Because of the Holocaust, the number had been reduced to 11 million by the end of 1945. b.^ Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Belarus, Moldova, Russia (including Siberia), Ukraine. According to historical Muslim sources, they spoke a language other than Arabic, which al-Tabari claims was Persian. "[147], The WJC recently started to focus its main activity on countering the delegitimization of Israel. The publication focused on exposing Iran's ongoing pursuit of a nuclear capability, domestic Iranian politics, Iranian foreign policy in the Middle East and internationally, Israeli policy vis--vis Iran and the efforts of worldwide Jewish communities in combating Iranian Holocaust-denial and nuclear proliferation. "[101], In view of the ongoing international controversy, the Austrian government decided to appoint an international committee of historians to examine Waldheim's life between 1938 and 1945. Japan formally surrendered to the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union on September 2, 1945. The "Lithuania" meant here is the territory of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania. [70], In the aftermath of World War II and the establishment of the State of Israel, the World Jewish Congress was actively involved in assisting Jews in Arab and other Muslim countries, who had come under increasing pressure. Nathan Mayer's eldest son, Lionel de Rothschild (18081879) succeeded him as head of the London branch. ABU DHABI, 24th October, 2022 (WAM) -- The Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) and Miral, Abu Dhabi's leading creator of immersive destinations and experiences, have announced that the contruction progress of the Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi has reached 25 percent, with the UAE-based construction group ALEC having been Many set up funds to compensate Jewish and other victims of the war. [41]. In August 2008, World Jewish Congress and Venezuelan Jewish community leaders met in Caracas with Venezuelan President Hugo Chvez Frias. Complete coverage of the entertainment industry, TV, Music, Movies, celebrities, awards shows and more at In December 1941, Guam, Wake Island, and Hong Kong fell to the Japanese, followed in the first half of 1942 by the Philippines, the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), Malaya, Singapore, and Burma. The WJC also contributed to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See in the 1990s. "It is high time that a strong signal is sent to Iran that unless this long-standing boycott is lifted, Iranian athletes will not be allowed to enter major international events such as next year's Olympic Games in London", Lauder said. It is now in the public domain. [6] There were over 110 synagogues and 10 yeshivas in Vilnius alone. To emphasize its solidarity with the State of Israel, the WJC held its Sixth Plenary Assembly in 1975 for the first time in Jerusalem, and with one exception, all plenary assemblies have since been held there. True the Vote leaders jailed after being found in contempt. Now considering that the project could not succeed with Singer at the helm, Funk & Wagnalls appointed an editorial board to oversee creation of the encyclopedia. Stuart E. Eizenstat, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Special Envoy of the Department of State on Property Restitution in Central and Eastern Europe, Laurence Weinbaum, The Jewish communities in the diaspora and antisemitism in Poland Moreshet: Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism. Fonrobert, Charlotte Elisheva (2002). [23] Professor Lester L. Grabbe asserted that the "alleged decree of Cyrus" regarding Judah, "cannot be considered authentic", but that there was a "general policy of allowing deportees to return and to re-establish cult sites". [60], In 1952, the World Jewish Congress called on the Austrian government to intensify efforts for the restitution of heirless Jewish property. Herman Rosenthal, an authority on Russia, was added as an editor. Addressing a press conference in Geneva, Stephen S. Wise assailed German Jews for opposing the WJC. Under Lionel the bank financed the British government's 1875 purchase of a controlling interest in the Suez Canal.Lionel also began to invest in railways as his uncle James had been doing in France. "[100] Nevertheless, he admitted that he had known about German reprisals against partisans: "Yes, I knew. They could visit only Arab countries and the Vatican City. However, then WJC Secretary-General Michael Schneider defended the meeting with Chvez and said the WJC acted only on behalf of, and with the backing of, the Venezuelan Jewish community. Elections for delegates to that assembly had to be according to democratic principles, namely secret, direct, and based on proportional representation. ), This article is about the period in Jewish history. ISBN 978-0-8143-2091-4. True the Vote leaders jailed after being found in contempt. Resolution 3379 was revoked in 1991 by UN General Assembly Resolution 