievable, it likely is. Retired Navy Capt. I think Mr. Long was referring to the guys that say they were recruited into the SEALs AND didnt have to go through BUD/S, UDTR, etc. The business seemed to have the earmarks of success. Related Article 6 Best Navy SEAL Documentaries Of All Time. So I knew then that everything else he told me was going to be a line of B.S. Bulls$%t. Let's make an official SOA phony list: These are scumbags identified by SOA or friendly, identifiable allies who help us track down phonies and name them to the fucking wall of shame. ', ``I made no boasts, no claims that I did anything heroic, that I fought anywhere, that I won any medals. They were in the Army or Marines and didnt have to go through BUD/S training. 12/03/22 00:17:14. Poor Paul, he cant make it through American Sniper, not sure why but we certainly hope PTSD isnt causing issues. Try as we may to find his records, the United States Navy seems to have no idea who he is. . Paul was a SEAL mentor on a facebook page where young impressionable men that are striving to become part of one of the most Elite units in the world gather. A couple years ago he met a retired Air Force colonel and Medal of Honor winner, George E. ``Bud' Day, who endured years of torture in North Vietnam. Since the beginning of Naval Special Warfare in early 1943, there have been roughly 17,600 men who completed training of some sort and served with the Naval Special Warfare Teams (including the Underwater Demolition Teams, the SEAL Teams and the earlier NSW units of WWII). A tow truck soon appeared and removed the Lexus. I was in class 68 and graduated with class 69, and named Honor graduate. But he did not provide the name. I was a Marine and they transferred me to the SEALs. Phony Delta Force Operator of the Week. I hope he gets what he deserves especially with everything going on in the world today. FM-EP031 - ACP - 02863. MENLO PARK, Calif. (KGO) -- A former Lake Tahoe bartender has used his phony stories of being the most . Does anyone know of his whereabouts in Arlington. Not saying with 100% certainty that he isnt what he says he is, but just thought you should be aware. Yeah, I thought of that when I was writing the article, and it crossed my mind again just the other day. This is somewhat related to the question above. The same goes for a commanding officer, guys he might have served on a SEAL Team with, etc. While the missions SEALs do can (and often are) be classified, the fact that someone was ever a Navy SEAL and/or attended BUD/S does not mean that their information isnt publicly available. I used it on cabinets to restore them at this house. Nationwide, pretenders to military glory have included a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, private investigators, judges, a school superintendent, politicians and political aspirants, actor Brian Dennehy, police officers, the operators of a Vietnam veterans museum, a Veterans of Foreign Wars post commander, preachers, janitors, murderers, even a transvestite. 7. I had a brother who died in a motorcycle accident in July of 87. The car he drives bears the Navy SEAL license plate. ry wc rh lm cl rn rf mh ok ze et ik cm kr bu Membership to his site also includes free and unlimited SEAL verification. Very disappointed in paul for doing this, and really wish he didnt fake but you cant truly fix being a POS because habits follow you no matter what. And I spoke with him this morning super chill/humble guy! He works at little villa now on wolf rd. 20. Hell start dropping the SEAL bomb, and if you ask him what Team he was assigned to, he may say something like I was over at Team 2 in San Diego. If he is going to make up stuffwe expected better than this. And all of a sudden hes got an incurable disease, and I think I know what it is, its called Small Penis Syndrome. Do you know when Class 165 graduated? Hes at venutis in Addison. If someone is claiming that, they are lying to you. If a guy is claiming to be a SEAL and mentions something like this, hes probably a fake. Amazingly, he shut the hell up and tried to change the subject. Hey Kurt, Detached with them to the Caribbean for a year. Next time I run into a braggart, I will throw a question or two at them! ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, 6 Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Military Service. Not sure when or why that changed, but I do remember a bunch of people getting the callous torn on that one because of being wet for so long and the skin was soft. Paul had a post regarding HIS SEAL platoon during September 11, 2001, its a long read but worth seeing where his mind is at: In the post above he refers his platoon as naval commandos. Hooyah Logs Between 1947 and 2013, only 3,208 people had successfully qualified as a US Air Force Pararescue, with approximately 500 . 