4686. Most of the exiled did not return to their homeland, instead travelling westward and northward. [110][111], Audits ordered by the Swiss government of dormant accounts between 1962 and 1995 showed a total of US$32 million (in 1995 terms) in unclaimed war-era accounts. [24], Under the auspices of the WJC, 18 committees were set up in the United States composed of exiled representatives of the different European Jewish communities under Nazi rule. The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in August 1936 as an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations. In the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132135 CE, 580,000 Jews were slain, according to Cassius Dio (lxix. Still, the Jewish population of Lithuania grew from an estimated 120,000 in 1569 to approximately 250,000 in 1792. Located at the southern tip of New York State, the city is based in the Eastern Time Zone and constitutes the geographical and demographic center of both the Northeast megalopolis and the New York In the popular perception,[by whom?] The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in August 1936 as an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations. The main aims of the organization were "to mobilize the Jewish people and the democratic forces against the Nazi onslaught", to "fight for equal political and economic rights everywhere, and particularly for the Jewish minorities in Central and Eastern Europe", to support the establishment of a "Jewish National Home in Palestine" and to create "a worldwide Jewish representative body based on the concept of the unity of the Jewish people, democratically organized and able to act on matters of common concern". [166], Standing alone amongst all major Jewish organizations,[167] World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder backed Donald Trump's decision to omit any mention of Jews in his 2017 Holocaust commemoration statement. Jewish population centers have shifted tremendously over time, due to the constant streams of Jewish refugees created by expulsions, persecution, and officially sanctioned killing of Jews in various places at various times. ABU DHABI, 24th October, 2022 (WAM) -- The Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) and Miral, Abu Dhabi's leading creator of immersive destinations and experiences, have announced that the contruction progress of the Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi has reached 25 percent, with the UAE-based construction group ALEC having been [29] Riegner had received his information from the German industrialist Eduard Schulte. [62], In 1956, WJC leaders delivered a memorandum to Soviet leaders Nikolai Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev during their visit to London, and a year later the World Jewish Congress Executive launched a worldwide call to attention regarding the plight of Jews in the Soviet Union and other Communist countries. [173] Egner died in January 2011. Lasting peace can only be built on historical facts both the issues of the Jewish refugees and the Palestinian refugees must be addressed." [28] The Book of Lamentations arose from the Babylonian captivity. On 9 August 1944, Leon Kubowitzki (later Aryeh Leon Kubovy), the head of the WJC's Rescue Department, relayed a message from Ernest Frischer of the Czechoslovak State Council to the US State Department urging the destruction of the gas chambers and the bombing of railways lines leading to the Auschwitz death camp. With the advance of Arab nationalism, especially during the 1950s, these efforts were increasingly complicated. 2023 Sikh Holidays. A series of allegations about the organization's accounting practices and "unusual" money transfers, was raised in 2004 by Isi Leibler, then a vice-president of the WJC. Afterwards, they were organized by smaller family groups. The aim was to raise the profile of the issue and enlist international support. All communities and organizations affiliated to the Congress were urged to take immediate action to mobilize public opinion against the resolution. Two: The Dark Ages", Rutgers University Press, 1966. "[227], Lauder also led diplomatic efforts to persuade European businesses to withdraw from Iran. Many factors had devastated the Jewish population, including the Bar Kokhba revolt and the First Crusade. [179] In his speech at the opening dinner, in the presence of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn, WJC President Ronald S. Lauder lambasted a series of recent anti-Semitic and racist incidents in Hungary. [15], Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem, his capture of King Jeconiah, his appointment of Zedekiah in his place, and the plundering of the city in 597 BCE are corroborated by a passage in the Babylonian Chronicles:[17]:293. The Jewish tribes of Arabia were ethnic groups professing the Jewish faith that inhabited the Arabian Peninsula before and during the advent of Islam.In Islamic tradition, the Jewish tribes of the Hejaz were seen as the offspring of the ancient Hebrews. Similar agreements were also signed with the State of Israel. His repeated denials are not credible because his words and actions speak for themselves," Ronald Lauder said in a statement, adding: "This scandal shows that anti-Jewish resentment is still widespread, and unscrupulous politicians are allowed to exploit it for electioneering purposes. It declared: "Belatedly, justice has now been done, and the family members of those who were brutally murdered in Sobibor will certainly welcome this verdict. On September 27, 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy, thus entering the military alliance known as the "Axis. On 28 July 1942, 20,000 people participated in a WJC-organized "Stop Hitler Now" demonstration at New York's Madison Square Garden. "We will consider it," Pius XII reportedly replied, adding: "certainly, most favorably, with all our love." In January 1948, WJC President Stephen Wise, appealed to US Secretary of State George Marshall: "Between 800,000 and a million Jews in the Middle East and North Africa, exclusive of Palestine, are in 'the greatest danger of destruction' at the hands of Muslims being incited to holy war over the Partition of Palestine Acts of violence already perpetrated, together with those contemplated, being clearly aimed at the total destruction of the Jews, constitute genocide, which under the resolutions of the General Assembly is a crime against humanity." 14). :Middle East Online::Al-Azhar invites Jews to inter-faith talks:", "Six Months After Bombing, Argentina Recalls Ambassador", "WJC & the Iranian Threat WJC website", Clinton Kills Pending Iran-Conoco Oil Deal: Policy: Order will bar development in Mideast nation and reassert hard-line stance taken since '79 hostage crisis , "From Buenos Aires to New York, Jews Applaud Move Against Iran", "Edgar M. Bronfman: 'Iran is a sponsor of terrorism' WJC website, 26 October 2006", Iran has 'blood on its hands' over 1994 Argentina blast , "WJC: World Must Boycott Ahmadinejad Speech at UN", "UN Chamber Mostly Empty for Ahmadinejad Speech WJC website, September 2009", "Latest World & National News & Headlines", "20 years after Buenos Aires bombing attack, World Jewish Congress urges to do more to root out Iran-sponsored international terror European Jewish Press, 16 March 2012", "Jos Mara Aznar, "Defending Israel to Defend Ourselves" 1 September 2010 WJC website", "Calls to Ban Iran from Olympics; Olympic Obituaries", "Iran's Ahmadinejad wants to come to the London Olympics", "Peace only possible if plight of Jewish refugees from Arab countries is addressed, Lauder tells UN", "Jerusalem Declaration on Justice for Jews from Arab Countries", "Jewish refugees want 'justice' like Palestinians, some say it's a ploy", "Diaspora Jewish people world news The Jerusalem Post", "PM: Israel must bring justice to Jewish Refugees Jerusalem Post, 10 September 2012", "Jewish Chronicle Isi Leibler: Shame on those of our leaders who back Chavez", "Israel Player Ram to Get Dubai Visa, Congressman Says", "Olympics head rejects silence for Israeli victims", "Besiana Kadare: "A story of humanity: the rescue of Jews in Albania", "WJC and Albanian Mission to UN hold special briefing on rescue of Albanian Jews during Holocaust", "WJC Audit: $3 Million Unaccounted For ", "N.Y. Probe of Charity Cites Mismanagement ", "Members of the Tribe / The end of a beautiful friendship Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News", "Ugly Allegations Fly as Fabled WJC Duo Splits ", "Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, WJC Past President World Jewish Congress website", Nahum Goldmann, WJC Past President World Jewish Congress website, Philip M. Klutznick, WJC Past President World Jewish Congress website, Edgar M. Bronfman, WJC Past President World Jewish Congress website, "Letter of Dr. Arieh Tartakower to Union of Orthodox Rabbis of America, 25 August 1941", "Aryeh Leon Kubovy Israeli lawyer and diplomat", "World Jewish Congress mourns passing of former Secretary-General Avi Beker", "Michael Schneider officially appointed to WJC's top spot", "Constitution of World Jewish Congress Pushed to Forefront As Geneva Jewish Conference Opens", "Geneva Conference Approves Call for World Jewish Congress in Summer of 1934", "Preliminary Conference to World Congress Convenes at Geneva; Wise Sounds Keynote", "Geneva Conference Votes Anti-German Resolution; World Congress is Called JTA, 10 September 1933", "Diplomatic Pressure Bars Reports on Persecution at Geneva", "Exclusion of American "reds" Stirs Storm at World Congress", "Swastikas Painted on Door in Congress Hall", "International Jewish Conference Opens in Atlantic City; Criticizes Democracies", "Palestine Delegation to World Jewish Conference Unable to Get to America", "German Radio Attacks Deliberations at Atlantic City", "War Reparations Asked by World Jewish Conference; Funds to Be Spent in Palestine", "French Government Will Permit Jewish Delegation to Attend World Jewish Conference", "World