05/30/2017 by hombrerana1221. About Shame Wall Of Seals Navy Fake. A "Wall of Shame" compiled by former Navy SEAL R.D. I am a retired Navy veteran and it pains me to see all the phonies that claim to be SEALS! You disgraced all who haved served and died for this country. Contacted by phone recently, Moeller refused to discuss claims he may have made about being a SEAL or a decorated veteran. One technique Ive seen Shipley use is to ask the phony if he could guide him to the bell from the front entrance of the BUD/S compound. In July, after OmniTrade had fallen behind on its rent and was preparing to leave the office building, two men showed up at Nolan's office and repossessed the exotic fish he kept, leaving behind the empty tank, employees said. He was in a single digit BUDs class. I got the impression here that he was involved in the insurance business. Never says he completed or became a SEAL. Yeah the only way youll be able to get info on that would be to contact the Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) in San Diego and do a FOIA request. He always used to brag about being like an old school Italian mobster also that would have a wife and girlfriend. What a joke. The star-shaped medal, which hangs from a blue sash adorned with 13 white stars, has lost its original sheen and is tarnished with age. Spider Wall You can learn how to make a FOIA request in this article. As Everette checked out the car parked in the Woodberry Forest apartment complex in Virginia Beach on an autumn afternoon, two men approached. Everette has posted the bios of nearly five dozen would-be Medal of Honor winners on his Internet ``Hall of Shame.' Go get em Don. Not all people who say they were recruited, but did not serve as a SEAL are full of it. So how exactly do you check to see if someone was a Navy SEAL? However, there is NO such thing as a SEAL Team 9. Of course he has an American Flag flying, to included a Navy SEAL flag. wow. ``I asked him how he got through the hellhole in Hanoi,' Schantag said. A website dedicated to exposing fake SEALs had given him a five-star rating on its "Wall of Shame," its most ignoble designation, meaning the "claimant is 'incorrigible' and continues to make.The officer version of an Enlisted Pararescue is the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO). I got a return email, but if theres an actual letter, that would be nice to have. At the time, Little Creek was not only the East Coast Amphib base, but also had a training command Beach Masters, School of Music are two that come to mind. Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley BUSTS Phony Navy SEAL Robert "Robbie" Robinson from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Incline Wall Easy way to spot and procure a Navy Seal or any fake person who does this ask them to post a screenshot of their DoD record, since they are so eager to divulge to the public on FB. Rope Swing He ``claims his body is a registered lethal weapon. etc. which would have been accurate in 1990-1991. ``I had some students that were very, very marginal,' Ashman said. Some claim to have been with special operations forces, such as SEALs, Rangers and Green Berets. If youve ever been to BUD/S, you know what the bell is. 2. Not to bum out anyones day but at the Coronado facility, the Phil Bucklew building has been torn down, there is construction currently on the site. Part 3 BENJAMIN CRAIG SLAMAN the FOX News SEAL CIA Jerkoff Dude. I was so disgusted by this wanna-be John Wayne, by the time I scrolled down to the videos posted here, the thought of actually hearing anything out of this losers mouth was just too much to bear. Arrowood said Ashman did not apologize and on Feb. 15, 2000, Ashman's name was added to the ``Wall of Shame,' where it remains today. Went through SERE training in the Philippines back in the 80s, what fun we had (lol)! Navy.'. As I mentioned earlier, there are 4 teams in Coronado (1, 3, 5, and 7), and 4 teams in Little Creek, Virginia (2, 4, 8, and 10). Qty.. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. A hero, You are married and have a child why even risk losing your family and or getting an ass beating from a real hero. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, that has been through the O-course as many times as a trainee has will know the names of EVERY obstacle on the course. He is not listed in the Navy SEAL database. Is there anyway that I can find out anything about that? Yeah I think all you need to do is ask him to send you one and he will. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. As far as the teams are concerned these individuals are persona non gratis. My son in laws father served in Vietnam as a UDT. Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Capt. -R. Robbins (172). Is there a place I could go to see how many Frogmen that my Father knows are still alive? ', Arrowood reported Ashman to CyberSEALs. 9. ``Was it dishonorable? OPERATE UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE,, Yknow, that does look an awful lot like it could be our phony SEAL. 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