Jewish Congress Hails Establishment of Israel As Fulfillment of Jewish Hopes", "Wjc Assembly Opens in Geneva; Goldmann Reviews Jewry's Problems", "Coming Years "crucial" for Israel, Dr. Goldmann Tells W. J. C. Assembly", "World Jewish Congress Opens 10-Day Assembly in Brussels on Sunday JTA, 29 July 1966", "WJC Plenary Session Opens; Goldmann Calls to Fight Assimilation JTA,1 August 1966", "WJC Plenary Assembly to Be Held in Jerusalem Feb. 310 JTA, 9 January 1975", "Goldmann; Soviet Jewry is a Major Issue Confronting World Jewry", "Goldmann Re-elected WJC President Despite Bitter Herut Opposition JTA, 10 February 1975", "World Jewish Congress to Hold First Meeting in U.S. Oct. 30 Nov. 3 JTA, 26 October 1977", "Goldmann's Valedictory at WJCongress: Hails Gush Emunim, Terms Begin the Most Honest of Israeli Politicians JTA, 1 November 1977", "World Jewish Congress Presents Carter with Sefer Torah, Goldmann Award", "Navon Urges Jews to Have More Children to Counter Danger of Low Birth Rate and Assimilation", "Bronfman Has Some Blunt Words About Israel-Diaspora Relations JTA, 22 January 1981", "At the World Jewish Congress Assembly: Bronfman Says USSR Must Be Included in Mideast Peace Process JTA, 30 January 1986", "At the World Jewish Congress: Rabin, Arens Disagree on How Israel Should Proceed in the Peace Process JTA, 31 January 1986", "At the World Jewish Congress: Peres Offers Palestinians a Choice", "Some Arab States Sending Signals They Are Prepared to Ease Boycott", "World Jewry Must Focus on Olim, Says New European Jewish Leader", "Soviet Jews Fill 'empty Chair' at Wjc Assembly in Jerusalem", "Jewish Property Claims (part 1): Restitution Efforts in Europe Showcased at Wjc Conference", "Wjc Head Bronfman Causes Stir with Call for Unilateral Separation", "In Shadow of Durban and Sept. 11, Wjc Sets Agenda for New Century", "Sharon, Peres and Singer Outline Their Visions of World Jewry's Role", "Jewish Telegraphic AgencyJewish Telegraphic Agency", "13th WJC Plenary Assembly 'We Stand By Israel', "Trump mourns Jewish Holocaust victims, vows to fight anti-Semitism in speech to Jewish group", "Conib Confederao Israelita do Brasil", "Central union of jewish communities in slovak republic", "Comit Central Israelita del Uruguay Portal de la colectividad juda uruguaya", ". "We regret that Mr. Orbn did not address any recent anti-Semitic or racist incidents in the country, nor did he provide sufficient reassurance that a clear line has been drawn between his government and the far-right fringe," a WJC spokesman said afterwards. [200], On his election as new Catholic pontiff, Ronald Lauder called Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio "an experienced man, someone who is known for his open-mindedness a man of dialogue, a man who is able to build bridges with other faiths". special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Stephen Wise addresses the World Jewish Congress War Emergency Conference in Atlantic City, November 1944, United Nations Economic and Social Council, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, World Jewish Congress lawsuit against Swiss banks, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims, Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries, International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians, Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at Bar-Ilan University, Learn how and when to remove this template message, International Council of Christians and Jews, International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee, against the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in February 1992, AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires in July 1994, eleven Israeli sportsmen killed by Palestinian terrorists during the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972, United Nations Department of Global Communications, Delegacin de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas, Comit de coordination des organisations juives de Belgique, Conseil Reprsentatif des Institutions juives de France, Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations, Women's International Zionist Organization, Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany, Union of Jewish congregations of Latin America and the Caribbean, World Jewish Congress lawsuit against Swiss Banks, "World Jewish Collection An Introduction by Nolan Altman", "A Collection Overview to the World Jewish Congress Records. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. [8] Genetic evidence also indicates that Yiddish-speaking Eastern European Jews largely descend from Ashkenazi Jews who migrated from west and central Europe to eastern Europe around the late Middle Ages and subsequently experienced high birthrates and genetic isolation. The encyclopedia may be regarded as the culmination of this movement, which sought to modernize scholarly methods in Jewish research. The Babylonian captivity or Babylonian exile is the period in Jewish history during which a large number of Judeans from the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylon, the capital city of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, following their defeat in the JewishBabylonian War and the destruction of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. British forces recaptured Burma. That same year, the United States Army Air Forces launched a strategic bombing campaign against Japan. In addition, assimilation and forced conversions have also impacted Jewish population sizes throughout Jewish history. In second half of the 1930s, in the face of a marked rise in antisemitism, the WJC attempted to intervene on behalf of Polish Jewry. 5658, Activities of the World Jewish Congress, February 1975-October 1977, Report of the Secretary-General to the General Council of the World Jewish Congress at its meeting in Washington, October 30 November 3, 1977, Geneva, October 1977, p. 6, Holocauste: L'Est avoue Libration, 9 February 1990, p. 17. In his informal census he relates the existence of significant Jewish populations throughout the country, particularly in Jerusalem, Tiberias, Safed and Gaza. In 1495, they were expelled by Alexander Jagiellon, but allowed to return in 1503. This period saw their transformation into an ethno-religious group who could survive without a central Temple. [6] Based upon the estimation of Roth, Edgar Polom and Werner Winter had questioned the number of the Eastern European Jews even further and estimated that prior to the arrival of the Ashkenazim, these Eastern Jews were at about 300,000. Pp. Prior to exile, the people of Israel had been organized according to tribe. "[206] Lauder later praised Benedict XVI for writing a personal letter to Catholic bishops in which the Pope explained himself. Japan formally surrendered in September 1945. Lithuanian Jews or Litvaks are Jews with roots in the territory of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania (covering present-day Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, the northeastern Suwaki and Biaystok regions of Poland, as well as adjacent areas of modern-day Russia and Ukraine).The term is sometimes used to cover all Haredi Jews who follow a "Lithuanian" (Ashkenazi, non-Hasidic) Women and Jewish Law. [18][19] One of the tablets refers to food rations for "Yau-knu, king of the land of Yahudu" and five royal princes, his sons. Trouvez aussi des offres spciales sur votre htel, votre location de voiture et votre assurance voyage. On this day in 1898, blues singer Sippie Wallace was born in Houston. For non-Levites, this represents men fit for military service, i.e. Most frequently the term "Babylon" meant the diaspora prior to the destruction of the Second Temple. He particularly mentioned Zsolt Bayer, who had penned a newspaper column referring to Roma as "cowardly, repulsive, noxious animals" that are "unfit to live among people" and "shouldn't be allowed to exist." [109] The report relied exclusively on US government archives. Customs of Lithuanian non-Hasidic Jews consist of: Jews began living in Lithuania as early as the 13th century. New York, often called New York City (NYC), is the most populous city in the United States 2), New York City is also the most densely populated major city in the United States. [81], The World Jewish Congress was vocal in efforts to repeal United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, which was adopted on November 10, 1975, and held "that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination".[82]. Approximately half of these women, who had been deported to Germany from over forty countries, were Jewish. News on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and More (Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives)", "Jews of Western Europe to Meet in Paris; Delegates from Seven Countries Expected", "The missing: the Holocaust, the Church & Jewish orphans", "30,000 at Opening of Latin American Parley of World Jewish Congress in Buenos Aires, JTA, 30 June 1947", "Brussels II Ends with Call on USSR to Implement Helsinki Declaration, Recognize Rights of Jews to Be, JTA, 20 February 1976", "Soviet Jewry Movement Marks Anniversaries", "Moscow Denies Shift on Jews or Israel Policy", "Soviet Jews Fill empty Chair at Wjc Assembly in Jerusalem", "Jewish Virtual Library-Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries", "Draft Arab League Law Regarding Jews-1947", "Robert Ivker, The Forgotten Jewish Refugees From Arab States, 2008", "Mapam and Herut to Boycott WJC Symposium on 'Germans and Jews' JTA, 2 August 1966", "WJC Committee on Arab Boycott Will Focus on International Pacts", "Herut Seeking to Prevent Re-election of Goldmann As WJC President JTA, 8 January 1975", "Goldmann Re-elected Wjc President Despite Bitter Herut Opposition JTA, 10 February 1975", "Elan Steinberg advocated for Holocaust survivors around the world", "Jewish Philanthropist Edgar Bronfman Passes Away at 84", "WJC to Be the Only Jewish NGO to Address UN Assemblys Special Session on Disarmament", "Plan to Build Convent on Site of Auschwitz Death Camp Sparks Anger Among European Jewish Communities", "Wjc Urges Pope to Use Authority to Remove Convent from Auschwitz", "Vatican Praised for Offer to Help Relocate the Convent at Auschwitz", "THE GDR OFFERS "SYMBOLIC" COMPENSATION TO JEWISH VICTIMS OF NAZISM", "E. Germany agrees to pay reparations for crimes against Jews, Houston Chronicle, 9 February 1990", "FILES SHOW KURT WALDHEIM SERVED UNDER WAR CRIMINAL", "WALDHEIM SAYS HIS PAST WAS MISREPRESENTED", "EX-CHANCELLOR VOICES CRITICISM OF WALDHEIM", "Waldheim, ex-UN leader and Nazi, buried in Austria", "World Jewish Restitution Organization Our Mission", "World Jewish Restitution Organization Council Representatives", "World Jewish Congress fires chairman Israel Singer in surprise move - Haaretz - Israel News", Hearings before the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, "U.S. and Allied Efforts To Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II", "A Chronology of Events Surrounding the Lost Assets of Victims of Nazi Germany", "Report on Dormant Accounts of Victims of Nazi Persecution in Swiss Banks", "World News Briefs; Swiss Reject Finding Of $3 Billion Gold Debt", "U.S. admits to melting gold of Nazi victims", "Sweden to Investigate Assertions of Nazi Gold", "NS-Zwangsarbeiter: Erste Zahlungen ab Juni", "France publishes catalogue of looted Nazi art", "Manhattan museum plans to issue Holocaust looted-art study", "Europe Nazi loot to return to Holocaust victims", "Hungarian Prime Minister to Address World Jewish Congress in Budapest", "Israel Council on Foreign Relations About Page", "World Jewish Congress demands action against neo-Nazis Budapest Times, 10 May 2013", "Ronald S. Lauder confirmed as president of World Jewish Congress", "Ronald Lauder re-elected World Jewish Congress head", "Lauder re-elected as World Jewish Congress president", "WJC's Newest Treasurer, Chella Safra Speaks About the anti-Semitism Challenge", Our leadership Executive Committee WJC website, "New Executive Committee of World Jewish Congress", "Jewish Diplomatic Corps to Rejoin World Jewish Congress", "Jewish Diplomatic Corps visits UAE: "Our preconceptions are at odds with reality", "EJP | News | Jewish leader discusses restitution of stolen property with Polish PM", "Patrycja Sasnal (editor), "Polish-Israeli Foreign Policy Conference: Twenty Years of Bilateral Relations, Jerusalem, 19-20 September, 2010 Post Conference Reports" PISM (November 2010); Laurence Weinbaum, Thoughts on May 3 Jerusalem Post, 2 May 2009", "VIDEO: Ron Lauder on the 'Delegitimization of Israel', CBN News, 2 September 2010", "UN chief vows to stand up against anti-Israel bias, anti-Semitism", "Verteidigungsbndnis: Warum Israel Mitglied der Nato werden muss", Call for Israel to join NATO Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 2011, "World Jewish Congress urges Abbas to resume talks", "World Jewish Congress leader praises German President Christian Wulff for giving Shoah remembrance top priority", "Lauder criticizes ADL reaction to Trump statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day", "Poland slammed for halting restitution plans YNet", "Serbian police ban neo-Nazi group planned rally European Jewish Press", "World Jewish Congress asks PM to rein in the far right Budapest Times", "F1 boss Ecclestone faces criticism over Hitler comments", "Jews call on Bernie Ecclestone to resign over Hitler remarks", "Ecclestone: Outrage 'probably my fault' Associated Press", "Amazon removes 'I love Hitler' T-shirts following protests Internet Retailer", "German Courts Find Holocaust Deniers Innocent in Two Cases JSpace, 23 February 2012", "Following Ahmadinejad's latest Holocaust denial, WJC urges Germany to scale back Iran relations", "On Holocaust Statement, Trump Ally Ron Lauder Stands Alone", "WJC President Lauder expresses confidence in choice of David Friedman as ambassador to Israel", "The Grotesque anti-Semitic Turn of David Friedman, Trump's Pick for Israel Ambassador", "Smearing Fellow Jews as 'Kapos' Disqualifies David Friedman from Representing America", "Ronald Lauder hails Demjanjuk conviction by German court WJC website", "World Jewish Congress urges US to extradite alleged World War II Nazi to Serbia for trial Associated Press", "Ronald Lauder condemns Norwegian scholar anti-Semitic statements EJU News, 3 May 2012", "Austrian rightist chief accused of anti-Semitism over cartoon Reuters, 23 August 2012", "World Jewish Congress Plenary Assembly kicks off this Sunday in Budapest", "Missing the Point: Hungarian Leader Whitewashes Anti-Semitism", "Hungary Premier Viktor Orban Fails To Take on Far Right in Speech", "Anti-Semitic Content Posted On Social Media Every 83 Seconds", "An anti-Semitic post is uploaded to social media every 83 seconds, WJC research finds", "World Jewish Congress slams YouTube over neo-Nazi videos", "Why is Amazon selling Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism?

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